Monhun thread

What am I in for?

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The heck is wrong with your hand?

>that hand

lol what the fuck? Are you bowser, OP?

is this the troll-guy again?
hows the basement?

Disappointment if you are familiar with the Monster Hunter series, goty if it's your first MonHun.

>ogre posting
Could it be

he's baaaaaaack

He's too poor to own a PS4 or new releases. Remember he got a crappy used laptop for free.I wonder what the guy is doing now.

so long gay bowser

Don't underestimate the power of poorfags. They'll find a way.

Huge fan of monhun series since gen1.

This is the best new entry in the series ever.

What's up with my hand?

You should probably play the game before shitposting about it.


It's not. It has almost no content and is way too casualized.

>his hands

user, you're too old to post on this board.


OP is a living yellow sonybro meme guy in blue hat

Holy fuck you are still so anally fucking devastated over how successful and well reviewed and insanely good the game is selling it's so fucking funny.

A fire

I-Is that you, granddad?

Burn victim-sama

>being wrong

If this guy posts his face I'm going to have a sheer fear-induced heart attack like the guy in Mulholland Drive

I'm getting conflicting opinions in here, so on a general basis is the game good? Am I going to have fun if I only played Freedom Unite?

I'm 18 you asshats

Know what's up

Long running fan of MH. I disagree with you. May not be the best in the series but it's damn fun.


>I'm 18
more like 18 decades, HA

You have the hands of an 80 year old.

Post your hunters

What caused the fire? Glad you're okay.

Holy shit your ugly.

>What caused the fire?

Duh!? Teostra!

>sold less than previous games
>needs to take angles like 'best attach rate on PS4 in Japan (which barely anyone has to begin with)' or 'shipped=sold' in order to make it look good
The game itself is just weak. It's not really debatable that only new people to the series could consider it even remotely great.




Here I go guys

Radiator without its grill fell on the floor or something like that

That sucks! Glad you're okay.
Hope you have fun with the game. I'm stuck at Anjanath and it drives me crazy. When he's SO close to dying, he kills me with some bullshit move.