I have beaten every other possible boss in the game except for this bitch. She has killed me over a 100 times since I started playing DS3 a few weeks ago. Any tips?
I have beaten every other possible boss in the game except for this bitch...
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Literally git gud
How can you have killed every other boss in the game except for her when there's bosses that you can't get to until after you beat her
use Dark
Killed her this morning after maybe 20+ tries...
I meant every boss that I can possibly kill without killing her. I know there's at least one more after.
Uh sweetie she is a main boss, you can't progress without beating her. Why are you lying on the internet?
Blood sword.
>I know there's at least one more after.
Dancer is at the halfway point in the game. If she's hard for you idk how you'll handle nameless king, friede or even twin princes. Git gud.
summon someone
btw OP anyone who posts in these threads saying something along the lines of "it's not hard" is lying to you, they're losers with big egos, and they forgot how many times they died against the thing you're talking about
i know because i'm god and i can read minds through the internet
lmao kid. Dark souls 3 was my first souls game and i beat dancer on my third try.
if you hit B and hold a direction on the left thumb stick, you'll execute a roll/dodge. This will allow your character to avoid her attacks.
Watch the game theroy on her. I always felt the souls games were like rhythm games and it does a great job explaining why the dancer is such bullshit. her timing is compleatly different than every other foe making her absolutly fuck with your groove
LEL you dickless wimp. I kill her without even any leveling up weapons right away by killing the old bitch to trigger dancer appearance. How are you this bad?
Invest in stamina and rollspam
Always kill her first try. Again, I feel like I’m doing something wrong because this game just isn’t hard. I always play the same build in every Souls game, and it’s always been moderately difficult, but in 3, it just seems so easy. I always put enough points to use the long sword and the long bow, and then I pump everything into Faith and Int, with just enough attunement to use three or four spells. This way, I have a tool for every occasion. Maybe it’s because the long sword is stupidly overpowered in this one, but it just seems so easy. For example, I killed dancer by just walking backwards and throwing fireballs in her face. When she did her lunge attacks, i’d roll under her and go behind a pillar. Repeat and she died. I’m on NG+ now, and it’s easier than ever. Did I do something wrong? Something game breaking?
I wouldn't consider myself a Souls tryhard but come on man. I just beat her today at SL-65 beating her the early way so I could get more chunks earlier. Literally took 60 seconds with my heavy Greatsword+7 without any summons. Stagger her with 3hit combos and deplete stamina, roll away, circle strafe and stick to her ass. Run away when she does spin2win and once shes done sprint up and smack her shit. You shouldn't get hit more than 5 times, learn to read her tells.
She has huge attack windows where she’ll circle you for several seconds. Don’t let those fuck with you because you’re scared she’ll suddenly attack. Play aggressive and try to take her down as fast as possible. Pay close attention to the spinning attack and the grab. Stay towards the side or behind her. When that spinning attack starts run as far away as possible. It’s a pain in the ass to try to roll through, made worse by the frame rate drop.
dodge 3 times to the right, press r1 once. rinse and repeat.
>Did I do something wrong?
Sounds like you used magic in a souls game
Pyromancy is pretty damn strong in this game. You also have most fights memorized after a few playthroughs.
you can literally kill her with barely starting gear
she just stands there taking hits
Is best girl Yuria still in your world? Buy Dark Hand and just fist the dancer to death
I've literally never died to her once. I beat her using a shortbow.
This boss fucks you up if you try to play defensive. You have to keep hitting her and take every single opening she gives you.
For more details, see the following video:
>people telling user to run away when she spin2win
Or you could stand right under her legs and score a few free hits while she spins like a retarded. Her most harmless attacks are the spin because she has to take a whole spin to attack which means it takes longer to hit you.
Her dangerous attacks are those without any flair of spin, because you can't see it coming.
Took me one try, only boss I had such an easy time with.
I just turned up my sound and let the music and the beauty of the fight take me over. If you can fall into the rhythm you'll find she's called the dancer for a reason. I was just dodging and rolling and attacking with zero stress or worry, just simply dancing with her. Maybe I'm an ultra fag though. Best boss fight if the souls vanilla series, as I've not played the DLC for any, not Bloodborne. I'd play DS3 again just for this fight alone.
I beat her second try using the astora greatsword, maybe with pine resin, just rolled around her legs first phase, then did the same second phase except run away when she does the spinning attack
This fight is horse shit for a variety of reasons
>That fucking instant-kill grab
>That delay on 80% of her moves
>Phase 2 has her attacking from literally across the entire fucking room
I usually cheese her with a dark weapon and pyromancy, fuck trying to do that fight normally.
I've beat her SL1 with dark hand. Git gud
She's weak to dark damage
Get human pine resin
Nice. Currently stuck in this map because the bitches at the beginning two shot and attack spam, can't even run past them.
Post your build and weapon. Changing your stats may help a lot.
I've never had any trouble with her on my DS3 runs. I have had an embarrassing amount of deaths on Iudex Gundyr each time, in fact I find Champion Gundyr to be one of the easier bosses and on my last run I really struggled against Oceiros, so it's just a case of different people finding different parts of the game tough.
What's your build?
Get her caught on pillars while she does her spinning bullshit, punish her when she recovers. How the fuck is this hard?