What did Kyoko just tell him Sup Forums?

What did Kyoko just tell him Sup Forums?

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>I molested you in your sleep, mine's bigger.

>Grab a condom from the storage room and meet me in my room

>lol despair

Futa will never not be the best.

Fine. I will teach you fear, then pain.


>I've seen you masturbate. You're good.

It's free real estate


I'm pregnant and Leon's the father.

Want to buy some nudes of Fujisaki?


shit dog it's been more than half a decade since i first read this

Who wouldn't want to?

Bacon hand jobs.
I forgot if I came up with that once or if I stole it.

benis :DDDD

>Bacon hand jobs.
It'd be a unique feeling for sure.

I had a dream last night where I was friends with Kyoko and some other characters I can't remember(they might have been real people), we were leaving school but it was my real life high school, and she stayed and the door talking to someone or something, we kept walking and for some reason I call her with that dumb retarded song that just repeats "Kirigiri" and the rest join in, then I woke up.
What the fuck does that even mean?

Do you want to see my penis?


>Girls have two holes.

He can't keep getting away with it

Mukuro Ikusaba the 16th student, hiding somewhere in the Academy. The one they call Ultimate Despair. Watch out for her.

Girls have 6

mukuro is the shsl STUPID STINKY DOG

>Girls have 6
Butthole, vag, urethra, mouth, and two nostrils?

Forgot they had a nose, add two ear holes to that.

Mukuro doesn't stink what are you talking about.



Tonight you bottom, no lube allowed

Which Danganronpa character draws the most dimes?

That's not cool man.


"Right... Miss Ultimate Assassin?"

I love Junko

The only person that loves Junko is Junko.

I love her, she doesn't love herself.

What's your favorite Junko pose?


>No !
Imposter detected.

The one I just posted silly

That doesn't answer the question dork

This is her best pose though



Nah it's me I just missed the ! somehow. I just woke up

Hope you're well as usual.

Damage control

Why'd they use the same twist 3 times makoto? Why would they do that?

Togami, without a doubt. To this day he's still working the smarks.

>Damage control

oh wow that truly proves a lot.

What twist?

DR 1: you all willingly did this trapped yourself's here to wait out the tragedy.
DR 2: You all willingly trapped youself's here so you can kill for junko.
DR V3: You all willing trapped yourself's here to be on a sick TV show. Not the same exact twist or even the drive of the plot but I found it kinda annoying.

It should have ended with DR1

>I'm so close to solving this crime
>I can almost taste it

i just finished playing this game and it was fuckin amazing. i think its now in my top 5 games.
then i started playing 2 and im almost ridiculously turned off by a lot of it. is it better or worse? because so far it feels worse.

hajime is a chad stick with it
how far are you?

DR2 is better and so is V3

i just cleared the prologue.
so far i find the sidescrolling navigation way less immersive than the first person navigation, the ui feels less intuitive, the walking speed in the first person areas feels way slower, and the larger setting doesnt feel as good as the enclosed tight spaces of the school.
overall its mostly presentation thats turning me off. not to mention that i liked the cast of the first one right away, but none of the characters in 2 really grab me.
also is it supposed to be a reveal that everyones in a simulation? because i can already tell they are.


Not them but as for a sequel, It does some things better compared to the first game, it does some things worse compared to the first game, but if you liked Danganronpa 1, you should keep going, since you might like it by the end. I guarantee it does easily have one of the best cases in the series overall with 2-5 which I won't spoil. The cast might grow on you over the course of the game, as well as the setting since you get more areas after every chapter, like the first game.

>also is it supposed to be a reveal that everyones in a simulation? because i can already tell they are.

If you honestly want this answered. Yes. I advise getting out before you get spoiled on anything else.

theyve done a shit job at hiding it. the pixels everywhere, the impossible occurences, the werid glitches at the start, the computer boot sequence
its the most obvious "we are in the computer" ive ever seen

>My cock is bigger

Is no one going to help me?

if you could become a junko clone
would you

The first case is a ride too.

y tho?

why not?
youd get to be a copy of the very best person

You are literally me. Play it and move on to V3 which is about as good as the first game.

Best girl.
The sixteenth student, the ultimate cutie, and member of the ultimate disappointment.
Watch out for best girl.

Danganronpa is derivative schlock that doesn't hold a candle to other Japanese adventure games. It's entertaining enough but everyone's who's honest can admit that it's far from amazing.


That's fair. There are definitely a lot of other adventure games that are better then Danganronpa.It's definitely a series that isn't perfect I can admit. Personally I like how it doesn't take itself seriously, which is one of it's greatest strengths.

It means you have a cuckold fetish you beta

Explain how

>just another shy misunderstood girl who falls for the bland unlikeable self-insert MC
I think it was with her shitty fanfiction story that I realized that this series probably just isn't for me. It has a few good plot hooks and set-ups here and there but it's all buried under a collection of the worst anime cliches around.