Lose an argument

>lose an argument
>Start shitposting to save face and try to get the last word in

video games

>autist who doesn't understand humour
>gets in an argument on Sup Forums
>other guy sees how angry you're getting
>makes a joke to lighten the mood
>your autistic mind doesn't understand this, sees it as WEAKNESS
>start screaming about "losing face" like anyone on an anonymous polynesian basket-weaving forum has it anyway
>start a new thread, complaining about how bumstung he obviously is, and not you, even though you started a new thread to cry in a safe space

You were wrong about the switch's battery life. Admit it.

>lose an argument
>close the tab and pretend like it never happened.

what in the fuck are you talking about

Sup Forums doesnt play them anyway

>have an argument with yourself
>start falseflagging to derail the thread

>get in an argument with some autist who starts screaming about "saving face"
>find this bitchthread saying the same thing
>"W...what the fuck are you t-talking about?"

is there a reason why my cum is red

>lose an argument
>pretend to be retarded all along

>lose argument
>don't visit the board for a week

>“not him but...”
>am him

>>lose an argument
>Not give a fuck because it's Sup Forums
>Opinions of Sup Forums are 100% wrong

Does anybody else like to put toilet paper on the toilet seat in public toilets before sitting on them?

You got the wrong user, user.

>it's the sociopathic user who can't comprehend human empathy thread

sure thing, champ

>realize I'm objectively wrong halfway through a heated argument
>reply one more time so I can get the last word
>close thread and pretend I won

>losing an argument
>all of a sudden another user comes out of nowhere and backs you up
You know who you are. Based niggas

testicle cancer probably
t. doctor

Holy autism

>bring up objective facts and back them up with sources and citations
>get called a faggot by thin skinned fans who can't take criticism

Its okay friend you and me fit right at home in this thread it seems

>try to get the last word in
Irrelevant. The only thing that matters is who called the other mad first.

I want to rape you.

>make a very informed and well written post
>nobody replies

>slowly gets more and more into just plain slander
>is just plain slander
>exchange "fuck yous" until we're both tired and don't care anymore
>insults turn into gay flirts and it's over
Every fucking time.


How does it feel to be a Nin-toddler?

>join discussion about thing I barely know about
>realize i'm wrong but with sheer tenacity and a good way with words, I manage to make it seem like we're both equally right/wrong

okay how the fuck do you reply to this SEETHING shit without looking like youre mad

>make a very informed and well written post
>thread dies before you get to hit the post button

>person just starts saying lol before or after everything

You don't. It's basically
>lol, u mad?

how do i maximize the use of u mad


post smug mocking reaction images without typing anything

>pretend to be another user in the middle of an argument and make them look like an overly emotional idiot who can't support his argument anymore

twiceshitters btfo

user, is this you?

You talk about saving face, then flounce off...five minutes later this thread comes up...

>post argument
>met with le epic wojak edit

>Reply to a post with an argument
>3 other anons reply to the same post with their own arguments
>Original poster attempts to counter all the arguments that responded to him but doesn’t make an attempt to respond to mine even though mine was the first reply to him

>make a obvious joke including "you're're mom" to make it blatant my clear what I'm saying is satirical
>he goes off on me for "being a dumb kid using your mom jokes" and tries to bully me the rest of the match

I mean it wasn't the pinnacle of humor but what is actually wrong with people I refuse to believe that this many people have autism

>doing this to the user who is the victim

>beating some faggot in an argument
>resorts to smug anime/laughing reaction images instead of replying to me anymore
>get more mad and type more shit out even though i know hes just gonna post more reaction images


>calling someone a soy or autistic is now considered humor

Stop shitting up this board, fag.

Based Soytendo bros

>bait someone into argument with obvious falsehoods
>they are 100% right
>every post is some slight variation of my first falsehood with smug or laughing reaction pic
>keep that up for 30 mins

lol, u mad?

>return to an old thread you made a post in
>suddenly a barrage of pop up reply notifications

By regarding smug animes and brainlet/brainless wojacks as non-arguments. Because that is what they are the vast majority of the time. Not even worth a reply, a dime-a-dozen shitpost.


>start losing an argument
>realize I'm anonymous and start false-flagging as a retard who agrees with the guy I'm arguing with so I can easily refute my own strawman arguments and make the guy who was beating me look bad by association

I never even said the word soy. Is your autism flaring up? Shall I be your toy trains?

>get into discussion with user
>he realizes he wrong
>"not an argument"

>one user is being a total dick and one user is in the right
>that fucking sperg jumps in with "YOU GUYS ARE BOTH TOXIC REPORT BOTH OF THEM"

Fuck you dude you beta bitch

>get into intense argument with user
>next day still thinking about it

I'm not alone am I?

angry bugman alert

Works every time

A plan fiendishly clever in its intricacies.

>Shall I be your toy trains?


>rarely get into arguments because of subpar english skills
>resort to being a meme boy due to how easier it is to express yourself through them
i don't know how to feel about this

This is a good post

Nah but I still remember the posts where I was really mean to some user. Feels bad man


I know that feel.

probably not alone but that's definitely sad. If I get especially annoyed it'll linger with me for an hour or two but i forget it by the next day for sure

>Shitposting argument starts
>Both of us know we're just shitposting
>Do nothing but shitpost
>Everyone else thinks we're serious
>We smug anime face each other for hours.

>to save face
I never understood this shit on Sup Forums
it's anonymous imageboard
you can't lose face

Not unless you're an avatar/name fag

Got that right! I don't know WHERE that user gets his ideas from!

Wew lass

>Losing an argument.
>Realize I was wrong.
>Have no qualms about apologizing because I'm anonymous and if someone persists on calling me an idiot for realizing my problem and admitting it, then I at least win by being more mature about it.


>type well thought out post
>grammar/spelling error

I fucking leave the thread every time

Haha gotta pull out my trip for this one! All of my internet friends will laugh! Im unique!

Hows it feel to be disliked by even the lowest of the nerds you fag?

Dumb animeposter

All me(You)

Yeah, you tell that tripfag loser. He needs to neck himself

I've taken to doing this recently, it's actually surprising how much tension can be neutralized if you just apologize about a mistake instead of doubling down.

>I win by being more mature
that's not how being mature works user


Fuck you

Thank you for the (you)

You think you're so cute.

Everyone below is a massive faggot.

user, please.

Modesty and confidence can co-exist, man.

well I mean yeah but it takes special kind of retard to adopt one in the first place

I think you're're#re dad's cute, user

>Spend a good amount of time making an argument, trying to make sure I got everything right
>Immediately realize I made a grammatical error
>Find out I misread the user’s post
>Also replied to the wrong person
>Close tab and never return

>winning argument
>make a slight grammar/spelling mistake
>other user just starts ignoring our original discussion and makes fun of my typo

>apologize after long-winded reply chain argument
>multiple flabbergasted (You)'s

I've been really enjoying those few threads where people are genuine in their posts rather then being mindless in shitposting. Its nice when it happens

>make a post pointing out something I don't like about a game
>that game just so happens to be on a sony console
>get met with numerous nintendo soyjak images despite not even owning a switch or mentioning nintendo at all

um, l-looks like you f-forgot to give me a (you) too, p-pal. hahaha no worries

>user tries to start argument
>realize it's just a fucking anonymous internet board and having an online argument is stupid
>ignore him

>brainlet wojak poster completely misreads or misses the point of the post they're replying to

Is that part of the meme or something? It didn't happen as often with shit like >impling or >ISHYGDDT

>when someone calls out your samefag
