It MUST have something good, at least


It does.

Waifus and Shen

The porn

The part of getting good. Getting high diamond and seeing all the harmony around is something no other game has offered me.

>The Jhin player hears an echo, choir and an audience in the background of his voice lines
>Other players just hear him mumbling nonsense
He's pretty great.

It does, people just like pretending there's so much wrong with it.


It runs on a toaster, which is precisely why unhygienic low iq 3rd worlders like to pretend it's a good game.


Um, the waifus in LoL are generic 'muh chinese animu knockoff' trash. Fix your taste and your double digit iq, kid.

It's the dick that chooses, user. It ain't me.

kys you're self and never reply to my posts ever again

riot could probably shut down the game and just make an ahri dressup simulator and hundreds of thousands of thirsty retards would pay top dollar


It has annie.

only thing thats good in this game are the characters and their personalities, artwork in some skins are god tier too, (see blood moon)
other than that, its a bad game
not balanced at all anymore
not fun to play anymore, follow the meta or get fucked

Some champion designs.

yeah it keeps the bigger retards out of dota

That one jinx doujin

This. I never thought have a game optimized this much could become a problem for its community.

Waifus, son. Evelynn is the best semen demon.

A friend of mine and I got into a heated debate the other day.
Having played a bit of Dota2 some time ago, but being more of a fighting game kinda guy, I put the notion on the table that FGs have a steeper learning curve and are much harder to learn in general.
Needless to say, my friend disagreed vehemently.
To him, fighting games are just "pressing a bunch of buttons" while Mobas are a tactical exchange requiring huge amounts of knowledge and skill.
To which I replied in turn, that that must mean Mobas is just "clicking a bunch of shit".
Who was in the wrong?

I've played both genres extensively. FGs definitely have a steeper learning curve, you're right on that, but MOBAs in general are "harder", because they have much more variables. More movement options, more mechanics to play around with, more characters and just the fact that the games are 5v5, not 1v1.

Basically, both of you were wrong.

>Schizophrenia: The champion.

The girls.

it does

how is best girl lamb doing in the meta? haven't played in years.




Only good thing are some of the characters, too bad they're all stuck in a shit game.

Dawnbringer ribbon is literally built to breed.

Aside from Yordles such as Tristana, the game has nothing else going for it.

What this user said.

w-whats wrong?

It removed the forced tutorial when starting to play the game. It doesn`t feel like shit to play since you can focus the camera on your character, meaning it`s automaticlly better than DOTA 2 or any other Moba wich doesn`t allow you to do that.If you like something in this game you really like it, be it either a lane or a role. There is alot of cancer in this game but the majority of the times your champions also makes your enemys feel frustrated. The amount of people that flame isn`t that high, it`s more how much that one person or team flames that makes you think that. The reworks are making it so that people who enjoy old champs can atleast compete with the flood of champs who jump around half the map on low cooldowns.
But don`t play it it sucks.

get out

You can just say you want a softcore thread, OP.


This guy gets it.

Tahm Kench is the best part of this game.

no u

Dota 2 > FG > LoL

It's like a Sly Cooper villain.

ASSFAGGOTS girls are up there with fighting game girls as the top tier semen demons.

they have the bestest girl in existence

>the two genres with the least character development have the best designs

apples and oranges, unfortunately. they just test different skills. fighting games emphasize micro play, and mobas emphasize macro play.

micro level play in mobas are mechanics. laning, proper teamfighting whatever. dota's hero matchups are way more lopsided, and much more imbalanced, so there's a lot less room for outplay. lol has shoehorned counterplay and anti-anti-fun, so it's more micro intensive than dota. but both VASTLY pale in comparison to fighting games.

macro level play in fighting games are just resource management. positioning, super meter, anime meter, burst meter, whatever.
this is practically nothing in comparison to trying to coordinate with a team around map objectives and timers. the game's full of major timers/cooldowns.

anyone who tries to say mobas > fgs, or fgs > mobas is a fanboy, and should shut the fuck up.

Dota have a lot of micro too, just look at the last Liquid games, their supports outplay enemy heroes with it. You are right isn't comparable to fighters, but is still there.

This is Kled, my husband and the best boy from this game.

Say something nice about him.

I bet he'd make great friends with Lulu! His fluff is also cool

two very good reasons

Kindred hasn’t been good since launch, bud. They reworked some of her stuff and she’s way better, and you can still do very well with her, but she’s nowhere near meta.


She got fucking ruined with the new change. Use to be the new Lee sin of stomping low elo/mmr

spoken like a true old-eve shitter

Sona sucks!

Poor man's oppai Miku.

It really does.

>every thread of it devolves into waifu posting
>there is literally no where to discuss the game's problems
>top lane is dead
Not going back desu

Don't lead my jungle off-pick.
Rengar is best

the game has several major issues and the lolg threads have become a lot less active as of the new season.

I play A LOT less too.
most notable are
>new runes created a ton of problems while introducing few notable new fun mechanics
>meta is bad. Soloq games are decided by 10 minutes.
>toplane lost half its roster
>jungle is all about early junglers that can snowball
>the introduction of zoe and klepto


somebody answer me this:

where is the depth in league of legends?

In jungling, mostly.

>Tibbers fucking Annie
Absolutely disgusting.

Can't fuck a personality.

boosting people for free skins is nice if youre good

finding zen to go through hundreds of games where you have no effect on the outcome to get to those few times where you make a difference

/v dont play it so no afk rage retards.

Why don't they release more champions? The game is shit but the huge roster of weirdos makes up for it. We're into February now and not 1 champion announcement.

>tfw no incestuous shuriman bfs

>toplane lost half its roster
What happened there?

>Thinking man's champions
Garen, Singed
>Good champions
Champions that do not have one of their abilities as passives, non-assassins
>Bad champions
Amumu, AP Malphite (even though he's fun, you have to admit that his late-game scaling crashes harder than bitcoin), Veigar (extremely ridiculous nukes and scaling)
>The peasant's champion, the sheep's fallback plan in case of getting pwned
Thresh, Sona, Soraka, Teemo, any sort of assassin

It's funny how their very first and one of the most simple characters in the game happens to be one of the most unique in the genre. I miss S2 Singed.

I agree bloated mechanics and kits should remain an exception.

It has tyler1. That's all you need,

>Thinking man's champions
??? Literally Q into spin into ult. Absolutely braindead.

>He doesn`t know the complex math of when to E into the enemy and use his W for maximum damage

It is the thinking man's champion because it cuts off the non-sense against assassins and bitch-boy champions.
About to be stunlocked? Pop W. Slowed? Pop Q. Enemy at low health and about to heal? Pop R. Fighting against tank? Wait till he becomes villain. Harrassed in lane? Wait for a minute or two to regenerate your health. Enemy has lots of armor? Pop E. About to get nuked to oblivion? Pop W and spam your mastery 7 emote. It doesn't even try to hide the fact that it requires no skill, unlike "THE CHALLENGER'S SKILL CHAMPIONS" like Vayne or Ezreal or pretty much any other fucking retardedly OP champion

Destruction Man is a high IQ champion.

The art and music teams at Riot are actually pretty amazing compared to everything else at their studio.

It's the best MOBA out there, anyone that disagrees can come fight me.

My biggest issue when I still played league was the safety button design of new champs. When I started it was still fine, you got caught, flash or fuck you. First champ with such a safety button was Fizz, then others followed that could pretty much do the same for themselves or others. Yasuo, Braum, Azir, Kalista, Bard, Ekko, Tahm Kench, Kindred, Xayah. It's just not fun to play against those, cause they have to fuck up extra hard to give you kills.

New rune system is fun, new champs are always well designed (even zoe)

As long as you have 3-4 friends then the game is very fun, otherwise don't bother

>requires massive game knowledge to compensate inflexible kit
>requires good reactions to know when to W for maximum damage reduction and tenacity
>requires good decision making to know when to Q to remove enemy slows
>requires to crunch the numbers on enemy magic resist and your R damage thresholds so you always kill them with exact damage

t. riven main

but it even tells you if it will kill or not

im waiting for warring kingdoms garen
ill main him jungle full lethality with predator