Is there even a single person

How many of you actually maxed her out?
>DMD Mode: how many of you romanced her

Miyu thread?

I don't think that's the right character

I romanced her. Unironically the best girl in the game. You probably won't find more than two of us chihayafags on Sup Forums at a given time, though.

Stupid hick

I romanced her but I was going for the cheater ending

I did. She the won I found most attractive.

That country accent did things to my dick.

>country accent
Is this a dub thing?

It's part of her story. She moves from some country town to the city and get scams. When you get to the higher ranks, her country accent starts slipping out. It was country in the dub, I assume it's an Osakan accent in the JP audio. Country accent = osakan accent is how it usually goes in dubs.

I maxed out every single confidant. I barely paid attention to her though. Good ability but she's the least interesting romance possibility besides Futaba.

>least interesting romance possibility besides Futaba
Did you forget makoto/anne/pink bitch? The main cast s links were the most boring parts somehow

im gonna now. she most likely been my first pick too, but i just ended up friend-zoning all the girls in the first run.


i don't care, kill yourself dubcuck

I forgot about Haru desu. Boring character. But Makoto and Anne were at least much better developed. The fact that they are in the main cast and you get the Hawaii stuff improves them due to the extra screen time they get.

>S Tier: Kawakami
>A Tier: Takemi
>B Tier: Anne, Hifumi, Ohya
>C Tier: Makoto, Chihaya, Haru
>Absolutely Disgusting Tier: Futaba

I LOVE Lailah!

Swap Takemi with Chihaya and you've got a perfect list famalam.

>Makoto and Anne
>much better developed
Are we talking about Confidants here? Because Makoto and Ann's were one of the worst in game, especially Ann's.
Even outside of Confidants, Ann pretty much disappears after the Madarame Shack scenes. Makoto is constantly forced down people's throats but that doesn't mean she's better developed.

You literally need to max her as soon as possible if you want to max all your confidants in one go

>he played in a language he doesn't understand and miss a huge part of her character development
everyone laugh at this retard

I maxed out most confidants on the first go, missed a few like Anne, Haru, and Ohya. Only romanced ONE (1) though.

Beat P5 today. Overall it was a fun ride, but I think I enjoyed P4 just a bit more, and I think the ending felt a bit limp imo. Can't wait for P5DAN though.

Same but it might be nostalgia, user.
Also, I knew nothing about P3/P4 when I played them. I already knew way too much about P5 before starting it.

she's cute, i'm probably gonna romance her 2nd play-through

>makoto and annes
>much better developed
I guess if you consider .01% better than .001% of development

I mean, with the exception of based Ryuji and maaaybe Morgana, there are no "well developed" characters in P5(although there are plenty of interesting ones like Mishima, Get Smoked, Sojiro, etc.), and even with him the writers just ignore it later to make him the clown of the group because they are too incompetent to build group a group dynamic that doesn't rely on cliches. Chihaya is completely one note. She only interacts with you, has about half a personality, and the dynamic between her and the protag has no back and forth whatsoever. Yea Anne's development stalls an arc after she's introduced(just like every party member except Morgana), but her confidant and story build a believable relationship with the protag and in that context none of the others even come close except Makoto, who again has a somewhat believable(if very generic) relationship with the protagonist, and has a fair bit of personal growth throughout her story arc even if the hints of her becoming less uptight aren't followed through on.

Best girl.

I only romanced the older women.
Takemi best girl though.

She has the most important ability in the whole game.

Of course I maxed her out. She's a qt and her story is interesting. That aside her fortune telling perks are some of the best in game for time saving, second only to Kawakami.