Just finished Dark Souls for the first time AMA

Just finished Dark Souls for the first time AMA

What weapon did you use?

did you do the dlc?

what anime do you watch?

Are you on schedule with your laundry?

You're using the claymore like a smart individual, right?

Did you feel Gywns pain and suffering enter your soul through his boss fight music?

Black knight great sword

yeah, shit was tough, best part of the game though

I've only seen like 3 anime in my life, cowboy Bebop, Osomatsusan and the squeenix high school one, they were all good

You did go mage and just cheese through the whole game.. right?

What did you eat for breakfast?

Did you use CE?

Fav Boss ?
Fav Area ?
Fav NPC ?
Best thing about the game overall?
Worst thing about the game overall?

what a good boss theme, he might be my favourite boss in the base game at least

kind of, just finished a move so there's stuff everywhere


What type of fruit? I prefer blueberries, strawberries and melon as my breakfast fruits.

Hope you liked it because you'll never play DaS 1 again for the first time

>Black knight great sword
Come back when you aren't using baby-mode equipment.

Apple, clementine and a banana

Knight Artorias probably, but maybe Gwyn
Anor Londo but I actually really liked Blighttown
Solaire is great obviously but Hawkeye Gough was another one of my favourites
The boss fights in general, most of them felt really tense
The weird emphasis on platforming in parts like Sen's Fortress and Crystal Cave in particular

how did gwynevere make your willy feel

>crystal cave

Lol. More like piss poor architecture. Walking in a strait line and falling off is what made this remotely challenging.

You mean Gwyndolin

Are you gay?
If so do you like traps?

true, I guess what I meant to say was gravity, I'd wager at least 80% of my deaths were from falling

tingly haha :)

I never saw him/her

Are you a tea or coffee person?

If I had to choose I'd go tea


If you parried gwyn, you didn't beat dark souls

oh shit is there an old save I can go back to?

Are traps gay?

Seems like you have all around shit taste



Who's your favorite boss? Have you played Demon's Souls?

>Who's your favorite boss?
Artorias or Gwyn
>Have you played Demon's Souls?
No but I have a PS3 so I'll probably get it soon, just started with Dark because it's on steam

What bosses did you miss?

Nice taste. They are my favorite bosses too. Definitely get Demon's Souls. And Bloodborne if you have a PS4

looking it up I missed Gwyndolin and Crossbreed Priscilla, I also skipped a couple prowling demons because fuck those guys

>Crossbreed Priscilla
No way dude. Haven't you visited the painted world? Don't tell me you haven't been to Ash Lake as well. The most beautiful locations in the game

I went to them both, but she asked me nicely not to kill her.Part of me wishes I had just to experience her boss fight but it's one of the few times people show you kindness in the game so I decided not to.

Will do user

Ah, nice then. It's a shit fight anyway. The only thing people fight her is because of her tail. You can cut it and get the dagger. By the way, try attacking Ciaran after the Artorias fight next time. It will be a cool fight, better than most of the bosses

how old are you?

>The only reason people fight her

>try attacking Ciaran after the Artorias fight


But it's neat that she reveals she's not human with her dialogue.

>she drops her sweet armour set
hell yeah, I'll give that a try

But she gives you the best looking set for a female character and overall this is an awesome fight



Are your shits solid or diarrhea like?

solid, go to a doctor user

Who was the hardest boss for you?

Manus, by quite a stretch.
Fast, high health, hits like a truck, and those fucking magic attacks.
Kalameet is the second hardest, none of his attacks are particularly hard to dodge but one mistake and I was dead.

Manus is the hardest for everyone I guess. But for me he was the second hardest with Artorias being the first. Manus at least gives you time to heal

do you suck dicks

I usually popped off a heal during his power-up animation, still had time to get in a running attack and be safe, Artorias was hard though, actually third hardest for me.

>beat both Manus and Artorias with only one death each
>got my shit mercilessly pushed in by Seath and the Four Kings
Someone post that comic about Capra Demon and Gaping Dragon

It's really cool how much the game changes based on build and playstyle, my slow two handed approach struggled to get hits on the faster bosses but I just traded damage with four kings.

Did you go to Petite Londo instead of Undead Burg?

Nope, didn't pick skeleton key, was advised not to in case I accidentally sequence broke (though that didn't stop me from heading straight to the catacombs from the asylum)

Good for you. Do you want a cookie?

no thanks I'm good

They are though.