Hey Sup Forums. What is it that makes gw2's pve suck?

Hey Sup Forums. What is it that makes gw2's pve suck?

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Boring spamfest where every class has some form to completely avoid damage, pump damage out into scaling enemies and ability to self heal.
So the content has to be built around this in mind so it all feels the same and non-challenging.


Fucking this. Sure you can learn skill management strategies but most of the time you'll do just fine spamming all of your skills not on cooldown.

Why can't there just be an mmo that releases that doesn't follow WoW or the Trinity.

The expansion content is a lot better. Also I honestly can't think of any games that do the zone-scale campaign stuff as well as GW2.

No trinity, no punishments for any mistakes, spamming spells on CD, no rewards other than cosmetics, no sense of progression or achievement, etc.

All this, plus the way the quests are set up means you don't even get a bit of story to break up the tedium.

the main issue with vanilla gw2 was that every difficult encounter was balanced around having a tank and healer except tanks and healers didn't exist

in the expansions, instances were designed with gw2's combat system in mind rather than world of warcraft's, making it a far less excruciating experience, and even overworld mobs play off of gw2's combat system better

I hope you know GW1 classes had self heals

t. GW1 player

The thread is not about GW1.

Except raid bosses LITERALLY target tanks and require dedicate healers now.


So what class has become the dedicated healer Could I be a dedicated healer was a Warrior? I haven't played the game since launch so I have no idea how things have unfolded.

I played GW2 for like four months, and it's shit.

I watch it gone to shit and watch them back track with the PoF after they say fuck you to the GW 1 fag and try to bring them back with nostalgia.

Refusal to make content that would require specific builds. It is fine that they don't want to do the traditional trinity, what isn't fine is not designing encounters that actually need things like control abilities. The vast majority of the game can be completed just by maximizing damage and abusing the dodge mechanic.

Druid is the dedicated healer, chronomancer the dedicated tank.
(Druid is a ranger elite spec, chrono a mesmer one)

I played gw2 until PoF and gameplay is still shit.

The new (and by new I mean as old as the previous expansion) literally does require cc abilities.

And they did it in the laziest way imaginable. Mobs in pve can use tons of target priority routines, but in raids they always target the one with the highest toughness stat. The tank doesn't have to do anything to force the boss to hit it and since most of gw2 pve can be survived by just rolling a tank can be just a normal dps build but with a +5 toughness infusion.

To make healers necessary all they did was give every boss a constant damage aura that can't be reliably avoided and has higher dps than most dps builds can heal through with their personal heal.

The existence of raids in mmos is insulting enough but the way gw2 does them is phenominally lazy and insulting. Naturally, just like in all gw2 pve you only use about 1/5th to 1/4th of the actual game mechanics and spend the whole time playing a game of simon says.


GW2 literally does not follow wow or the trinity in pve and its a shitfest cause of it

Just like every other raiding mmo.

Solid arguments there.

>No trinity
They kinda implemented the trinity in HoT, which is mainly used for late game fractals/raids but nothing else
>no punishment for mistakes
What MMO punish people for mistakes desu? Apart from screwing up in raids and a party wipe this game does that as well.
>Spamming spells on cd
This mainly applies to dps characters as long as their rotation is right.
>No rewards other than cosmetics
What kind of rewards do you expect from a mmo to begin with? All mmo rewards are either weapons with different stats or just skins.
>no sense of progression or achievement
Some progression in fractals, but other than that there is nothing so I will give you that point.

It doesn't help the reward is not even fucking good. Fractal still end up being a better source of money and gear (ascended is still as good as legendary). And then there the cancerous raid players themselves. I never see a group more autistic in meta than GW 2's raider. You get kick the instant you mention you don't have the exact build or armor from LEETGW2RAIDBUILDERJERKOFF site.

Not him but they had a WoW focus group, not the GW 1, to create the basis of the game. There is a retarded reason why Hearts exist, namely because these WoW group doesn't like leveling up via event, which was the original way to level up. That and now GW 2 has a trinity in the most stupidest way possible.

>does not follow wow
>literally a theme park where the AI has a trinity
And the PvE was literally WoW tier outside of telegraphing. Which is also fucking retarded.

>This mainly applies to dps characters as long as their rotation is right.

Nah, I've played gw2 for 3.5 years and tried all the classes. I did just fine in pvp and pve spamming everything that isn't on cooldown dodge included.

next to no progression

even simple stuff like beating a god with a legendary weapon

Then going back to the starting area and taking almost as long to kill a level 3 bunny

its retarded and feels bad

Trash mobs that can avoid damage or CC bukakke you to death

Skelks that stealth after you hit them are fine, they are still there and you can hit them, but the white mantle mesmers are goddman niggerfaggots. you can CC them, you can one-shot them, it doesnt matter they avoid all damage, stealth for what feels like a minute and teleport far away that you cant hit them with AoE

its so fucking boring
its like they made the treadmill
but took out all the rewards
so your left with just treadmill

Don't forget in beta, the enemies require some form of cc to kill them because they had GW 1 tier ai. They end up dumbing down the system for those fucks.

I want to say that you're wrong but I can't.

>All groups just smush together and the entire thing becomes a mindless zergfest
>Or you get close enough to their portal to setup artillery and bomb the shit out of them with other players the moment they step into the area

you certainly didn't in pvp

The only good thing about the game was WvWvWvWvW and now they are killing it.

haven't played since launch but all the classes played pretty much the same, big boss mobs were just avoiding damage and running back to get your corpse to continue the fight if you died. res zergs aren't fun.

mfw I just recently bought PoF.

I-It's not that bad is it? The story quest is at least fun isn't it, please tell me it is.

>Lets do away with the trinity (tank, healer, damage) formula, the tried and true necessity for any successful MMO and replace it with absolute dog shit

I dunno man.

What are they doing this time?

PoF's quest is fine. Way better than vanilla and HoT. The only issue with PoF (unless it's been fixed) was that the maps didn't have a lot of replayability like the HoT maps did.

>guild wars 2 still exists


How does something degrade in quality over time, like GW2? It's seriously been a negative slope since the 2011 release, with a random good spike once a year or something.

Really. Every time I think about reinstalling I just remember that something I enjoyed previously has probably been gutted.

Your game sucks nigger

Removing any thought or skill of selecting...skillls.
Much more fun with the 8 skills of GW1.

>a legit strategy is placing a catapult or a fucking trebuchet behind your base door and use it to destroy anything behind it
>tapping a door of a fort with a waypoint disable the waypoint
It pretty fucking stupid that these two are legit strategy

I would put it this way. Your crew consist of Canach, Rytlock, and Kasmeer, so none of the other cancerous SJW piece of shit. The catch with Kasmeer is that the NEW writer didn't shove lesbian shit on Kasmeer and she actually had a proper character revolving around the belief of the gods. Needless to say, your companion made the story good.

>What are they doing this time?
Killing server pride in favor of something sterile and of course I N C L U S I V E.

Nigga, pvp was my favorite part of the game other than boss zergfests. It was fun jumping into the fray and buttonmash everything, then try to run away when you're outnumbered. Granted I wasn't top tier but I wasn't shit even with the button mashing either. Tried a variety of roles, healer, tank, dps, glass cannon. With the healer I still pop all the skills regardless of what's happening and still remain useful.

I remember their shilling that it was more complex somehow when your skills are fixed lmao

Story wise it just gets better. It just lacks replayability like HoT did.

That was the one thing I didn't like about my elementalist when I played. It felt like my objective was to just activate as many cooldowns as humanly possible in the least amount of time possible, instead of using them intelligently.

PvP on the other hand was a fucking blast, d/d ele in SPvP was one of the most enjoyable experiences I have ever had in a video game. It felt like my cooldowns mattered because I was using them to respond to my enemies' actions, instead of just for damage.

Why do you get so easily offended by something on the internet? I mean just walk away from the screen ahahahahaha

Oh and I forgot to mention they are riding the nostalgia trip for GW 1 pretty hard. It work, but it bittersweet with all the shit the previous fucks did that ruin the Guild Wars image. Also they had Scarlet reappear as a memory.

That's a shame. The HoT maps and the Silverwastes were honestly some of the best fun I've had in pve in any mmo.

>game adds a z-axis
>you can jump on stuff now
>enemies don't jump and if an enemy can't reach you they go invulnerable and rapidly regenerate all their health while running to their spawn
>only use are jumping puzzles
I honestly prefer being able to swordfight on a bridge against an enemy standing 10 meters below it. This is trash.


God don't fucking remind me. Doing dungeons felt as if I were playing some sort of very early pre-alpha korean MMO, and this was months after release. I did dozens of them and still actually had no idea what the fuck was going on in them. Everything one shotted everyone and there was no healer and no tank and no visual choreograph for half the shit.

What a fucking mess.

The thing that annoyed me about pvp was that if you're trying to run away from two enemies. It's usually too late, you're gonna die.

>the last part of the game that actually has any community focus
>rip all of the community focus away
There's not even a single piece of genuine mmo content left in gw2 once this change goes through. They should've just made it a coop rpg like gw1 from the start if they were gunna half ass mmo this much.

Dungeons were shit and will stay shit. They left the dungeon idea ages ago for good reasons.

I remember when they nerfed the rewards dungeons gave you sometime after release and everyone lost it because now they had to do that shit MORE

Hell, Twilight Arbor's available dungeon population fucking plummeted after they fixed the glitch where you could just stand outside the boss arena and shoot him to death without getting hit.

Which was a shame because I really liked the design of that dungeon's armor.

Because that's exactly what I'm saying, retard. Was mommy too busy poledancing that she didn't breastfeed you enough?

>Hey Sup Forums. What is it that makes gw2's pve suck?
The game that it is in.

If this is the route they are going to take they really really need to review guilds again. Guilds will now be the only focus of community in the game.

if Sup Forums says a game is bad, then the game is good. Gw2 is the best worst mmo ever made.

Fine in open world maybe.

Server pride hasn't been a thing in years, WvW might as well be called "Bandwagon versus the others".

t. Northamericlap

I'm EU on SFR



Why are we EU? Just to SFR?

how active is the game? any plans for the future? I stopped playing before heart of thorns came out

this, the only proud WvWers are the bandwagoners on bitchgate

It's very active, right now they're released living story episodes every 2-3 months.

they're releasing*
Also, big WvW rework is planned.

/gw2g/ revival when?
non Sup Forums thread to steer clear from bitter GW1fags that still complain about fiery greatsword one hitting bosses and other irrelevant and outdated shit kek
give me my cancerous general back

>GW2 does not follow the trinity
Yes it does. Even in the beginning, the only difference was that "healer" was deprecated a bit since everyone can heal themselves to some extent, but there were still effective healing builds for Engineer and elementalist and whatever else.

fine fuck u then

Man, i'm almost starting to miss gw2, the game might have had some issues with late game but leveling for the first time and pvp was fun as fuck.

what killed the general anyways?
you guys looked so comfy

Will WvW finally get it's own balancing or is it still subject to PvE and SPvP balancing which ruined it for skill groups and roamers?

some guy got mad by a sylvari screenshot spammer and started spamming charr screenshots for like 4-5 years or something. eventually he got tired of spamming and like made bots that gathered text and picture posts on Sup Forums and spammed that instead, confusing the hell out of the general and killing it. the mods couldn't do anything about it

it sucks man

post your autism
>best class?
Revenant due to the variation of builds and I can only enjoy heavy armor for some reason

PvE only

>best race?
Norn. Comfiest cities.

Some autismal sperg killing the gw2 general is the only satisfaction I'll ever get for gw2 not being gw1.5
It's not a very satisfying satisfaction

they released alot of content for late game with both of the expansion, give it a try

>best class
thief, only active defense and lot of mobility makes it very engaging to play

mostly pvp, sometimes wvw, pve for raids and daily istan

>best race
male human, i may be boring, but atleast im not a degenerate

>best class?
Engi, Holo a shit though


>best race?
Rats, but Humans are the best for fashion

The combat

Everything about GW2 is great except for the combat

Too bad that's like the biggest part of the game

Lol 18k of gold? Is it your actual gold or the value?

>the mods couldn't do anything about it

It's the character's value, 6 legendaries + armor.

Quest design is piss as its just a massive list of follow the dots and complete menial tasks that offer no challenge what so ever.

On top of that the monsters are super weak and the combat is an AOE skill spam fuckfest with no depth.

>What MMO punish people for mistakes desu? Apart from screwing up in raids and a party wipe this game does that as well.
Vanilla WOW

Nu-MMOs made in the wake of WOW's success have zero punishment, but are also extremely grindy with time limits and zynga inspired mechanics to capitalize on whale economics.

>tfw I was that "sylvari spammer"
Kinda proud that I triggered someone so hard. Although people misrememeber a lot of things. I didn't really spam THAT hard, just image capped two threads over the course of 2 days and that was it.

So exactly what is the punishment for someone fucking up? I only played guild wars 1 when I was younger and WOW was trash in my eyes.

Something that kinda goes unnoticed due to all the private servers making it too easy to get around is the save point mechanic in RO. If you died a long way out with no priest or yggleaf you were in for a long trip to get back there.

you shouldn't have done it

EVE: You lose your ship, its destroyed, you have to build/buy a new one and all the components in the game, this could be cheap, such as tech 1 frigates and cruisers, or expensive as fuck, like capital ships, titans take months to build for example

EQ1: When you died, you spawn at your last bind location, and had to run all the way back to your corpse to get your shit, think diablo 2, except in a persistent open world so no re-loading, you also lost EXP on death, though getting rez'd would mitigate that loss

Vanilla WOW: By the time you get back to your body shit will have respawned, punishment enough for running dungeons and failing too much, also there were no daily quests so money wasn't easy to come by.

OSRS: You drop your shit on death except 3-4 of your most expensive items, unless you're skilled for aggressing in PVP, then you lose all your items (I think they added in a prayer to keep 1 item though)

Then you got shit like Haven and Hearth, where failing in combat leads to wounds which give severe debuffs, and if you take too many wounds you outright die and have to make a new character who retains a fraction of the skill points.

When MMO's became raid/minigame centric, rather then immersive persistant shared worlds, this all got nerfed/removed, which made all those games shit.