still mildly pissed that Space Marine strongly hinted you'd get a chance to control one, then turned it into an escort mission

Other urls found in this thread:


There's literally a 40K titan game on mobile you massive fag. Inb4 phone poster

>Focus Home Interactive is doing Battlefleet Gothic 2
>We will never get Wargame: Warhammer with all the different factions, races, etc

goddamn it, when I see pictures like this I almost fall for the miniature hobbie, but then I start to realize that I would probably never paint my minis as good as those pictures, not taking in count that they use a lot of paints that are expensive too

>What is Final Liberation


I was thinking more MechWarrior than Dance Dance Revolution user

Xcom 40k Edition looks interesting; is it as obtuse as it looks?

not nearly as complex as xcom

>you'll never get to pilot an Imperator and crush filthy xenos beneath your feet

In canon, are any of them still up and running? Haven't seen strong mention of Titans in a long time

they barely get used anymore since fielding a squad of knights does the same thing

What the FUCK happened to 40k recently?

Hell froze over.
They moved the setting forward.

They're really good paints for gunpla, mind you.

they're pulling a end times and age of shitmar

They literally released the warlord last year...

squats are a thing yes

Warlord /= Imperator



>I would probably never paint my minis as good as those pictures

Its almost as if a hobby takes time and effort to perfect.

Can any 40k players enlighten me as to how much they spend per year to be 'current'?

I like the fluff and I've been reading a few of the old Horus Heresy novels, but it feels like so much shit has happened and is currently happening that it's hard to get into now.

>Squats getting focus
>Not Ratlings


Who said they aren't working on it??

They're trying to appeal to shareholders and gen z. Which is why everything looks like plastic Blizzard nonsense

Local mary sue and her ultramarine boyfriend are saving the galaxy.

more war

don't badmouth the consort regent of your Imperium Monkeigh!

That's 930 for the body.
You want to buy some weapons for it too, goy.


>read a few overviews of the setting on the wiki
>youll generally be up to date and you can research further into what youd like to get the details

Are you trying to imply something about those new marines?

This image would be better if the manlet marine was gabriel seth

Surely everyone loved Age of Sigmar™. Aren#t you glad to hear that we'll take Warhammer 40k™ in the same direction?

Honestly, it's not that bad. Here's all you need to remember:

>Bad News for the Imperium: Chaos finally won a black crusade and blew up Cadia, creating a massive warp rift that tore the galaxy in half, one side of it still has access to the Astronomicon but the other side is the "Dark Imperium"

>Good news for the Imperium: The Eldar revived Roboute Guilliman somehow, and Guilliman and his friends produced super space marines called Primaris who are trying to recover everything they can in the light side of the galaxy so they can go and help the people in the dark side, who are only surviving because of the Blood Angels going around everywhere fighting demons and aayys

That's pretty much it, there's been nothing new about the Necrons, or the Tyranids supposedly moving in. I kind of wonder if the Tyranids even have any interest in the galaxy anymore because of that huge warp rift, I heard the Nids don't like the Warp very much.

>thinking GW is going to blow up their massive cash cow when the fanbase is in love with it right now and it's making them buckets of money

What would sigmar 40k even look like? The Tyranids arrive, eat everything, but the Emprah sneaks some humans out on an emergency evacuation ship somehow and they end up in another galaxy that just happens to have not-Necrons, not-Orks, and not-Eldar, etc. with the Tyranids following?

But Age of Sigmar is a good game

>universe blows up
>chaos is still a thing
>"order factions" unite so you have eldar, tau, imperium working together
>things which just want death are tyranids, necrons, orks
>of course they are all renamed

With the current state of play, it's more likely to be Chaos.

Although who the fuck can tell, they could do Nids, they could do Orks, they could even say 'fuck it, Dark Eldar are now world enders'

isnt it said that the nids are running from something even worse, and that outside the galaxy only the screaming of orks can be heard? id guess if anyone is the game ender, its going to be orks agan ala the beast but winning.

Nids are flooding in because they want to finish up the leftovers from the Warp taken planets before they all become warp-infested shit.

Apparently, they are actually growing strong enough with their Shadow of the Warp Hive mind to spit planets out back into realspace after devouring all biomass.

Just read the 8th edition to catch up.


Ahh, so there's been an anti-Chaos adaptation for the nids since the warp rift is so big. But the "main" nid force is still out there, isn't it?

too bad its absolute garbage

One of the fleet is building some sort of psychic super-beacon and another is targetting other Tyranid Fleets specifically to absorb their unqiue traits to form some sort of super-Nids. So most likely, yes