How does being a ghoul make one attracted to ghouls?
How does being a ghoul make one attracted to ghouls?
The same way being a human makes one attracted to humans, you fucking furryfag.
When you turned into walking beef jerky, you want somone to jerky your beef. Hence a Beef Jerky Handjob.
The same way fat people give up and go for other fat people.
What a stupid question.
if they lose skin during coitus then you get it. It's a net gain.
Also they don't die to your radioactive dick.
we had this thread so many times
What do ghouls eat?
Why do you keep making this thread?
How does being 60 make you attracted to 60 year olds?
He never said he thought smoothskins were disgusting. Just like a 60 years likes 60 year olds and still finds 20 year olds attractive
outside of fetishists you aren't gonna find anyone aside from other ghouls to do the horizontal shuffle with
This just proves how bad bethesda are as "rival" games developers, they can't even keep their own lore in check with other people in their studio
yeah right? Like even niggers are not attracted to their own negresses.
It's like how whiteknights orbit and defend whales because their unassuming nature is relatable and they think they're easy since they're not an alpha's first choice. They're still ugly as sin but at least the whale will give you the time of day that you misinterpret as sexual interest.
Source: I banged a 3/10 woman who was 10 years older than me.
Same way being obese makes you attracted to obese people, you simply have no other options.
If ghouls can't reproduce how are there still so many of them hundreds of years after the war?
They have super increased lifespans and a lot of them became crispy way after the war.
Yeah but they've been getting killed for hundreds of years you'd think there would be less in the wasteland not more.
You talking about ferals?
Because the quest is fucking awful and poorly written, and the pay-off is you get some stupid directions which would be painfully obvious to anyone who has a brain.
But Ghouls are just humans with melted skin.
Any of them, even non-feral ghouls have been discriminated against and killed.
Dont they all go feral after some time?
This is just sad.
That's an assumption that people who don't like ghouls make, we don't actually have a definitive answer. Better safe than sorry, I say.
Well I mean it's more complicated than that, sure, but at their core they are basically humans with fucked up mutations.
They eat the flecks of dead skin that fall from their mutant bodies
Yes. They were humans so why would they go "well we've mutated a bit so I don't wanna fuck normal humans anymore. How about other melty cunts though? We're pretty fucking fine thinking about it"
You expect anything GOOD from Mr Todd? F4llout doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned.
They wouldn't, but it'd be completely unreasonable for them to pursue consensual sexual relations with normies, outside of prostitutes.