>Sup Forums hates nu-fallout for adding in whacky shit like aliens
>when they already existed in oldskool fallout
Sup Forums hates nu-fallout for adding in whacky shit like aliens
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How are these games supposed to be fun again?
>thinking that Sup Forums plays games
that's cute user
they're not like all turn based RPG's they're supposed to be trash (with a good story IF you're lucky)
Most people never played these games. When Bethesda bought the rights and made Fallout 3 most people never heard of Fallout before. I didn't even know of it until Fallout 3 but that is mostly because I was never a PC gamer.
They are an acquired taste. It takes the right mindset to get into it. The combat isn't really engaging and it could even be tedious but its world is very interesting and the games are very atmospheric. Although I say 1 is the better game. I felt 2 was too bloated and lacked the better pacing of the first game. They aren't the greatest games I've ever played and they have a lot of issues but I still liked them. Would be great to see some new games done in this style using Unreal engine.
Wasteland 2?
I never got into those games. There is a picture I got in my mind right now that I've seen posted a few times. It shows the same perspective but with modern graphics. If anyone got that pic post it. I'm trying to find it right now.
Here is the pics. Its some guys fan art for a different Fallout 4. It looks really good.
>Although I say 1 is the better game.
I thought you were mostly a weenie but now you're only sort of a weenie.
The TARDIS is in Fallout too so I guess that's canon
And here is another pic. I think a Fallout like this could work but Bethesda would have to give it the okay to be made and it would most likely either be a remake of the old ones or a side game to their main games if they allowed it. Pretty sure they would get another dev to make it to.
Well like I said before I hate turn based RPG's and in fact Action RPG's are my favorite genre
So I'm good Voiced Protag was still shit though and Shepard has proven himself to be a cancer on Roleplaying
It's only underages who's first fallout was new vegas that hate the goofy stuff in Fallout. Heck even new vegas you could fuck fisto the robot, I don't know why tryhards take it so seriously.
Literally no one on Sup Forums ever said this.
I mean the whole premise is
"What if the wacky shit 50's future happened! And what if radiation worked like 50's Sci Fi and the nukes went off like everyone feared!"
of course it had ridiculous shit in it from the start 50's Sci Fi Aliens fit right in
The special desert encounters aren't canon. At most they're just figments of the imagination of your character as they wander the desert wastes.
Action combat can work from that perspective. Plenty of games are like that. Those Fallout games forced you to put all those points in agility since the turn based wasn't as good as it should have been.
Wacky shit in original Fallout game were random encounters and there were a chance that you will never see some of them. It's not the same with nu-fallouts.
>special encouters that you are unlikely to run into first time playing
>there some wacky shit you are bound to encounter
>HP and AP listed as XY_ instead of 0XY
>eight red squares that don't seem to mean or do anything
>crafting not part of the inventory system
>fifth of UI wasted on weapon stats that should be in the inventory
>no weapon swap button
It's because your brain's dopamine receptors are burned the fuck out by AAA games and you probably have the attention span of a goldfish when it comes to vidya, you can't get into it because the sweet literally-heroin-tier experience that (((the industry))) has spent billions getting you addicted to is a very different thing and you'd rather be doing that than playing some old 90s game.
I say this because I didn't play AAA games until very recently. I mostly only played vidya on my laptop that I had for university work, so I had no decent pc or console and couldn't/didn't want to get one. I played stuff like the old fallouts etc. for the first time in my early 20s because of this, so recently when I started playing AAA games on my cousin's xbox I was a bit blown away at first. I knew vidya had come far of course but the ability to create such 3D atmospheres was still impressive the first few times.
After that, I went back to old games on my laptop and it wasn't the same. But I still played around for a little bit and gradually warmed back into it, and no longer felt the desire to play AAA stuff. So it is like two different headspaces, new games that are made in post-2010 are some crazy shit designed by geniuses to make you keep coming back, like casino designers or something.
t. pajeet
So, Wasteland 2 then?
the alien blaster is a figment of imagination too I suppose
>fallout 1 is too short and bare
>fallout 2 is full of memes
>fallout three is meh
>fallout vegas is half finished
>fallout is absolute garbage
I love Fallout I really do but none of the games are that great.
Well I would hope they do rework some of that awful turn based combat though. Not asking them to butcher it but 1 and 2 were nothing special. They are sometimes really tedious to play actually as I previously mentioned.
>A full on canon DLC that takes itself seriously
>An easter egg
It's like when people bring up the Tardis or shit like that. That's the point of Easter eggs. Bethesda shoves it in your face and expects you to like it when you are trying to do an important quest. It's worse when the goofy shit is part of the quest.
>red squares that don't seem to do anything
those are the actual AP dummy, as they are in the real games. the weird part is that under HP there is "AP 22" but that's actually where armor class is in the old games, so I wonder if this is a typo and it should be "AC"
I hate new fallout for being boring dead worlds with crap storytelling and crap mechanics.
Fallout 2 has perfect balance.
Thank you Abraham Lincoln, I completely forgot about AC.
Some wackiness is great, but I feel like the newer games, especially 4, does it too much where it stops feeling like a fun cheesy moments you forget about and it instead takes it's place in the game and replaces good narrative.
Sort of like Marvel movies.
Fallout 2 has perfect balance.
that looks completely illegible
I for one like shortness of F1. It feels "focused" unlike F2.
is a fucking memefest
You can hate them for lacking maturity of the old games as well.
sorry kiddo, you missed your window to ever enjoy these games
*teleports away*
4 wasn't wacky enough, most of it is fetch quests and boring preaching about synths.
At least stupid shit like mothership zeta is memorable in it's insanity, F4 is just boring.
>The themes of the series are about society never changing because people never change and the impact that old generations have on the new. Every faction represents a part of society that can never seem to let go of the past
it's an easter egg fest. the word meme wasn't even invented back then faggot
Fallout 1 & 2 are shit, stop praising them
>it's okay when old games do it
F2 is like Borderlands 2 of late '90s
>fallout tactist is best fallout
I'd love for the next Fallout to continue the FPS/third person style gameplay with action and V.A.T.S. but at the same time I'd like them to recreate the feeling of a huge desolate open wasteland. I know casual normies would hate it, but I feel it would be more lore feelsy if you had to spend time trekking between place and place through huge open wasteland, and you couldn't fast travel so you had to plan your trips carefully and carefully prepare everything you'd need. It's better than in fallout 4 where every 5 seconds you find a new dungeon or town or whatever.
The series had talking cows since the first game. Get over yourself you tryhard.
Tactics was pretty great.
Indeed it's more focused, but Fallout 2 gave you more to do if you wanted to prolong the enjoyment of playing the game. Story was stronger in first as well, BUT dicking around NR, NCR and VC, cucking Bishop on the way is way too good.
Really? Pretty much all side quests I did felt wacky.
>that guy collecting baseball things thinking they are some muderdome shit even though it wouldn't be hard at all to find out about baseball seeing as how much pre-war stuff is around
>that Chinese u-boat
>that fucking historical battleship fucking rocket boosting to a high rise building
>Norwegian sailor ghouls
>that ghoul kid in the fridge
>that baby deathclaw
>that comic book character thing
>that Lovecraft murder hole thing
Some are more wacky than others of course, but damn.
And as people pointed out, most of those are easter eggs while the main quests are usually deadly serious and serve to push the themes of human nature and how it affects societies/future generations.
Imagination. You imagine it's fun.
Kids just don't get.
IMO dicking around doesn't mesh with story well. I is probably fun for replaying it, but I never did. By the time I got to Oil Rig i was already so bored that I quit.
One thing that is better in modern Fallouts is that dicking around doesn't go against narrative so much.
They'd be better if they actually were boring deadworlds like Fallout 1 with miles and miles of huge open wasteland. That would be artistic or whatever.
Instead we get 6 million copy-paste dungeons crammed next to each other and you can't walk 2 steps without a new quest popping up or discovering a new dungeon.
It was real in my mind
>>Sup Forums hates nu-fallout for adding in whacky shit like aliens
That's not why anyone with a brain hates it
They hate it cause it's just a fucking shooter with rpg mechanics tacked on and using the setting, whilst the real fallout games were proper rpgs
Even fallout tactics is a better fallout than bethesda fallout
The master and the super mutants were serious and were written well but the enclave were pretty cartoonishly evil.
Most of the gangs in Reno are wacky too.
It's just a gun that happens to look like what your character thinks is an alien blaster.
At least Mothership Zeta made it serious and OWB had Sci-Fi cheesiness up front
True, but despite their cartoony nature, you could actually feel they were able to take down the wasteland with just Frank Horigan alone. Compare it to the Bethesda Enclave and you will see what I mean.
Fuck you
People only played that shit in the past because there was nothing else, if Fallout 3 released at the same time than 1/2, people would have never touched those
You are saying this when the time those games were released were the Western RPG golden years.
It's literally called wasteland 2 you nigger, and wasteland 3 in a bit.
And it's better than fallout ever will be again because todds little grubby hands control nothing about it m8
Again because the concept of a 3d open world live action RPG was not possible with their technology
why are you playing as a girl faggot
>They are sometimes really tedious to play actually as I previously mentioned.
You know what else is tedious to play champ? Generic shooters and first person shit.
Playing as a retarded girl and getting raped is the only true way to play fallout
wasteland 2 was shit. feels like a 20 year old game, but in a bad way instead of a good way. it's legitimately worse than fallout: tactics; pretty fucking pathetic to be worse in every way to a random spinoff title that came out 15 years earlier
>wasteland 3
At least I'll beat Wasteland 2 by then
As true as that may be, there was also a group buying these games because they were almost real time versions of their table top RPGs, complete with stat and dice rolls. Most newer RPGs ignore the origin of the genre and limit how you role play.
>Fallout 1 backstory: You grew up in a vault and need to get a water chip to save your people
>Fallout 2 backstory: You grew up in a tribe made by the Vault Dweller and must find the GECK to save your village
>Fallout 3 backstory: You grew up in a vault and looked up to your father while being bullied by another vault dweller and befriending the daughter of the Overseer. You also escape the vault to look for your father at the age of 18.
Shit limits on what you can do with a character. Fallout 4 is worse for this.
UnderRail and Wasteland 2 are here to prove you wrong.
This is some of the ugliest shit I've seen in my life. Doesn't matter how good the game is if you interface with it through a barely decipherable mess of hideously melded-together forms.
Truth. Capturing the table top pen and paper vibe was really what original fallout felt for me back in the day.
Fallout 5 will make you Overseer and have to escape with dwellers to save them.
I was introduced to fallout with 3. Soon after I dug up 1 and 2. I played through both, at this time I've beaten fallout 3 once and beaten 2, 3 separate times. That being said I've beaten NV 5-6 times
>Again because the concept of a 3d open world live action RPG was not possible with their technology
Are you high? What the fuck was gothic son? It was only a couple years after fallout 1. What the fuck was daggerfall? What the fuck was every might and magic game?
God you're full of shit. If fallout 3 released at the same time as 1 and 2, people would be shocked because of the technology, but besides that they'd go back to playing the actual good fucking games friend. If they wanted to play a shooter, better ones already existed.
Wasteland 2 was fine m8, apart from that it was too easy even with a party of only 4 combat people, and only 2 for most of the game.
I believe in you my nig, you can beat it.
It was good man. Walking about the desert world map was kinda garbage, random encounters were pointless and never resulted in anything worthwhile, but besides that it was decent imo
But FO3 is a shooter with RPG elements
Which is still ultimately, a shooter. It doesn't provide enough for rpg fans, it doesn't satisfy proper shooter fans, it satisfies only normie tards, who didn't play video games back then at all anyway.
The original Fallout 3 that the original developers were making was a pretty unique looking game. It was going to allow that zoomed out isometric view and it was going to be an FPS as well. If I remember correct it was going to be a choice of either the same turn based RPG combat or an action FPS combat. You can choose at any time you want during gameplay.
I have never seen a game attempt this besides that game.
wasteland 2 lacks all the charm of the first wasteland and fallout games
>Wasteland 2 was fine m8
fine if you like trash maybe. hope you enjoy being the cancer that destroys the industry from inside by gobbling up anything that's shat out on your plate rather than having standards. bet you'd say tides of numenera was good too
Pretty sure people hated them in fallout 3 because aliens were made into a big part of the war and not just a ''holy shit looks there's an alien that's cool'' moment.
>Thinking being Autistic means to be an old fag.
You're so close to the "we was kungs". That's kind of funny, but mostly sad, cause you might have something to enrich with on this generation of games. But still funny.
>unable to comprehend the difference between an easter egg and a $15 dlc that turns the game into a corridor shooter
Haven't played it yet, but sure, I heard it's pretty shitty, but it's still a proper crpg which is better than most horseshit by default western games that try to pass themselves off as "rpgs" these days
am I the only one that actually likes these?
As the guy who posted them, I liked them to. I don't know why these people are complaining so much. They aren't meant to show an exact match of the old games. I don't think that was ever the intention. Its meant to show what it could look like with more modern graphics is all.
You're probably not, but when I look at them, I feel like I need to get my eyes checked.
All you need is a high luck build for the encounters. Certainly doable for a first time player.
FO3's real problem of course is that it's shit all around.
>fallout 2 is full of memes
Jokes aren't memes.
>Perks don't factor in your base attributes and instead lets you pop some drugs/power armor to reach the perk requirements and get away with it
Why was this allowed? It basically makes more specific/focused builds pointless.
I'm impressed that someone had the talent to design this, but couldn't spell "mutant" properly
Even as someone that grew up with Fallout and loves pretty much all the series except BoS, honestly not much of a Tactics fan either I think the original games aged like milk, and I'm glad Beth took the series in a new direction.
If you want to have "fun" in F1 and 2 and you're new to the series you basically have to roll a diplosniper, ranged combat + intelligence, speech, science, lockpick to get all the XP and dialogue options you can, a character that can go everywhere and do everything.
Agi 10 unless you know what the fuck you're doing (in F1 you can get a +1 Agi upgrade so you can take 9 if you want to minmax on a second playthrough but it'll really hamper you early game, 10 Agi lets you get two shots off with a 5AP gun)
Cha is a dump stat in F1, all the dialogue checks are based on speech.
Don't have bad luck but you don't need high luck either, once you get Sniper it's basically moot. (You DO need 8 Per to take it though so beware)
Cha in F2 mostly controls how many companions you get, and most of them are shit, especially at the end game. Cassidy is good, Vic is okay, Sulik is okay. Marcus and Goris are cool when you get them but they can't wear power armor so they're hard to keep alive in late game.
Companions in F1 suck ass, Ian and Tycho are okay but they fall off even faster since you can't change their armor at all, you also can't control their AI at all, F2 really stepped the game up in terms of AI control.
The trait Skilled is practically easy mode, it gives you +1 to each SPECIAL stat (which you can then reallocate elsewhere, it's basically giving you SEVEN extra stat points in exchange for reduced starting skills which you can easily make up)
If you're playing F2, the temple at the beginning sucks ass and the rewards you get from it are minimal. Just run through, try not to fight any enemies, and pickpocket the key from the guy at the end and go through the door.
>I liked them to.
Profreeding i a lot art.
move your mouse over the enemy. click to kill it. holy shit, it's just like fallout 4!
>and I'm glad Beth took the series in a new direction.
Stopped reading there.
It's filled to the brim with 90s memes, not just jokes.
It's fair you feel that way and I knew I'd get heat from that, but Van Buren would be viewed the same way F1 and 2 are today.
New people come to the series, try the originals, and think F1 and 2 are old and shit and terrible. Van Buren was the same kind of game. A clunky top-down isometric RPG.
New Vegas is my absolute favorite in the series, a 9/10, and it wouldn't exist without Bethesda. Credit given where credit is due.
>Companions in F1 suck ass, Ian and Tycho are okay but they fall off even faster since you can't change their armor at all
You can with Fallout Fixt installed IIRC, although it doesn't change their suicidal AI much.