Blizzard is now censoring forum threads that want no changes. Did WoW classic die before it began?
Blizzard is now censoring forum threads that want no changes. Did WoW classic die before it began?
You're preaching to the choir faggot
>power tripping forum moderator goes wild
Nothing new here.
>People really except Classic WoW is going to be good thing.
Blizzard could have released Classic WoW since 2006 but didn't want to. I don't except jack shit from Classic WoW.
This video is 6 minutes to long
>What happened
Someone at blizzard fucked with someone's thread title, despite advocating for private servers Blizz could technically punish you for
>Was it a dick move
yes, since ghost changing titles is not only uncool, but pussy tier
>What can be done
Upboat and whine really
the end
This is why you don't touch anything with the name blizzard on it
>Heirlooms and current races will probably be introduced
My worst nightmare
>tfw I want retail to be good so I can keep playing my goblin girl
>not wantiing to be a goblin pre-cata
>strutting around Orgimmars bank in full HWL/Tier 3.5
Blizzard do not wan't to do Classic realms, but the whole Nostralius shutdown was bad PR for Blizzard. They are doing it make the company look good
I think it would honestly be interesting to have Vanilla 2.0 be set into an alternate timeline
Pulling an OSRS with WOW is a wetdream of mine.
As long as they keep Ion Hozzikotas far, far away from it.
>classic WoW without changes
So people want to do the MC/BWL/r14 grind for the umpteenth time with Warriors/Rogues/Mages being 90% of the servers pop, undead being the only horde Rogues and Dwarves being the only viable Alliance Priests? There are already private servers for that shit and it's stale as all fuck. I'd rather see a Vanilla with QoL/balance changes but having the core of the game remain unchanged (the core being forced cooperation, dangerous and vast world, no rdf/raf and no pets etc)
They ought to just do all of the expansions again, but add the cut content
it would triple the number of raids and BGs
it doesn't matter. by the time the shit actually gets off the ground in 2021 no one will care anymore and blizzard will tell us again how we didn't really want it.
>can't raid tank or dps on my druid
>can't raid dps on my shaman
>can't raid tank or dps on my paladin
>can't raid dps on my priest
>can be the best tank in the game without speccing a single point into the prot tree on my warrior, get to be best melee dps in the game and a killing machine in pvp
>people think this is balanced and doesn't need to be changed
you cucks are going to be btfo so fucking hard when Classic rolls around
none of that is true though and I played since leaked alpha client
and the fact that there are private servers with thousands of peoples answers your question that YES people want to do it again, and again, and again, play the same exact game for decades, weird huh?
>no pets
pets have been in the game from day one senpai
good, nostalgia fags need to die
Why do you resist us, OP? Come to the Dark Side.
You're not allowed to advocate for private servers in the forums. A mod, with probably very little thought, edited that part out of the title. There most likely was no malice or trying to censor threads that want no changes, but rather laziness and thoughtlessness. I know it's fun to assume that people are doing things out of malice, but most of the time that is not the case.
vanilla was shit, everyone already knows this
ionn wasn't in charge of game direction until legion. I don't like his opinion on titanforging and whatnot but acting like all the awful post-3.2 changes are his fault is dumb. he was in charge of raid design from 3.2-legion, and there were some pretty good raids during that time.
this nigga wrote something about private servers which blizzard doesnt want anyone to talk about, yet he kept insisting on his original title so he got banned and his friend made a 7 minute video about it
you either started in wotlk or you started in mop
>WoTLK babies ranking.jpeg
end yourself
>WoD equal to TBC
you've never played wow
>enjoyed WoD more than Legion
I started in vanilla, vanilla was shit.
Jesus christ i have never seen such shit taste before. Well done.
WOTLK was the beginning of the end
Legion is trash
WoD was trash covered in hots shit.
sunwell patch set one of the most dangerous precedents that contributed to the destruction of the game though
A lot of systems and designs of BC ruined WOW in the long run
>Badge grinding
>PVP/PVE progression split
>non-existent dungeon design (see:pic related for how an end game dungeon should flow)
>Introduced daily rep grinds
>lowered raid sizes for no good reason (The game always needed more, and better 10 and 20 mans, but they didn't need to outright remove 40 mans)
>flying mounts
The Dark Side is shit
>Before joining Blizzard Ion was an associate in the Litigation Department at Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP, a Washington, DC based law firm.[5] His areas of expertise included white-collar criminal defense and large-scale internal investigations. As of 2013, his license to practice law is still active.
Why is this so perfect.
Nigga, his raids were hit or miss.
3.2 was the shittest raid the game ever had, and he's only had 1 good raid under his belt, TOT.
Stopped caring what he had to say there.
How did he get a job ruining video games?
The individual who slapped together this 9gag tier image is either a turbo retard or a MOP babby.
tbc > classic > wotlk > warlords > cata > mop
haven't played legion
We can see you samefagging
Warlords is by far, objectively the worst expansion in the series. It's a fucking joke. 6.1, one of the major patches was literally a selfie cam and twitter integration.
Like, if you think MOP is the worst expansion you didn't play it or you just got caught up in "muh pandas" and ignored all the good stuff and content that expansion actually brought to the table. Yeah, MoP was definitely not the best expansion, far from it but don't bring me that we wuz conquerarz n shiiieeet expansion is better than any other expansion you giant fucking retard.
WotLK > MoP > warlords > cata > tbc > classic
haven't played legion
He ran the game's leading theory crafting website and guild, Elitist Jerks, and was probably providing a lot of feedback for the raid developers before he got hired on.
Problem is, there is providing feedback, and then there is game design, Ion is not a game designer, he's a lawyer, he's professionally trained to make everything as rigidly unfun as possible, so its 'fair and balanced'
Samefagging? Literally just stumbled into this thread.
>6.1, one of the major patches was literally a selfie cam and twitter integration.
Sounds a lot like 2.2
>haven't played legion
You haven't played anything before or after Wrath, faggot.
And yet the post count didn't go up when you posted.... really makes you think
MOP's 'good stuff' was mostly brushed aside by its bad.
The expansion didn't start strong by relying entirely on daily rep grinds as 'content' as well as the weekly raid lockout everyone gets one free legendary.
It didn't get good until its troll patch, think about that, the only good part of MOP was a troll patch.
ranking the xpacs doesnt matter when vanilla, tbc and maybe wrath were the only ones worth playing
MoP >WotLK > warlords > cata > tbc > > > dog shit > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > classic
vanilla was the worst WoW has ever been and tbc was only marginally better, you have to have extra shit taste to think vanilla was good.
or more likley you just never actually played it.
MOP was a fine expansion, but I can understand why people hate the Panda theme
>vanilla was the worst WoW has ever been and tbc was only marginally better, you have to have extra shit taste to think vanilla was good.
what about the millions of people who have been playing Vanilla for the last 6 years?
you think you do but you don't
Problem with that assessment is that BC had progression where WOD did not.
People were too busy progressing through tier 4 5 and 6 to care about a bad VOIP integration.
WOD was designed post 3.2, where raid progression is non-existant, and with LFR everyone got to see the raid, wasting a major patch on non-raid content was sure to cause problems when everyone is stuck at the top end and stuck with repetitive gameplay.
With progression, there is always something new to see, and gearing your alts is satisfying, but without it, you're twiddling your thumbs after you clear a raid once and then want to jump on the next raid bandwagon.
mfw i genuinely enjoyed the solo content of warlords
it was the only thing that kept me subscribed for a few months after its launch
Look at this face.
How can a man look so evil? I definitely feel like this guy would win you over, make you convinced that he has your back and then you go out for a drink at at some lonely bar and then things would start to get blurry, this is the last thing you see.
Learn English you fucking faggot
Vanilla > early WotLK > TBC > late WotLK > shit > the rest
Of course it did since the only reason Classic was fun was because it was a new experience.
Releasing Classic now is so fucking stupid and once the nostalgia wears off it will die.
>once the nostalgia wears off it will die.
Vanilla private servers have been thriving since TBC, what makes you think the nostalgia will suddenly die now, when it is arguably more prominent than every before, 11 years down the line?
>millions of people who have been playing Vanilla for the last 6 years?
vanilla babies. ladies and gentlmen
Bullshit, I played through WOD and Nost at the same time and I can tell you Vanilla holds up.
The one thing vanilla had, was progression, your character from the moment you made them to the top end raids was on a smooth progression curve, BC onward they only cared about the end game so everything you did before the current x-pack was worthless, this is made even more problematic from WOTLK onward when you just had hierlooms instead of actual gear progression, and with cata/MOP effectively limiting and removing talents repectively, leveling became a dry, boring, mindless grind
Tell me, how does it feel to be born after the year 2000?
>millions of people who have been playing Vanilla for the last 6 years?
this is bait
When they said they no longer have the original source code for vanilla servers and that they will be using nostalrius software as a base for the Classic servers, it was a complete lie.
The function of said lie is to mentally make you prepared for the fact that it will be different. The moment you accepted that lie as a fact, you accepted that it will be different SOMEHOW.
And thus the door for bigger changes has been opened. All they have to do now is actually make it different and say "we couldn't make it work like the original so this is what how we compromised". And leaning back on the fact that you already accpted change before, you'll let it pass without a big fuss. And then compromise is some qol or whatever change that messes up with the dynamic of the original game. And then the worst of the drones will rush to defend it and from there all the bets are off.
Enjoy your aids to your hearts' content, please.
If you think wow and tbc aren't the peak of wow either a) you didn't actually play them or b) you're a dumbass mopbabby
You tell me, vanilla baby
If you think vanilla or tbc are the peak of wow either a) you didn't actually play them or b) you're a dumbass vanillababby
What do we do about all the mopfetuses that have surfaced recently? They're even more insufferable than wrathbabbys.
How is it Bait?
From cata onwards the quests just give you free gear tailored to your spec/class and once you reach the beginning of an expansion your shit gets replaced by quest greens that are on par if not better than previous expansion's raid gear causing massive power spiking.
And the progression curve of live WOW is absurd, even at 110 the difference of 20 ilvls is like 1million health and 400k DPS
You can't, they're like wrathbabbies.
The only thing you can do is remind them of time gated rep grinds, terrible BGs, PVP power being one of the worst additions ever added, and then ignore them.
Great Tier:
Decent Tier:
Poor Tier:
Shit tier:
This is objective fact, if you disagree you are a clueless underage casual with shit taste.
t. nostalgia goggles superglued on
I stopped playing before MoP, why is it held so high?
You are fucking retarded. I mean, I would bet all my money you are below the age of 24. I don't think you even know how fucked up your post is.
TBC was WoW's peak, friend-o.
I often think about going back to WoW but then I remember that in order to get to the max level I have to go through the empty, boring shit that is Outlands and ditch the idea
is this a troll post
wotlk and mop are the essential underage casual expansions
People should stop trying to live in the past. You’re a different person. The world is a different place. You can’t go back.
This is accurate
But Outlands is literally the best continent in the game, it is the last bastion of greatness that has yet to be ruined by blizzards "streamlining" and "quality of life" improvements.
outlands was the beginning of the streamlined questing experience though
every zone has multiple flight paths and quest hubs
This is the worst feel
I can't even blame people for trying to relieve those exciting teen days even though they will most likely just slowly hurt themselves in the process since they're chasing a chimera
Yeah no shit but that doesn't make vanilla not an enjoyable experience.You'll never play your favourite game for the first time ever again. Does that mean you should never play it again for the rest of your life?
vanilla was trash
Vanilla was a literal time sinkers for autistic late 80 / early 90s kids
Nowaday you dont have the time to sink in MMOs as you used to be, and nowadays kids all have ADHD and hate old MMOs
Vanilla will never return because it doesnt have a playerbase anymore aside from a few thousand extra autistic 30yo something NEETS
Anyone who unironically says that Vanilla was bad is a contrarian or underaged. This is a fact.
My chimera was geek conventions. Every few months I used to go to them. Get drunk with random bros, and party with cute cosplay chicks. It was like summer camp.
Then one day, I showed up, and I didn’t get the references. Or I thought they were stupid or annoying. I didn’t have the magnetism with strangers that I used to.
I’m only 28. Still young and energetic. Didn’t I change, or did the setting change? It was both.
Same with WoW. The game changed around us, sure. But we changed too. Even when vanilla comes back, it won’t affect us the same way, because we’re jusf different now.
Everyone in this thread should find a new hobby that will make you feel like wow did a decade ago.
Im glad we agree