I just want classic WoW to fucking come out already

I just want classic WoW to fucking come out already.

I am fully prepared to lock myself out from society till the day I die as long as I have this game.

I am sick of stuck playing these casual as fuck games which make me comverse with casual normies shitheads.

There is no NEET or neckbeard heavens anymore. Theres nowhere I can play 24/7 and use my lack of a life to destroy everyone else.

WoW classic was this game!

Anyone else preparing for this? What are you rolling?

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WoW was "casual as fuck games", as evidenced by the fact that it had like 100 million people playing the game

Not classic my friend.

For example to get the highest rank in pvp and thus the best gear it tooks a good 6 months of playing 12 hours per day 7 days a week at a minimum.

To get the best gear and best ranks in this game it took a real neckbeard to do it.

I miss those days and this is what I look forward to the most.


It will be casual. Everyone knows everything front and back, there will be absolutely no discovery and every single fight will go down exactly according to plan because unless Blizz pushes this with the force of a thousand memes the vast majority of the playerbase will be oldfags or private server fags.

PvP ranking was the grindiest thing in the game by a massive margin.

>PvP ranking was the grindiest thing in the game by a massive margin.

I can name a few things off the top of my head

>Preparing for raids took hours and hours
>Farming pots
>Resistance gear
>For epic mount gold
>Enchanting gold
>Rep grinds which were mandatory
>The whole 1-60 leveling process which took most people 3-4 months
>Progression raids which can require 6+ hours per night

Everything else require a huge time sink to do well user. Add up the time to farm potions, gold and then raid. This alone was a huge grind and took massive amounts of time.

Cunt you made the same thread on arcanine and were told how much of a loser you are. Just give up on life.

It won't be the same

t. runescapefag

And how do we recapture that?

Nostalrius was unique because it was a single server, with 11k active players online 24/7 because of the combination of EU/NA/ASIA player bases and time zones.
Server Events affected everyone equally, so there was a strong sense of faction pride from the community which made it all the better.

Blizzard servers will split regions, have a 3-5k or less server pop.
It's going to be shit, Imagine if you make the mistake and choose the wrong server to invest your time into and it ends up dead as fuck because everyone pools to the "best" server for your region.
Exactly what happened in Retail WoW, and every private server.

>actually wanting 11k+

Be releasing the classic WoW servers user.

Blizz servers may be split but they will have just as high if not higher active players then Nostalrius user.

Many more players and much better hardware that will allow higher populations of players at once.

You could even see servers with 20k+ players on at once.

>progression raids taking 6 hours a night
not anymore

Rank 14 was supreme bullshit grind. You had to spend just about every day doing nothing but pvp for months. The real issue wasn't that it took forever, it's that if you stopped you lost potentially all your progress. You can grind your slow ass to 1k for your mount, slowly build resistance gear, and build reputation but the moment you stopped pvping you went backwards in the grind. All of vanilla was indeed a massive timesink, but none of them really punished you for taking a break aside for rank 14 grind.

Don't expect it to come for another two years. They are only just starting to develop the thing.

The world literally can't sustain 20k people or even 10k people at once
There arent enough mobs and resource nodes to go around, not even close

>progression raids taking 6 hours a night

For those who never cleared vanilla it might take this much time.

Whats the maximum you suspect it can sustain?

If it will be anything like the various pservers since nostalrius (and it most likely will be because most of the people who will be playing it are pserver nerds) people will expect you read guides on everything, have pre raid bis, only use the most optimal raid comps. So even if you never raided vanilla before you will be expected to do all of these things by your guild unless you just make one yourself, but even then most people who join it would expect those things i listed. You can bring back the game but you can't bring back the people or the times.

>tfw still a minimum of 2 years until Classic

>>tfw still a minimum of 2 years until Classic

Where did you get this number m8.

The game is already fucking there. They already fucking made it.

They just need to connect it to battle net and tweak it however they need. The hard work is already done.

A group of neckbards can get a classic server up and running within 6 months so I'm sure Blizzard can.

Because it made by Blizzard.

They dont want to release it and kill the thunder of their new expansion. People have been estimating that they'll drop it when BfA is in its content drought period at the end and given how Activision-Blizzard operates i would say thats a far assessment. It will most likely be ready to go way before then.

Why the fuck didn't they just have it ready for the post-Legion drought?
BfA's been trying to bank on nostalgia with the Kul-tirans and boxart anyways

>The whole 1-60 leveling process which took most people 3-4 months

that still happens tho, but with 1-110

if wow classic were to come out tomorrow, how would you have it?
>current or old graphics
>dual spec added or as was
>rep tabards y/n
>the communities feature coming in bfa

dont say lfr or dungeon finder plz

not sure what this is

Hide and sage.

I want the game as it was, warts and all.
If you change anything, no matter how minor, then it isnt vanilla any more and indulging those kinds of people is what turned wow into shit to begin with.

open question friend. just asking how you dudes would have it

Old graphics with option to toggle on current
No dual spec
No rep tabards
Not sure what this is

It'll come out in 2020, maybe a beta in 2019

first video i found giving deets. basically more of a social media type thing i think

I work for Blizzard in the Irvine office.

We already have an internal vanilla WoW server up and running for the employees to mess around on.

They literally lost the source code.
You'd be surprised how often this happens, even in big as fuck companies.

no you dont and this information has been publicly available for months

>They literally lost the source code.
Gonna need a source on that



it will not have updated graphics

because it'd make less money than if they waited for bfa's drought

Oh hey look I found a fucking hundred copies of the source code for vanilla online.

Patch whats missing and its done.

this. They know wow is dying so they leave classic as a last line. It could come out year after bfa depending how it does in sales.

lol it'll come out after they've milked BfA cash from your bones