You can do a pure mage run but it is very challenging since early hours are going to be incredibly magicka hungry, only being able to caste a few spells before completely definitely depleted. You’ll need to stock up on magicka potions in bulk when you go out adventuring. It gets much easier once you can afford enchantments that offer constant magicka recovery but considering how expensive it is, it’ll be a while.
If you’re not up to the challenge, it’s better to rely on spells such as bound weapons.
Jayden Barnes
>Is a pure spell casting mage viable? If you dip in to alchemy, anything becomes viable.
But in any case, no, pure casting wouldn't be viable during the early game. In morrowind your magicka only regenerates after you rest, so you don't really have enough spell casts to clear out dungeons and such without relying on potions or falling back on melee.
Logan Moore
No. You need spell absorption at the least and spam potions to refill your magicka. Morrowind is like any other TES game: you go in with the intention of becoming an awesome mage but end up becoming a spellsword that does most of the work with his melee weapons.
Anthony Thompson
>Enchantments with constant magicka recovery They doesn't exist. >Only three active spell icons. >Choosing Dunmer. >Chrysamere. >Got map on wrong side of screen. Mein Gott
Zachary Kelly
if you like autisticlly making magicka and +int potions for infinite power, then lugging around +strength potions cause you're carry weight is gonna tank, then yes, mages will destroy everything in sight at a mere thought, just remember to apply your potions every time you take a trip someplace by boat or strider.
Caleb Evans
OP here. Been playing TES games since Daggerfall, they're all the same. Go in with intention of playing a mage, knight, thief, monk etc, end up playing a stealth archer/assassin.
Every damn game
Henry Ramirez
I did pure mage and it was so easy. Especially if you know that certain spell combinations will make permanent buffs.
Nolan Stewart
you can make them you fucking casual
Anthony Jackson
Gavin Martinez
One option you have is to pick the sign of the Atronach. This will disable magicka regen on rest but give you innate spell absorbtion. Then pick Conjuration as a major skill, which will start you with Summon Ancestral Ghost. When you need magicka, summon the ghost, attack it, and when it casts at you it'll refill your magicka. Not the best solution in the world, to be sure, but it costs nothing and works right off the boat.
Tyler James
Honestly I feel like you're meant to take a DnD approach to magic with Morrowind, you're not supposed to be only casting spells. But if you really want to, you can just install the Fair Magicka regen mod so you aren't just sleeping after every encounter.
Blake Ortiz
>the ending of the word is ALMSIVI
Am I lorefag now?
Owen Adams
What should I get if I want to play Morrowind but don't want to combat? Only RPG and exploration Something semibroken with no effort Maybe I put some cheats and roleplay as a god or something
Bentley Scott
Probably a mod. Restore magicka is an effect no spell gives so you can't learn it for enchanting.
Bentley Sanders
Alchemy can make magicka trivial, along with the rest of the game though.
Lincoln Moore
>create a damage intelligence 100 points for 1 second >your magicka refills everytime you cast the spell I always did this. Fuck potions.
Aiden Lee
You can always just cheat luck and agi stupid high to never get hit and always hit the enemy.
Also OP endgame magic starts to suck because everything starts getting high reflect. So if you don't have high spell absorbtion/reflect/magicka resist yourself the spell absorb health in mysticism becomes your staple killing spell because point for point it's damage to magicka ratio is the same as regular damage spells, but when absorb health is reflected to you it does nothing, where damage spells will hurt you.
Christopher Reyes
Just use Enchantment, you can load any spell effect (without even being trained in that skill) you want into swords/amulets/pants and fire them off like machine guns
Jack Torres
>Is a pure spell casting mage viable? Yes.
It requires some preparation and using your brain. Just like it should. Cant just go yolo into dungeons and hack and slash away.