Buy celeste

>buy celeste
>really enjoying it
>lovely soundtrack
>see it was made by a girl
>"lena reine"
>google her to confirm my suspicions that it's a tranny
>it's a tranny

Seems real women are still useless after all.

Other urls found in this thread:

What about Yoko Shimimura? She's one of the best composers in all of gaming.

trannies come with all the problems of real girls but with the added one of having a dick

>lena raine
>is also lena chappelle
fuck this shit, my favourite track from gw2 (auric wilds) is made by "her"
i really like it, but it feels spoiled now, fucking trannies need to ruin everything

She's Japanese so she doesn't count, as she is isn't inflicted with western women syndrome.

Imagine being so afraid of women that you hear alarm bells at the mere suspicion of a video game composer being a woman, even having to google to confirm.
You fuckers truly are the self-parodying gift that keeps on giving.

Thanks for letting me know.

Ahhh it's fucking good it reminds me of Rain Man

If the game is good, who gives a shit?

Save me

It's really difficult to separate the artist from the art

the suspicion is the name "lena reine" which is a dead giveaway that it's either not a real woman, or their parents were black. either way, refund request made. i can't support propaganda promoting mental illness, especially for childrens video games.

Made by a tranny.
Shit, I almost bought this.


The writer is a tranny, yea. But as far as I've seen they haven't injected any toxic degeneracy into the game. Feel free to prove me wrong though, if its there I'd love to know so I can avoid buying this eventually. Only thing I've seen is some poofy bearded numale looking black guy who takes pics.

Not really
Play the game, have fun, don't google the creator simply because their name sounds female.
Maybe raise that bar a bit, and only google if they sound like someone who owns child porn, or clubs baby seals or some shit.

How about you do more research before buying something retard
You can even pirate before buying

The game's good, what does it matter who or what the creator is?

ah yes, the power of rationalism

kill yourself m8

The game is not good

It's like SJWs.

>look at this racist thing the dev said on twitter 2 years ago

>game has absolutely no reference to anything trans-related or any political agenda in general

The game hides like 7 levels behind a door for which you need to have found all secrets. One of the secrets literally requires knowledge from a different game to find. What the fuck

Separating the art from the artist is only possible for these people when it's not about SJWs.

Eh, don't really mind as long as the music is good

Yes, sjw's do this, and guess what? when they do it it's shit also, do you really want to be just the same as shitty sjw's?

>gay AND trans

i fucking LOVE this meme

The dev is a known SJW. He literally included Anita Sarkesian in his last game Towerfall.

This new one has a black character who preaches about his sister being a "civil rights lawyer" and tries to race-mix with the main character Madeline.

The tranny on soundtrack duty is the icing on the cake. If you support this game, you support mental illness.


How do any of those things relate to this game?

The majority of people, even here, seem to disagree with you

>don't care that these are the types of people absolutely taking this industry over
good goy

She's cute.

"I'm straight but don't feel special enough, so I'll put on a wig and wear a dress while I fuck girls instead"

I used to find this confusing but all it means is that they still like girls and they consider themselves lesbians even if they still have a wiener.

Frankly I don't. I don't see where the others would disappear.
If they can make good games, so be it

Sup Forumstards truly are the most irrational people in this hellhole of a website

>claims to dislike blacks
>types in full lowercase

Not an argument.

I wouldn't expect SJWs to stop doing what they're doing. It's only fair if it happens to them in return.

The soundtrack was made by a tranny. The game itself was made by the same dude who made Ogmo.


you are free to leave at any time


Here's the lead developer btw

At least she's somewhat passable.

the tranny just made the music btw
you can easily ignore it

Maybe if you're an absolute fucking retard.

>caring more about what kinds of people make video games than about the quality of the video games

Why are you even here? You clearly don't give a shit about video games. Just go and lap up some delicious conspiracy-theories about soy on YouTube or something like you fuckers do and leave discussing video games to people who actually respect the medium.

Great, but what does this have to do with Celeste?

>the fact that thing I enjoy was made by someone I don't like makes it less enjoyable

Holy shit she's adorable.

Oh wow, another thread about indie-platformer-user-can-get-angry-over of the season.

Thanks for shilling!

I can't fucking stand SJWs and all that but this is just retarded.

"how does the lead developers personal politics and social engineering affect the games he makes"

>being this clueless

Where are you up to lads? Working through C sides now myself, also if you haven't seen it yet there's a secret strawberry obtained by completing the entire first level without using dash

but then how am I supposed to tell Sup Forumsfags that they're literally crazy conspiracy nuts and that they're going to die alone

I just find it funny, not only were you born as the wrong sex but you're also gay?
Just feels like said.


Do you still buy games made by EA despite them trying to fuck the game industry over and over again? I don't anymore, even if the game it's fun. So no, it's not "easy"

>normal person
>I'm an engineer

>mental illness person
>I'm a [trans/homosex/race/identity politic] engineer

I hate this so much. These fucks constantly need to remind everyone of who they like to fuck and what mental disorder they have. Should I go around calling myself a Autistic Heterosexual Male Engineer?

Yes, and?

Neither is literally any part of that original post, my dude. You reason like a conspiracy freak.

I'd pork him.

>Sup Forums
>people who actually respect the medium
>reddit spacing
Holy shit you are the biggest retard on the board right now.

Are you triggered OP?

There's also a "Beach Body Ready" poster in the background of one of the main levels. Oh and he still follows Anita on Twitter.

But hey, no agenda here at all, honest.

>Autistic Heterosexual Male Engineer
That would imply you're insecure about your heterosexuality. Welcome to the 2010s.

The shitty things EA does usually tie closely to the games themselves, bad comparison.

You are saying its okay to have a mental disorder and do nothing to get it treated.


>"lena reine"
>or their parents were black

Negroes don't use pretentious snowflake names like these tho.

So are they insecure about being a fucking faggot? I don't know whats going on anymore. I'm just glad this shit hasn't really leaked into where I live.

As a gay engineer, I'm emailed constantly by women who are "Associates" of engineering telling me about how I should use my status to represent gay people in the field.

Apparently it's the only notable thing about me.

Word of advice to other gay people: Don't answer surveys in university.

Can you cite where being transgender is a mental disorder?

Well you see user, you might have a point, if those politics in any real way ended up affecting the game... which they didn't... so why are you complaining?

Don't worry, it will.

Yes, how did they

I got banned from the TFA steam discussions for suggesting Anita should have been the alt for prancing puppet instead

take a class on argumentation senpai, you're an idiot

>So are they insecure about being a fucking faggot?
No when they post it it means they are proud.

What treatment do you propose?

Thinking you are something you are not is a mental disorder.

>implying it isn't

read and this is how they operate. insidious propaganda.

actual women can make great music but you wouldn't know seeing you're a fucking nerd who only listens to video game soundtracks


well what's your treatment :^)

>fucking trannies need to ruin everything
She created it you retarded spaz

So you don't have a source, thanks for proving you're talking out your ass.

*Breathes in*

Not an argument.

Knowing the motivation/identity (don't be an autist, they're connected) of the artist can affect the most plausible interpretation of a given piece of art.

raise your standards dumb anime poster

What a shame

Never even played GW2 but this is pretty fucking good

Oh don't worry mate I'm bi so everyone in the LGBT community already hates me anyway

common sense

Good luck to them. Its commonly -30s C in the winter and high 30s in the summer and the sun stays out for a few days in the summer and goes away for a few days in the winter. These kinds of people can barely handle being called the wrong pronoun, I doubt they can handle this.

Where can I talk about this game’s actual merits with fellow anons without having the threads derailed with political bullshit? It’s fucking depressing how hard it is to talk about anything on Sup Forums that isn’t some niche Japanese title without retards who just want to see everything burn showing up.

>trannies just like to try killing themselves more than any other group of people literally in the world, it has nothing to do with mental illness

I never got this "It's a thing I disagree with morally, I must avoid it at all costs" thing.

Like, if you hate trannies, and you feel SJWs are the enemy, then wouldn't it behoove you to actually play their shit? Learn as much about them from them as you can?

Your opinion is either reinforced and you're armed with actual argumentative ammo, or you find it's not what you thought and your worldview gets a bit wider.

Either way you grow as an individual.
Avoiding it all is just a way to give your enemy control, because the more of your worldview they inhabit, the smaller your world gets