Post non-vidya related pictures and we pitch game ideas for them

post non-vidya related pictures and we pitch game ideas for them

Korean rooftop tower defence


This is literally Counter-Strike

Getting swatted hide and seek multiplayer: the game


Zombie apocalypse in Korea that has a tone akin to Shaun of the Dead by the Telltale Games that created Tales From The Borderlands and TWD S1.
Already exists in many forms.

this is deep -_- 100

uhh Farcry 5 : KANGZ Edition

Obvious photoshop
Swat guy doesn't match lighting
No swat guy reflection on cupboard
Swat guy is from the arrest of Elián González

SHTF: USA Edition

DDD: DinDu Defense


thank you major buzzkill

>the Virgin White Nationalist vs. the Chad Protester

>it's real
Just bomb the congo already.

she didn't know da wae

I'm not sure why someone felt the need to photoshop the date, but yeah. Stupid bitch.

I know the way, bombs. With plenty of TNT.

how can i become so cool has the guy smoking?


>tfw unionist


This nigga have great booty

tube snek aliens invade earth and begin controlling host bodies and forcing them to attack other people on sight

I wonder how she felt 5 seconds before ceasing to exist.


Fake and gay. Vidya game marketing.


Just napalm the entire Congo. That'll teach those giant, tower climbing, gorillas a lesson.


The Escapists already exists, user.

pretty hot desu

elder scrolls

those images are from games my dude

but wow I didn't know his art is in a museum

ircc he had an art show or something a few years ago

>ywn be this ripped

I'm confused. are these all the same girl?

Vr chat

>Look her up

What a fuckin waste. A fuckin waste man. I would have married this woman in a heartbeat if she weren't a batshit crazy liberal.


>She was married to a blackman


Name of gallery?


Tower Defense against the gorillas