Why don't you have silky smooth 120Hz display yet? Even Razer is making 120Hz the new standard for phone gaming!

Why don't you have silky smooth 120Hz display yet? Even Razer is making 120Hz the new standard for phone gaming!

I don't know what fps above 60 even looks like. I don't want or need to spoil myself



gotta get a better gpu first, still on 770 and it still does well enough

i hope volta is great

i also hope mining dies down soon

then ill get a new monitor

probably have another year to wait

i have 144hz display. Step it up pleb.

>bluetooth controllers

I have a 165Hz monitor.

>phone gaming
despite this 144hz is love

240hz monitor pleb

>Not owning 240hz monitor
This pleb

Amazing! I can play Candy Crush at 4K 120 FPS now!

Because TN panels are trash and LCD is too expensive for 120hz.

Cuz emulator games run at 120fps retard

>Phone gaming

I'm truly upset that people actually consider this a legit platform to play good video games on. It never has and never will be a good platform to play video games on

>Lcd panels
This retard
120hz its now deprecated the standar is 144hz for ips and va panels

>phone gaming
>console gaming
>pc gaming
>cartoon gaming

>its not gaming if i said so

Whatever you say young boy. Phone gaming is not gaming.

Meant IPS.

>buttery smooth
why is it always about fucking food somehow

>Phone is for making calls
Ita not gaming
>pc is for work
Its not gaming
>console is for games
Its gaming


>Thinks Razer can do something even mildly important for gaming.
Your extra chromosome is showing.

Unlocked frame rate monitors when? I want to experience 1000 fps/s

>implying any mobile game runs at 120 fps

>Recently had to choose between a 2k 60 hz monitor and 1080 120 hz monitor
>chose the 2k

How'd I do Sup Forums?

This. 60fps is basically a slideshow.

I assume by 2k you mean 2440x1440?


i am poor third worlder, i read paper books with silky smooth 24 real life fps

>i also hope mining dies down soon
prices wont go down. its like wild animals tasting human meat, they just cant go back and must bee shot

>phone gaming
Kill me.

i have been 1440p 144hz for like two years now, never going back


Yeah, 120Hz on Android. No frame pacing. Even a locked 30 FPS is superior.

Unfortunately I'm part of a very small percentage who gets motion sickness from 120/144hz. Had one for about two weeks and it just made me nauseous.

I'll admit, it was super nice, but 60hz looks smooth enough to me and doesn't affect me in gaming at all.

Frames or Resolution?
I'm really interested in pic (AOC U2879VF 28" 4K). I have the chance to get it for $220, but I'm not sure if I should go for something else. I'm currently using a generic 1080p 60hz 24'' monitor

Literally no reason
More stuttering than a 60hz panel

You can't get nauseous by the higher framerate itself. Real life is basically "infinite frames" which I assume cause you no trouble. Low FOV or akward camera movements on the other hand can cause motion sickness though.


It's 165hz now you loser

€Not choosing 2k and 144hz

What about distance? If I play close (sitting on the desk) I can’t difference 60fps from 30 but when I sit on the couch I can see the 60fps buttery smooth

In my personal experience it's the opposite. An object moving across the screen at low framerates make make large stuttery steps as it moves, but at a farther viewing distance, these steps appear smaller and hence less stuttery.

But viewing distance do play another imprtant role when it comes to field of view.

Diminishing returns.

>It's 165hz now you loser
Nothing divides evenly into 165hz.
120hz isn't put at a disadvantage when playing a 30 or 60 fps locked game or video, and 144 at least is ideal for 24/48hz films. What would you conceivably use 165 for?


What I should have said was that the difference between high and low framerates should be very noticable up close, but low framerates might also look more passable at a farther viewing distance because objects on screen appear to be moving less.

whos this braphog?

For a number of reasons. Honestly, 60Hz is good enough for me, especially for non-competitive gaming which is what I mainly do. 120Hz+ is definitely better, but I haven't been spoilt by it so I'm not worried about missing it.
There's also the cost. Not only do I have to choose between overpaying for a shitty TN panel or paying a metric mega fuck load for a IPS one, but then on top of that I have to spend more on my CPU and GPU to be able to reliable run games at 100+fps average. I not only have other hobbies and interests that I'd rather spend that money on, but things I would upgrade in my system before I would try to go high refresh rate.

Yeah, it's a nice luxury, but unless you're made of money you've got to pick and choose what luxuries you indulge in, and high refresh rate is far enough down my list that it'll probably never happen, unless it became the industry standard or something and became very accessible.

Modern TNs are really not bad, and far less of a panel lottery than IPS.

>Why don't you have silky smooth 120Hz display yet?

Waiting for the next gen of GPUs in the hopes they will be strong enough for 4k 120hz and am waiting for HDR panels to become more ubiquitous and to come down in price.

One day.

Let's just hope that by the time next GPU gen comes around, cryptoshit will either die or move away from consumer-grade hardware.


Because I mainly play fighting games and they're all hard locked at 60fps.

Even when crypto is dead the cultists will say it's the perfect time to buy it up.

72Hz is enough for me