Monster Hunter World

>where are you in the game (hunter rank)
>favorite weapons
>favorite monsters

post your guild card as well

>HR 29
>Lance, HH, HBG in that order
>Seltas Queen, Brachy, Barioth, Jho.

can't post guild card because at work

Monster Hunter World Anonymous 02/05/18(Mon)10:59:36 No.405800114

>where are you in the game (hunter rank)
HR 13, current quest is to tackle Nergigante btu I haven't started it yet
>favorite weapons
Lance and Hammer, just finished a good set for each of those
>favorite monsters
Rathian and Diablos

am i bad because it took me 19 mins to kill pukei pukei

>winning is bad

So I have been wondering
Is the evil in people's hearts in monster hunter?
Everyone seems happy and gentle in this world ,
I know the monster are top priority never seen a bad guy is this world.

yeah you're actually a racists and literally trump's sons


Now get better

>Writing human villains who abuse, distort, and attempt to destroy the ecosystem

We both know that’s too intelligent for monhin

>where are you in the game (hunter rank)
HR 77

>favorite weapons
Hunting Horn

>favorite monsters
Vaal Hazak

>where are you in the game (hunter rank)
HR13(?) just did the Nergigante investigation and I'm supposed to find him
>favorite weapons
Hammer and Switch Axe, hammer on a slope is fucking amazing
>favourite monsters
Legiana and Odogaron

Are the Bazelguese weapons the best blast weapons? I'm working towards the Bazelguese set and I'm wondering what is the best blast weapon is to go with the set.

Should take less than 10 if you're competent.

hr 51
GS, i eventually play others
current fave is the fluffbat

just unlocked RAINBOW pigment
working on finishing canteen ingredients

We've only got one water monster, one or two ice monsters and two electric monsters, this feels wrong.

>HR 50
>Hammer, SwitchAxe

>About to do the Anjanath main quest
>Longsword gang
>Kulu Ya-Ku and Jyura so far
Barely hit the 15 hour mark so far, just scrathed the game's surface, but having a blast

she got deepfaked yet?

>wonder why the fuck I don't have any aqua sacs
>it's because I only killed Mudsioth once and it's the only monster it comes from

That Jyura was some crazy stuff. Can't wait to find out what messed up that Barroth. I have to beat up Anjanath first though too.

You beat the monster, so that is what counts most. You get better at it. I only now have started to manage beat Nergigante little under 10 minutes with lance, but I've seen videos where people do it in three minutes. Just need to practice.

>HR 12
>IG, SA, Bow

I thought the Barroth was fucked by something else first and the Jyuratoda was just getting the scraps.

I thought it was Nergigante that did it because all the bone spikes

>MH is a colonialist fantasy in a nutshell
I mean, can't these people just play/watch/read stuff without making off the rails bonkers theories about parallels with things they don't like?

What the fuck is the point of most weapons outside Nergigante tree? Different elements sure, but I've always just ended up picking nerg weapon because of its high raw damage and huge blue sharpness. Having high elderseal sure helps too with elder dragons.

Of course it was nergigante, the scoutflies even turn blue

Agreed! Those spikes put a nice mistery when I saw them
Fought him five consecutive times yesterday. he is fun and his armor/longsword are pretty good for me

Only time that has ever happened was in MH Stories, guy was trying to control monsters (more like enslave) so people no longer had to be afraid

So you basically have to do the story mode in order to play with your friends and hunt online?

The diablos line can outclass them through sheer raw, but you need a truckload of affinity and not every weapon has a diablos branch

>Pukei-Pukei or Odogaron
Pukei has a decent dynamic and doesn't just run about for ages, or fly around. Big Red is just a good fight. Most of the rest are either too easy or just become a dull experience like the Rathian, Rathalos or Diablos. Where they decide to just have them run backwards and forwards.

>get red juice
>can't do draw attacks off of ledges now

Whose bright idea was it to make you lose all of your momentum when you hit triangle

HR 11
Uragaan and Not!Uragaan.

>HR 8
>Hammer (trying to learn how to use LBG & HBG)
>Legiana (that roar is so majestic)

can't unsee the cat having big tits in thumbnail

This is my first MH game I ever cleared Low Rank on and it took me like 25, 40 for Barroth who you’ll hunt next. You’re doing fine, you’ll be doing them in like under 5 sooner or later.

Why the fuck does no one ever send their guild cards? I send mine out every hunt but 50% of the time only one guys sends his out

Holy FUCK you all need to either stop making ugly characters or leave the helmets on.

this is a joke article right? no one can be that delusional

The monhun world is too dangerous, it wouldn't make sense for the intelligent races to squabble with each other when an elder dragon can fuck over your entire nation, cooperation is how civilization survives

Big Fat Cat Tats

Wow, how rude.

Do not lewd the cats.

Failed 3 times to the first Legiana fight. I got up to his nest all 3 times. I'm afraid I have the retarded Sup Forums.

Hr 14
Gun lance, great sword
Legiana and Kushala Daora are bae
How do you get HR,I don't understand how people are at HR 70+ already

it's ok user, you can do it

Do monster get damage boost when you wake them up in their nest when they are near death? I've only started to notice this with Nergigante.

>Put Bandit Mantle
>Palico with Plunderblade
We are highway robbers getting cash and materials

Most people who aren't struggling at all with this game have been playing MH for years. They all got stuck on something at some point. It only gets easier if you persevere. Just focus more on staying alive and studying the monster's attacks than dealing damage.

Seeing as this is the first time they’re making new assets for everything rather than reusing PS2 era assets I’m not surprised at the comparative lack of content (there’s still a fucking LOT in World compared to most games) though it’s definitely disappointing. I wonder what other Monsters they’ll add after Deviljho, and how often? What do you guys wanna see?

Brachydios and Lagiacrus are some of my favourites, and I could see Mizutsune fitting in perfectly in the Coral Highlands. Some of the Frontier-exclusive monsters like that flying wyvern with the bone whips on it’s wings would be neat. Also UNDERWATER COMBAT

You unlock your Rank once you finish the story and certain missions afterwards. (Locks again at certain Ranks)

>gun a monster to sleep
>retards all walk up to it and just keep wailing on it straight away
I'm fucking tripping everyone that does this now REEEEEEEEEEEE.

What else are you supposed to do?

First attack on a sleeping monster gets double damage. So ideally something like a hammer or GS would use their heaviest hit.

Are tempered monster investigations random as fuck or what? I'm sniffing out elder dragon claw marks and getting Jyuratodus missions.

Use flash pods

If you're struggling with a monster and mange to get it limping, just capture it and save some time and effort

A combination of loads of new players, the shit tier UI, and the shit tier online.
In previous games it at least hinted towards having build cards plus you would do multiplayer by going into a specific room and hunting with the same people for awhile. It also wasn't hidden deep down in fucking menus.

In world, nobody in your room is going to hunt with you because it just forces you together randomly, and since people are primarily using SOS to multi, sending guild cards is really cumbersome and also pointless because everyone is just going to disband and never see each other again when the quest is done.

It's just another one of many many fuck ups of world.

Don't give up user, the sloped area surrounded by cliffs is the best area to fight him, sliding and aerial attacks are pretty good there, also pay attention to Legiana's movements, it telegraphs its ice attacks and gives you a couple seconds to hop out of the way. I you got it back to its nest, trap and tranq it to make the fight end quicker.

Oh I don't know, maybe after seeing me plant 2 huge fucking bombs on it's face and then set up for a wyvern fire maybe poking it in the arse isn't the best way to get the sleep double damage.

Sleep bomb or let the one with a strong attack (Great Sword for example) do the first strike.

at least put some bombs down first and what said

>HR48, tempered kirin is a fucking cunt btw
>mix between GS, Hammer, both Lances and Switch Axe, with some SnS sprinkled in for varietys sake
>Basil juice, Vaal Hazak, Nergi, Odoggo

Does Blast resistance skill reduce damage from Bagel bombs? If level 3 skill nullifies all damage from blast, I don't see Bagel being any problem anymore.

Well, she definitely looks much better here. I guess lighting and expression can really make or break a screenshot.

Do barrel bombs still self harm? I remember thinking I could aerial jump off of them in Gen to set it off and I blew myself up.

>Try to find a list of armor skills online with their levels and what gear gives them
>Usually for older games this was easy and stuff like armor calculators were top results on google
>Now for MHW all that comes up on google are shitty sites like Polygon trying to explain how armor works when it's been made so basic a retard could understand it with maybe some poorly made lists
Worst part about MHW becoming more popular, the shitty clickbait sites.

I think it's resistance to the blast status effect, not actual explosions

>Fighting HR Legi
>Down to the end of the hunt, she's up in her nest
>Bopping around with the Glaive
>Hit her, bounce into the air
>Bezel swoops in out of fucking nowhere, knocks me right out of the air

I ain't even mad, shit was hilarious

You still get blown away, but I never noticed getting any (significant) damage.

I don't know about bazeljuice, but blast resist 3 only nullifies blast blight.

There's Kiranico but I think it's still WIP for World

Prepare for B52 to invade all your hunts

Gore and Seregios are my favs so I would like them to be added but bumping up the elements is more important, Zinogre, Astalos, Barioth, Plesioth and Mizu are just some that I think should be adde, as well as a dedicated ice area.
What I think is going to happen with the dlc monsters is that they'll add monsters that can match the movestes of those already in, I can see Jho having a copied moveset from Anjanath, Nargacuga from Tobi and Yian garuga from Pukai

Get the fireproof mantle, it gives you some damage reduction against his scales.

Oh yeah, I've dealt with him a lot now
But he's never caught me in midair like that, especially since that was the first I'd seen of him that entire fight

They do knock you back but the damage is tiny so you're safe to do your true charge into them while the monster's sleeping

Go to the forge and pull out a pen and paper

>Why doesn't this new game have the same resources as this decade old game

I just started
Charge Sword
No favorites atm, trying to complete a Great Jagras set, hopefully find a high sharpness Charge sword

Is it me or is movement & weapon "finessing" in general more combursome then it was in MonHun Tri on the Wii back in the day? That was my console entry and I don't recall it being such a bitch to try and dance around monsters and make my strikes land on effective zones.

>HR 33
>Surprisingly in world SnS. DB and Bow get pulled out when I want a change of pace though
>Fluffbat is cute but doggo is climbing the ranks due to his turf wars

Aside from Vaal Hazak does anyone know of the other elder dragons' turf wars? Also are mixed element/status DBs like Fire and Ice any good?

Name a single armor set cooler than Drilltusk Testsucabra.
You literally can't.

Final "boss" sure was pathetic as fuck. But when I can kill it again? I need more of its mats for rarity 8 weapons.

Dunno what rank I ma, maybe 5? Putting off going to the bottom of the rotten vale to grind new shit.
I'm currently having fun with the Lance. I was disappointed at first, but after simply hearing the noise it makes when you block Legiana's ice blast had me instantly hooked. Also, learning that you can actually block magical attacks and not just the physical.
Still feel like my damage output is way too low. Takes me 25 minutes to kill Legiana whereas my hammer takes probably 10-15.

Is there any solid info on how monster ai works? Swear they go after me when I'm switching through items

HR 15
Hammer, Gunlance or Chargeblade

Anyone else wish there's some really fast moving monsters that will fuck shit up like Rajang, Glavenus or Congalala?

Only fucker that gave me any trouble is Odogaron. Though I just finished Pink Rathian so it might get harder later on.


I need muh Hermitaurs.

He'll appear randomly like Zorah Magdaros, or you can look up sos quests. Also he drops gems like a madman

Same rules as older games apply, they gain increased aggression when you're low on health and keep up pressure, and they still input read like motherfuckers to dodgecatch you or read you trying to juke them

>HR 14

I just solo'd Teostra on my first try so I'm pretty proud of myself at the moment.

Blademaster relic rebellion

LBG or regular bow?

basil-goose or basil-juice?

You did name yourself Liu Bei right?


Lance and Gunlance are safe and reliable but god damn does it get boring poking things to death.

All monsters drop plates and gems like they're nothing now




I like poking.
But I like more spinning through the air smashing skulls. But hammer can't into cutting...
I've reached that awkward stage of most RPG type video games where I'm blocked by the decision of what weapons to use. My last two play sessions were spent just grinding for mats to make weapons I didn't actually end up making or using.

Am I supposed to just rip through the main quest upgrading what I can?
Should I bother with optional stuff besides hunting monsters for mats that I need?

This is easily the worst version of Kushala Daora in generations
>arena sized tornados that he just sits inside
>floats higher than previous games making him a cunt to hit
>roars every five seconds, roar upgraded to high grade because fuck you
>hits like a wet noodle