Found this today. Is he right?
>Sup Forumsirgins ever being right about anything
Sony is gay.
We both know that's a post you made that got zero replies.
This can't be true bros...
no he's a soynyboy like everyone criticizing Nintendo (Praise be unto Them)
Good man
I grew up with both, playstation is really shitty nowadays. At least nintendo has zelda, which is probably my fav game series
>Screencapping your own post
I wish I could kill every single fucking Sony nigger
>buying a shield
That alone should tell you how shit his opinion is.
Nintendo only makes kids games and rehases their 3 ips constantly.
Really sad that so many of their fans are 30 year old virgins
Nintendo still makes some great games, but I'm not gonna buy their shitty, overpriced, gimmicky hardware to play them.
His family was either too poor to buy any of the actually good Nintendo games or he's a casual with shit taste.
No, you are not right.
>grew up with only Nintendo (too poor to buy more than one console), hated Playstation and Xbox
>bought a Xbox 360 in 2012 when it was super cheap, had great fun with Halo and Forza
>bought Xbox One when it was super cheap on sale, great fun, still hate Sony
> bought a Ps4 Pro last year to finally check out what PS is all about. Play every first party exclusive, get bored fast and havent turned it on since summer last year, still hate Sony
>now Xbox One X is my main console
>19 posts
>19 posters
>21 posts
>21 posters
Unique IP comin through to make the count higher
>still nujak posting