Why does this game get so much shit from fans?
It was a great game if a bit flawed.
Why does this game get so much shit from fans?
>Why does this game get so much shit from fans?
it doesn't
because it has nothing to do with RE
it wanted to be outlast and amnesia instead
Everytime I go into an RE thread on here everyone seems to hate it.
They even seem to like 6 more somehow.
But it plays nothing like either of those games.
You sneak twice in the entire game and that's it.
Plus it has more to do with RE then anything after CV.
I wouldn't call it bad, but even though I pirated it, I only ever played through it once. Didn't even re-pirate it for the DLC. Considering this is quite literally the only RE game I've done this to, take that as you will. I guess I just don't care for the first person perspective.
you realize this cancerous board does that with every series right? the new game is always shit while the previous is better. EVERY fucking series these stupid fucks do this
>Considering this is quite literally the only RE game I've done this to, take that as you will.
Literally how do you manage to suffer through RE6's 4 campaigns twice?
RE6 gets way too much flak. It is a weak game in a lot of areas and isn't spooky in the slightest, but honestly none of the RE games are, barring maybe REmake. I still find it fun as a goofy action game - so bad it's good.
But the action's not even good.
4 and 5 have better action and more rewarding gameplay then anything in 6.
>It was a great game
No, it really wasn't.
It was barely even a game. It's literally more enjoyable to WATCH than play; yet another first person cinematic movie, trying to tap into all the worst fads of the market.
Yes, it does. From the REAL RE-fans, no the Jewdiepie watching GenZ morons.
I've played through it three times and found myself loving the game the more I played it.
Even the boat section that get's a lot of slack from people I feel is a great section and the most open and free part of the game.
>I guess I just don't care for the first person perspective.
That has nothing to do with the first-person view. The game just has zero replay value, and very linear, setpiece driven map design and campaign, with no surprises. The ""puzzles"" are all laughable, most if not all bossfights are pathetic, and it really shows that this one was written by a burger.
Why do you care about youtubers so much?
There's not even that many cutscens I can think of besides the very start. Most of the game your in control.
>zero replay value
Madhouse is great a second run so not true.
>and very linear,
And yet people like you shit on the boat despite that being one of the most open parts of the game.
>setpiece driven map design and campaign, with no surprises
Every RE has setpeices you liar.and the game is full of surprises that's what keeps it great till the end. Stuff like the spider boss and insane chainsaw fight was surprising and fun.
And the bosses were all great fun too besides the last one.
And who gives a shit if an American wrote it? it's not like the stories were any better.
>Madhouse is great a second run so not true.
It blows my mind that people (?) these days think that to be "good enough". Literally fucking nothing changes, especially compared to the OG trilogy of the series that offered multiple characters, campaigns, routes and endings, plus special modes like Re-arranged or Invisible Enemies.
It's even worse when kids think that the DLC wall is now "replay value".
>And yet people like you shit on the boat despite that being one of the most open parts of the game.
No, I am the one trying to hammer it into kids' head that the Boat was the only GOOD, actually RE-like section in the whole game. However, 1/5th of the game being kinda OK, compared to all the rest of the shit, does not make the game great.
>Every RE has setpeices you liar
Stop putting words into people's mouths and learn to read and think. Yes, past RE games had set-pieces, but nothing like this modern shit that completely changes all the gameplay and rules for one specific section. In OG REs, you learned the core gameplay within the first five minutes, and the game stuck with it through the entire experience. And your exploration was not so heavily restricted and guided like in 7, which really is just one linear corridor once you start examining it.
>Stuff like the spider boss and insane chainsaw fight was surprising and fun.
They were some of the least surprising and most annoying parts of the entire game. Get a taste.
>And the bosses were all great fun too besides the last one.
seea above.
>And who gives a shit if an American wrote it? it's not like the stories were any better.
I do, especially when it clearly affects the overall feel and quality of the writing and plot, going to the very Hollywood extremes of jamming in common film tropes and stereotypes, plus endless F-bombs thanks to the English language being so very limited. I wanted to shoot the MC myself every time he opened his mouth.
Again, true. But don't compare RE6 to 4, one of the greatest action games of all time. Compare it too... fucking most other generic 3rd person shooters out there. Beats the hell out of most easily.
As a long-run series fan I must confess that I disliked it untill finally sat down and played it, now I think it's a good addition to the series.
>It blows my mind that people (?) these days think that to be "good enough". Literally fucking nothing changes
Utter crap Madhouse is no different then arranged mode in RE 1 it changes up all the item and monster locations making everything new and surprising.
>No, I am the one trying to hammer it into kids' head that the Boat was the only GOOD, actually RE-like section in the whole game
What a load of crap RE isn't great because it's slightly open sometimes it's great for it's atmosphere and gameplay and RE7 has great gameplay with a highly detailed world with tons of secrets and hidden items to find.
>changes all the gameplay and rules for one specific section
What the hell are you even talking about? RE7 is as straightforward as you can get. it's good BECAUSE of it's simplicity even when it slightly changes things up for a short section with either hiding and chainsaw fighting what you got to do is as clear as day.
>They were some of the least surprising and most annoying parts of the entire game
Did you just suck at them or something? there not annoying at all.
>wanted to shoot the MC myself every time he opened his mouth.
He hardly even says a word you wining bitch and the writing was more entertaining and fun then most of the boring shit with seen in recent RE. Jack and Lucas are some of the most fun bad guy's this series has had.
In short your tastes are shit.
RE7 drives a lot of faggots on Sup Forums nuts because it manages to do something exceptionally rare: Successfully modernizing an old franchise.
Instead of trying to just build on the mess that is the RE canon, it does something way smarter. It goes back to being an isolated mystery about being stuck in a location with no idea of what the hell is going on. It's not trying to be RE1, but rather invoke RE1. Naturally this drives a lot of people mad, which is why they resort to hyperbole about the game being a cinematic Outlast walking simulator.
its a walking simulator
>L4D tank before steroid injections.jpg
Becuase the gameplay takes a backseat to the set pieces and story. Every single RE has gameplay at its forefront bar 7. 7's gameplay can't sustain itself, the "Not A Hero" DLC shows this off perfectly. Even then the set pieces and story in RE7 isn't that good.
Its the worst resi no doubt about that, its not my resident evil thats for sure.
you wana know why it gets bashed so much op.. cause its name wasent breath of the wild. case closed.
>Becuase the gameplay takes a backseat to the set pieces and story. Every single RE has gameplay at its forefront bar 7.
Fuck off you lying piece of shit. RE6 has set pieces and rips control away from you every other second.
I wish somebody would make a gameplay/non gameplay ratio of RE7 and RE6 campaigns so you fags can see how delusional you are.
Everywhere I’ve seen here gives it praise, especially the VR version
Utter bullshit.
RE7 is only hand holdy at the very start.
But once you get to the house it's all you.
The basement is a fantastic section were it's just you and a bunch of monsters to get through. you only have your weapons and the ammo and health on hand to get through and kill everything in sight and there's not one interruption.
Kill yourself 6cuck
>RE7 drives a lot of faggots on Sup Forums nuts because it manages to do something exceptionally rare: Successfully modernizing an old franchise.
Is that why so many Sup Forums faggots get upset at pic related too?
Who the fuck says this? are you autistic?
You're a moron you know that? RE6's mercenaries holds up extremely well because its gameplay is solid. RE7's gameplay isn't, that's why the boat section and Not A Hero are fucking boring, becuase those rely on nothing but gameplay. If you read past the first fucking line in my post you'd realise I'm talking about the quality of gameplay not the amount.
Yeah and the basement section is only good on the first run. Gameplay is weak in RE7.
So to avoid confusion from rabid fandboys I'll spell it out nice and simple. The gameplay in RE7 is weak, and is unable to sustain itself. That's why it needs gimmicks, set pieces, and the story, to distract you from its gameplay. I'm talking about the quality not the amount you morons.
It's classic Sup Forums contrarian. When 8 comes out everyone will be prasing 7.
>Sup Forums being contrarian
>Sup Forums hating the newset installment in a series
just how knew are you
How have you never heard resident evil abbreviated to resi?
What a load of crap
My favourite parts of RE7 are just the gameplay parts were just going around killing monsters.
The start works so great because you have such a low amount of ammo and items
The problem with the last section is that you have too much ammo and it get's too easy.
>waah fans of resident evil are hating the game that has nothing to do with resident evil is contrarian
>Waaaa stop liking the closest thing to classic RE since CV
>waah it doesn't have lots of action like RE6 so it's the closest thing to classic RE
>7 is in the same universe as a dude literally punching a rock in half
This is objectively true.
And 7 has a crazy chainsaw fight and an old man punching shit with his robot hand.
RE is still goofy.at it's heart
Well, no shit. Outlast is the closest thing to classic RE then too
This statement always irks me, as it's seemingly always used to deflect criticism. Of course people will dislike the newer game, becuase perfect sequels don't exest. Everything a sequel does well, it will inevitably lose out on/change something from the previous game. Someone out there is going to be dissatisfied with that change, maybe to the point of hating the newer game. These are the people who would post how the 1st game is better. Then when the 3rd game comes out and inevitably changes the game, fans of the 2nd will post how that game is the best.
Basically I'm just pointing out the obvious, Sup Forums isn't 1 person and the contrarian argument is retarded.
>Utter crap Madhouse is no different then arranged mode in RE 1 it changes up all the item and monster locations making everything new and surprising.
It really does not, and RE1 had way more replay value than just the re-arranged mode. That's the whole thing; RE7 is literally inferior than 21 years old game.,
>What a load of crap RE isn't great because it's slightly open sometimes it's great for it's atmosphere and gameplay and RE7 has great gameplay with a highly detailed world with tons of secrets and hidden items to find.
No. Original RE games were great because of their non-patronizing OPEN design. There's no "secrets" in RE7, there's no penalty for dying or playing like a fool, and it's generic as fuck in every possible way.
>RE7 is as straightforward as you can get
It really is not. One moment you're playing a walking sim. Then a stealth/hide&seek horror game. Then it adds gun to this mix. Then you suddenly are supposed to take down an enemy that's declared to be invincible. Occasionally you participate in first-person QTE cinematics. It's a mess.
>lol u just suck :^)
As expected from RE7 shills
>He hardly even says a word you wining bitch
You hardly played the game apparently.
>Jack and Lucas
Jesus fuck, go finish your schools and then come back talking.
But RE7 play's nothing like Outlast.
>another first person cinematic movie
Did you even play the game apart from watching some youtuber play it on easy mode you fuckhead? Shit is far from a relaxing cinematic experience. Stop dribbling shit
Youre the equivalent of faggots getting mad at fake gamer girls lmao
But both of them are shitty games for cancerous let's players with facecam. No wonder it became so popular among people that don't give a fuck about Resident Evil.
I'm really getting tired of those textbook shill "arguments" of yours. At least TRY to address the criticism instead of succumbing to the most typical ad hominem assaults.
The "game" is linear and cinematic as fuck, and waste of everyone's money.
Also good job admitting that (You) have not even played the game, as otherwise (You)'d know that (You) only have ONE (1) "difficulty" mode to choose from when you start the game.
>I have literally no idea what I'm saying: the post
>It really does not, and RE1 had way more replay value than just the re-arranged mode. That's the whole thing; RE7 is literally inferior than 21 years old game.,
RE7 is longer then RE1 and along with hidden items and hidden weapons and skills to use yeah it has about as much replay value as 1.
>o. Original RE games were great because of their non-patronizing OPEN design
And RE7 does that it has backtracking tons of hidden items and secrets to find the world is highly detailed and the games no liner then RE2.
>It really is not
It is you just sound like a fucking idiot who can't figure out a basic change in gameplay.
When you get attacked by Jack and you see a gun on the floor it's pretty easy to get you need to kill him now your just retarded.
>As expected from RE7 shills
Well why do you suck? the bosses arn't that hard. and are easy to get, in what way are they annoying?
>You hardly played the game apparently.
I wish he talked more one of my complaints is that I wanted Ethan to have more character but he hardly says a damn word.
>Jesus fuck, go finish your schools and then come back talking
Kill yourself.
Are you a person that has over 1500 screenshots in his steam profile?
>textbook shill "arguments"
You literally used the same faggot buzzwords everyone on this board uses when they autisticly defend something. There are no criticisms to address, you just said straight up wrong and dumb things. Look or actually play the game for yourself, in no way is it a laid back experience due to, you know, its a survival horror game with limited inv and key machinics. Youre an idiot.
fuck off.
>157 screenshots.
Fuck me your autistic
The game was tiny
I would agree with you except Sup Forums literally goes out of its way to go against the grain and hate whatever is popular.
t. user who loved RE7, but still shitposts about how its the worst in the series for (you)s
I don't have a problem with people liking this game but everyone who says it's better than 4 is fucking retarded
>t. user who loved RE7, but still shitposts about how its the worst in the series for (you)s
Even for this site that's a waste of time.
What if I don't like action and I like horror more?
>Why does this game get so much shit from fans?
it became a first person jumpscare simulator pandering to the streamer crowd
Action with horror elements is better than cheap jumpscare simulator that plays like western trash. And RE4 has Leon
this honsetly
I haven't played this because I really hate First Person perspective.
Bioshock and Metroid Prime get a pass from me but I avoid FP games like the plaugue
The first RE games had jump scares too and if a streamer affects your opinions on a game you need to die.
thankr for the reply user ;-D
>RE7 is longer then RE1
Nope. And like said, the key points never change. RE1-3 have multiple characters, routes and endings, and unlockables to boot.
RE7 simply gives you no reason to replay. I find it mind boggling why anyone would be even interested of going through the exact same, heavily scripted trash again.
>And RE7 does that it has backtracking tons of hidden items and secrets to find
You keep saying that it has "tons" of secrets and shit, when in reality it really only has a handful. You also "backtrack" to mostly empty, linear corridors, while the main campaign pushes you forward in quite narrow pipe. There's next to none of that tactical planning of your next move and route to be found in 7.
>When you get attacked by Jack and you see a gun on the floor it's pretty easy to get you need to kill him now your just retarded.
At that point, it's not yet stated that he's immortal. Afterwards, however, it is.
And all the sudden you're supposed to know that repeatedly attacking some weird mushroom tumor causes some damage to him.
>the bosses arn't that hard. and are easy to get, in what way are they annoying?
Like I've said countless of times, besides the spider auntie, they were not fun to fight, as they did not stick to the pre-set rules of the gameplay, and introduced new rules and moves all the time. The chainsaw dueling and chance to lose your limbs are one of the worst examples, and only literal Jackass loving teens would find any fun in the car fight.
>Kill yourself.
apply to (You)rself first, please.
Yes. So?
>The first RE games had jump scares
But they were good tho. They were memorable
Arn't you that faggot who goes into every 7 thread crying about how you couldn't figure out how to kill Jack?
>going to the very Hollywood extremes of jamming in common film tropes and stereotypes
Haven't they done this since RE1?
I'm pretty sure RE as a series is supposed to be like a hollywood B movie with progressively more camp after each instalment
Honestly best game in the series just because of the enormous butthurt from retards who call themselves longtime fans.
>RE7 simply gives you no reason to replay
Bullshit since Madhouse changes up the entire game with new monsters and items to find making everything feel fresh and new. Plus new weapons and items to use are great for second runs.
>You keep saying that it has "tons" of secrets and shit,
Almost every room has items scattered around to find along with hidden treasures and items to find if you look hard enouth. The games is about as linear as RE2 but the amount of detail and hidden shit in every room makes the world of RE7 the most highly detailed in the series.
>At that point, it's not yet stated that he's immortal. Afterwards, however, it is.
Your fucking retarded this no different then Mr X they are immortal but can be put down and killed at a section of the game. It's the most basic shit in RE and how you didn't understand this is beyond me.
>Like I've said countless of times, besides the spider auntie, they were not fun to fight
Sounds like you didn't have fun because you can't figure out basic shit like if Jack is having a chainsaw duel with you, you can kill him.
Again kys.
>a streamer affects your opinions on a game you need to die.
it's not that a streamer affected my opinions, it's that this game looked like it was pandering to the streamer audience for "le epic reaction faces"
Long time RE fan here
RE7 is great, not majestic but light years away from the shit show RE6 was
No amount of meme posting will change that
You mean jumpscares? shit that's been in the series since the start? wow I can really see what you mean now.
>fans of resident evil
>that has nothing to do with resident evil
most of RE7 is first person walking simulator with jumpscares
and yet still a better game than the mess known as RE6
RE7 was the closest thing we got to an REmake vibe from a sequel.
Zero sucked shit and the rest of the series went a different direction.
I think it ties with RE4 in quality for the first half of the game, and then from Lucas onward it's about as good as 5 or a bit worse.
REmake > RE2 > RE4 > RE7 ≥ RE5 > RE3 = CV >>> REZero = RE6
I haven't played RE1 since 99 so I don't really want to grade it.
The term "walking simulator" has lost all bloody meaning.
If the game is about survival and killing shit and death is a high risk then yes it's a game. even if you don't like it objectively it's a game.
I've replayed 1 recently and remake is pretty similar just with less gore and some new additions (escape weapons, crimson heads, Lisa Trevor, items locations,etc).