It's over


what are some good parts to watch

BASED Phil's right once again

Are all fighting games lagging pieces of shit? The last 4 fighting games he played were all dropped due to network problems.

Yes, leave it to the idiot that hired a 15k escort and could only pay 1/3 to be a person to trust reviewed content from.

Literally who? Fuck off


>people always shit on SFV
>ask why
>one of the reason is always “bad netcode”
>but it’s actually the best one in the genre compared to shit like this and Tekken 7

BASED phil.

That sounds like a story and a half.

Only ecelebs or those paid by them make eceleb threads

>Better than anything
Even MvC:I is better than that pile of shit

a story that was proven false.

Who the fuck would pay $15,000 for a prostitute?

I gotta hear the story behind this.

I was blocking dude

>hurgglll blurgghhhh muh internet is run on toasters

I've seen zero lag or disconnect issues watching Seereax or Rhymestyle. Maybe this faggot needs to get his ISP to stop being shit?

>he doesn't know!

>basing your opinion off of what you've seen and not what you've personally experienced
fuck off retard

Sounds like you've been catfished.


Stop being a micronigger and just accept your internet is shit. If you're having lag/disconnect issues, start troubleshooting for packet loss you fucking nonce. The shit ain't hard.

I've seen no issues with any other DBFZ streamer's connections. I've had none personally. This faggot is the only one in the English-speaking world I've seen bitch about disconnects/lag.

go to bed, Fred Fuchs, you're embarrassing yourself

See, this is what i keep hearing, but I never see evidence for it. Is it just a meme to hate on SFV now?

Maybe he should stop using wifi..


He's right. The servers are fucking trash and it's unbelievable that they shipped the game in this state.
>Seereax or Rhymestyle

>Sup Forums praises a diaper fag because he shits on nintendo
>Sup Forums praises this retard for no good reason
Why is Sup Forums full of such shitty humans?

DSP's internet is flawless, it has to be in order for him to have a quality stream. You can even google "dbfz disconnects" and find other people complaining about the same issues. Other recent fighting games did not have these problems.

online gaming was always a huge joke. gen z will defend it though

game was stillborn. missing half its content on launch made it unlikable.

>good netcode
It's barely better than UMvC3's netcode. If you want godly netcode, Persona 4 Arena and Tekken Tag Tournament 2 on PS3 were nearly flawless. Soul Calibur 5 was great too. DBFZ is really good too, aside from the random server drops, but I don't think we'll ever return to those golden years outside of PC. It's such a sick joke that UMvC3's netcode is still trash on PS4 and Xbone but it's just fine on PC. Hell, not even SF4 is that great on PS4. What the fuck, Capcom?

I have had 0 trouble and am having fun. Am I wrong? Should I delete this game?

more royal rumble

>Muh Nintendie oppression!!11

what diaperfag are you even talking about?

>other people using Toasternet connections are having issues
>it's clearly the game's fault when the overwhelming majority of others are having zero problems.

Again, stop being a micronigger and spring for a connection that isn't 2mbps satellite.

>offering up honest content for 10+ years now
>doesn't edit or focus on a chidish persona
>just plays the game like an average joe and has a laugh without involving himself in drama and bullshit

He's everything Sup Forums wishes it was. A regular guy who plays video games and enjoys them.

dsp is the king of casuals, and that's something the retards on Sup Forums can relate towards.

>desyncs for one player and not the other
You're absolutely retarded. It's fucking unplayable if one player has even a moderately bad connection. It makes me fucking irate because I have very good, stable net and have to deal with people fucking flickering/teleporting around. And it only effects ONE PERSON, the person with the better connection.

>Defending a childish retard
Modern Sup Forums is beyond cancer.
That explains a lot.

lol no. From best to worst netcode of 8th gen fighters I've played
>Killer Instinct

with SFVm 5 bars means a teleportfest with a spaniard. With DBFZ, 0 bars means 4-5 frames of delay

Is there an LP'er who goes out of his way to censor and police those around him as much as Phil does?

>enjoys them

>He's everything Sup Forums wishes it was. A regular guy who plays video games and enjoys them.

>He has to play video games for 10+ hours a day, every single day, just to make enough money to afford rent. He lost his house, his girlfriend left him, and he refuses to get a real job. He's lucky if a video gets 600 views.

No thanks.

how wrong new friend


How will I EVER enjoy this game again now that this LEGENDARY GOD has quit??

There isn't one
Some retard saw DSP talking about his girlfriend and decided to pretend it was her by making tweets coinciding with DSP's and then used those as "evidence" to spread rumors about DSP hiring them and that he didn't pay what he supposedly owed

>cries cancer because muh Nintendoes
>doesn't even answer my question

>enjoys them.
I don't think DSP has enjoyed a video game in years. DSP doesn't even bother to read tutorials or anything and instead just tries to brute force his way through every game the exact same way.

>He lost his house

>his girlfriend left him
he dumped her and already has a new one.

>he refuses to get a real job.
not only does he have a real job but he owns his own business that he has to pay taxes on and everything!

>He's lucky if a video gets 600 views.
most of his viewers watch the streams. how many views do you get?

are there any fighting games that don't have lag? It seems like I hear this complaint from anyone and everyone who plays this genre.

Wooow dude woooow this is fucking stupid dood woooow

Maybe not, but he does have legitimate psychopaths who want to destroy him on every level, and have been a constant presence for the last 5 years or so

RIP Zyzz

god had to call him back

What will he do for a living once streaming is no longer viable?

What marketable skills does he have?

The game is fucking amazing gameplay wise but I've also dropped it due to issues with playing online with friends. I've beat the story, arcade mode, and have even done all the combo challenges. I don't have much of am interest in ranked but have played regardless of disconnects. Not being able to play with friends gives me zero motivation to continue with this game as of now.... so now I'm just marathoning the shit out of monster Hunter world and having a blast

>constantly lose because youre bad at the game

Last weekend was horrible, but besides a couple random disconnects the week since has been perfect. It's tough to judge a game on its opening week before it eventually levels out.

>DSP got another chair sponsorship
>He's already bad mouthing them
So how long will this one last?

why does the king of retro have so many detractors? he's pretty good.

>lag in an online video game
>game must have shit netcode

Ive been playing video games online since Diablo 2 and ive never played a game that I felt had bad netcode. If you lag on a regular basis in any game its because your internet is trash

Go scam someone else you dumb bitch.


>he dumped her and already has a new one.

>not only does he have a real job but he owns his own business that he has to pay taxes on and everything!

>most of his viewers watch the streams.

It's been 2 years user. It's actually a game now.


Yeah I'm sure they're really hurting after that.

Really? Tell some stories

DSP is fucked. The guy has been out of the job market for over 10 years and didn't even build any connections through youtube or streaming. DSP might be able to get some entry level job, but if they google his name then he's fucked because no service job will want someone like him.

You might wanna look up the sons of kojima, who did 10 hour a day podcasts talking solely about phil. Or look into Fred Fuchs, their "leader" and his months-long spiral into actual psychotic obsession with phil, so much so that he destroyed and threatened all those around him in his mad pursuit. The guy's life was so dedicated to phil even mister metokur showed pity and tried to talk him down.

Didn't he used to be a warehouse manager or something?
He claims he can't work because he injured his back, so I guess if he wasn't streaming, he'd be collecting disability checks.

First of all, Dark Phil is shit at fighting games, adn he will take any excuse he can to "quit." Secondly, online will always be shit for fighters due to the strict timing of inputs. Any sort of latency makes the game a laggy mess. Online is a means to learn match ups. Anyone who takes online for fighting games seriously is garbage. Its all about training for locals.

He's in no worse position than a guy who works for a company that goes under after 10 years. They don't give references, either.

>be bad
>blame lag


>Muh Nintendoes
I don't know what this has to do with Dragon Ball Fighterz, but you are cancer.

>only 14% of PS4 players have the trophy for playing 10 ranked matches
>only 10% have the trophy for playing 20

can anybody explain this

Phil's doing fine. He lives in a goddamn mansion. If he sells that and goes back to the condo, he has something like a quarter of a million in the bank.

I'm still asking about this post . The wanker crying oppression didn't answer. What Diaperfag is he even talking about?

Its always been a meme. The game has been better than its predecessor for the start, but the generation that started with SFIV is also the most vocal and opinionated online. Its been hated on because its different than SFIV, and the fucking 09ers can't understand that Street Fighter is unique in that every numbered iteration is vastly different from the last.

People buy games and don't finish them all the time. Even more play fighting games casually and don't want to play people much better than them or fight randoms


Anybody else say the word casuals like Mr. Crocker says Fairy God Parents?


3 hits, am I suppose to know who the fuck this guy is. Stay classy Sup Forums posting social media shit.

which games have the best netcode?


wtf, I hate the based spic now

How is this different from any other Street Fighter?