>Nujak /biz/ 3rd worlder shill got banned for monetization of memes
>Nujak /biz/ 3rd worlder shill got banned for monetization of memes
Other urls found in this thread:
>>>Sup Forumsrules/1
I'm not seeing anything on the bans page.
this is the real nujak
I had a screencap of one of those bans too, from a monster girl quest thread over 600 posts after some hours on page 10, the last post was literally.
>"How nice of the mods to let this thread happen and ebasbca v"
>This thread was pruned or deleted
Are you fucking kidding me mods?
lol I saw that happen too
>Sup Forums tradition thread gets deleted
>dolphin vagina still not deleted
>dead baby thread up for more than half an hour
So this is the power of Sup Forums jannies
>i dont enjoy nujak
Fuck off nujak nobody likes you
Holy shit this is even worse, what kind of turbo autist would make these and then try to force his shitty abortions to be accepted?
Due to all the controversy over wojak/feelsguy's latest evolution, I have created an alternative. His name is "le pretentious vidya opinions man", and you post him whenever you believe that someone's taste in video games is pretentious. Have fun!
/biz/lets btfo
An attentionwhore desperate to be the next big meme man. Probably jerking himself off and hoping to god he can finally say "I made that meme"
The faggots who forced these memes to begin with you sad piece of shit.
>this thread will probably get delete soon
>threads with fucking furry porn will stay up
fuck you mods
>Nujack is garbage
for mad replies from newfags like you
>he claims to hate r****t
how is he not /ourguy/ again?
It wouldn't care if they didn't take the Sup Forums approach and just spam it on Sup Forums to get people to use it
All he has to do is spam it for long enough for people to hate it, then let the useful idiots spam it for epic (You)'s. How do you think 'soy' and 'cuck' and shit got so popular? Dedicated autists doing it for (You)'s and idiots ended up spreading it.
Yeah but immediately before does a le epic such doge meme.
Plus by that he's still a tumblrfag
I'm gonna post him until you like him.
The fact that people even care is too much. You're giving retards power.
>be me
>talking about stuff
>You Are Banned
>You are banned for 30 days for breaking Global 1
What the flying fuck? I didn't do any of that. The ban didn't say what I posted or even the fucking board. To this day I have no idea, I appealed twice (I couldn't evade as I had my Pass on, I specifically avoided buying a pass after that, even with broken captcha) and got rejected. The only thing I can think of was the whole Alison Rapp 'I think kids can consent thing' and I got banned for talking about the legality of the thing. I have no idea.
remember when doge was spammed everywhere? now you'd get banned for posting doge
memes come and go, deal with it
I wouldn't mind if the guy wasn't such a shit artist. The mouth and teeth and eyes are awful. It's like he's used a program to auto do it.
Anyone else dislike how everything on Sup Forums revolves around Wojak edits these days? I actually liked Sup Forums more in the early 2010's, because there was more variety in what people posted.
Doge came somewhat naturally. Some guy from /biz/ didn't decide he loved his dog a lot and spammed it on every fucking board with generic lines with "ironic" flavor to push it with shit like "I really hate the Nintendo Switch!" or some garbage to seed it into a board
post sharktits
Most of Sup Forums's current userbase is too fucking stupid and lacks self awareness to acknowledge a palpable loss in any sort of board culture outside of wojack.
It's all downhill from here, kozo.
I don't have any, I'm afraid. I do have more of these pics, though.
>Anyone else dislike how everything on Sup Forums revolves around Wojak edits these days?
I sure as shit do, I've been tired of it for a long fucking time.
I think that a lot of people on Sup Forums are just very new these days, so they honestly don't know anything about this place besides Wojak and Pepe. I'm a newfag from around 2010 or 2011 myself, but I do remember Sup Forums being more fun.
Kids that grew up with the Xbox 360, social media, youtube, e-celebs and LPers are here. They're drooling retards that lack creativity.
Just saw a thread where someone mentioned something that happened in their high school class 'way back' in 2014' and feeling nostalgic for rage comics.
I'm too old for this fucking site.
>tfw I saw a nostalgia thread for Black Ops 1 the other day
The worst part is the "GO BACK TO REBBIT" posters when they don't even know what they're defending anymore.
What the fuck is this Wallace and Gromit thing?
What's funny is that I sometimes see Sup Forums users tell other people to go to Reddit for not liking memes, when I remember Reddit being obsessed with memes like rage comics was one of the things that made Sup Forums hate it back in 2011.
>tfw when I'm going to turn 29 this year and have been apart of this shithusk of a community for over a decade and a half
>mods keep attacking the spic community
literally the most harmless fuckers that dwell on this board, why do mods keep shitting on them?
we will never know.
I've only been here for around 7 years at this point, but I already feel like an old fart while I'm on Sup Forums these days.
Fuck off.
The irony is palpable.
"The box. You opened it. We came. Now you must come with us, taste our pleasures." - Walijak
I would create more OC, but there's two issues: You come across like an attention whore by doing it out of the blue, and people are really harsh on art quality. The environment just isn't right.
Saw Halo 3 nostalgia threads a bit back. I remember when liking Halo would get you laughed at here. Fuck, I've been here since 2006 which is too long. Still have faggots telling me to 'go back' or calling me a newfag which is hilarious.
i don't like this
Nuwojak is trying to kill off wojaks you fucking niggers. Of course retards are to new too remember coolface 2.0 which did the exact same thing to trollface because it was hijacked by reddit at that point
I remember when stuff like "We want the Call of Duty audience" was a thing that people on Sup Forums hated. These days I rarely even see the word "casual" used on here.
This. Last time an user posted something original about his drawings from when he was a child for a videogame he wanted to make so I redrew some of the stuff he posted. Then the thread derailed into shitposts about my 'autism' for drawing them and the other half calling those posters the cancer killing the board.
Faggots only care about wojak and pepe edits, it's just as bad, of not worse than rage comic edits and the obsession with memes by rehashing them to death.
If only Lanced Jack didn't die from cancer.
I think I know what you're talking about, but I mainly remember the "Master Ruseman" pics that people used to make in 2012. I miss these.
You are spamming some Filipino subhuman's work in an attempt to get it into the circulation. Evaluate your fucking life kid.
>nooooo buy my memecoins
They were unironically great
>Faggots only care about wojak and pepe edits, it's just as bad, of not worse than rage comic edits and the obsession with memes by rehashing them to death.
I would say that it's worse because at least rage comics fucking died after a while, and Sup Forums dropped them when Reddit started using them. Wojak and Pepe in their current state have been spammed since around 2014, when stuff like Smug Pepe happened, and I don't think that they're going away any time soon.
Unbearable, isn't it? The suffering of strangers, the agony of friends.
Down the dark decades of your pain, this will seem like a memory of Heaven.
There used to be a time where Sup Forums used to be the coolface/trollface board and you would see it being used everywhere and often. Sup Forums only stopped using it when it became the icon of the rage face comics and thus Sup Forums became afraid of "le reddit stealing our maymays".