*Censors your videogame*

*Censors your videogame*
*Covers half of the box with their nonsense rating system*

Those USK stickers, oh my god! They ruined my copies of Devil Survivor 1 and 2.

Censorship isn't acceptable, no matter how trivial or minor it is.

Censoring games in Germany has become really rare these past years. Except of Wolfenstein I can't think of any other recent games that were censored. Very often the USK rating is even below that of Pegi or ESRB
The USK stuff does suck though, especially on Switch games

*Elminates your Jews*

Is this the early 2000s speaking?
Barely any game is censored anymore and even if it is, it´s easy to get the uncut versions..if you´re not retarded.
It still sucks, but that´s just germany. A lot of things don´t make any sense here.

>HL 1
>SoF 2


It's easier to simply not release the game these days than to cut/censor it, see Hatred or Dying Light.

germoney doesn't really censor violence anymore, only nazi shit because it's in their constitution that it can't be shown unless it's education, journalism or art.
that's right, video games aren't art.

*Improves your videogame*
Nichts persönliches, Kind.

*eliminates blood from your videogame and anime*

I personally see nothing wrong with that. Half Life become much more awsomeo when the military sends killer robots to end Morgan Freeman.

Today i will remind them

Who the fuck even buys physical releases nowadays?

Also there have always been uncensor patches for as long as the censorship existed and there's always the option to pirate the US release.
Soon these old farts will die and this shit will be gone for good.

>be american
>watch censored anime

Germany, where Cyborgs aren't people.

germany censor dying light, because muh violence,in germany you can see tits on screen and nobody care, but if is violence, holy shit, in usa is reverse, you can see violence, but no tits.

>meanwhile Merkeltard opens the Gamescom by telling people that games as art

hypocrisy-state ahoi

I'd rather see tits than violence desu

*Imports millions of muslims*

Germany has literally and unironically never done anything wrong. Jews are a parasite economically and politically wherever they go.

dying light didn't come out in Germany at all
Otherwise i agree with you

I prefer the sick-ass robots over humans, sue me.
But yeah generally it's pretty silly.

Whiter than you, esé

*fails to take over Europe for a third time*

what you don't read is that they actually all have to go back after the war

Deal with it faggots

But they're not Syrian.

>that they actually all have to go back after the war
No one believes that.
We need human resources for work.

This. Also stop having babies because it hurts the climate.

No they won't. Millions of refugees were just fine sitting the refugee camps around the middle east. They were there for years and similar situations occured during the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. It was only after Merkel opened the gates that they started moving into Europe.

How many babies have you had?