Why are they so big?


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You call that big?

Because a girls breast size is her power level

You call that big?

SFMs with dogs when???

need to be perky

>Unreal Engine
Cautiously pessimistic

Why shouldn't they be?

After Lizardman and/or some guro scenario

Because Patroklos needs his milkies.

She needs them to stop the blades.

SFM was a mistake

Cassandra > Pyrrha > Sophitia

That would just make them less soft

It's not all bad. There was that Kula blowjob webm, that was nice.

Good. I can't get hard unless it feels like I'm trying to motorboat boulders.

hating on the ue4


Because UE4 is a piece of shit

from which technical standpoint?


she just had kids. Biggest lore.

Name a better engine.

on what basis?

Unreal 3

Not him but I'm wary of UE games because they tend to run like shit, but I don't blame it on the engine itself, more on the devs not optimizing their shits

But those are obviously way too small

Post her feet

reliable place to get SFM porn when? the reblog has updated in two months

mmm, never thought of it that way.

>Kula blowjob

Because it's hard to use.
Yes, it allow for shiny graphics and a lot of cool stuff but it's also hard to optimize and this is not the kind of thing you can learn in the span of 1-2 years if you never worked on an Unreal Enigine before.
Hence why PC users runs into a lot of issues with games made with it by unexperimented devs.
Unity is unironically a better engine if you never worked on a big game before.

They look like fake tits, this is so ugly.

Fuck, just imagine how Ivy it's going to look like

Why are you still using gifs? Why are you using gifs with one fifth of the maximum allowed file size on here?
That shit looks like a fucking slideshow. Fuck off and come back with a webm.

Could be bigger.

If Namco wants to get all those virgin gamer dollars, they going to go the DOA xtreme route and make them fuckhuge.

You call that big?

I honestly don't care for titties when the faces and skin shader are so bad

That's obesity. That is disgusting.

also, sophitia barefoot confirmed!

>fags posting 3d pig women

is not that big , her shield is small, real shield use to be bigger.

I prefer Xianghua's perky ass desu.

>not making fun of 3dfags by posting even more disgusting pics

>shit up the thread even further
Quality logic from the elves.



I can't wait, I loved her design in SC4.

Unless they fuck her up like they did in SC5.

God I loved that outfit

>perfect armpits
Why cant she be real

the question is, why others aren't?

Fk off user, they re just fat
Their sign literally says "Fat life"

Did you not see how awful Tekken looked?


Haven't played Soul Calibur since SC2. Does Sophitia say 'Ara ara', like this other busty, blonde goddess?

You call that big?

I've seen bigger.

The front ones aren't kneeling they just sunk into the asphalt

Where's the sweat and girl musk clouds?

if anything they're not big enough

I love this mechanic.

What dlc was that, I think I stopped paying attention after the china dresses and rodeo stuff


They are going to be HUGE

Motherfucker, if she were real, we'd all be slaughtering ourselves right now

You like that don't you?, you sick foot fag


I cant wait for this game to fuel my panty fetish

Jojo reference?

99% tiddy 1%more tiddy

>huge breasts
>no ass


You call that big?

>Motherfucker, if she were real, we'd all be slaughtering ourselves right now
Yes, and?
Id kill anyone of you fags for the privilege of licking these pits though

>ashkenazi women

Goodbye thread


i would but i have no shame

really opened my eyes

Big Boobs + Big Ass = GOAT
Small Boobs + Big Ass = Great
Small Boobs + No Ass = Can work with a thin waist
Big Boobs + No Ass = Awful

Firm Ass > Big Ass

Just want to get this out there before you virgins screech with your impotent rage when she is revealed.
Ivy will not go back to this amount of clothing.
ESRB will have a field day with it.

Helena a shit.

What is wrong with them being big that doesn't amount to some insecure self imposed garbage?

firm ass = man ass

women are supposed to be soft

Why is everyone so bigger then me.

It more just comes down to tits being great in all sizes, but no ass is a dealbreaker

That's from a mod, one of a half-dozen or so wedding dresses. A missed opportunity for KT considering how much they market waifus in almost all of their games.

poor girl. She honestly needs reduction surgery. I cant imagine living with those everyday.

>Pyrrha >
Absolutely not. Take your spineless blob somewhere else.

because youre a god forsaken chestlet

me in the middle

She's not even as big as she was in 3

You fucking disgust me


Why does she have no nipples?

You call that big?

So females have big milkers and they need representation too

>her saggy breasts
>that badly shopped waist line


talim when

Kill yourself you disgusting attention whore roastie.

Yeah, Tekken looks like shit. Either that or you're both blind and retarded.