Ps4 is a bloodborne machine

>ps4 is a bloodborne machine
>switch has like two games and they are both mediocre and too easy
>xbone is a port machine
>pc is full of indie shovelware and bad ports
I am the only one who hate this gen?

mods really hate nujak, post something before the thread gets deleted

Why do they hate him?

forced meme by contrarians

Don't take it seriously. It's just hate. Share positivity and talk about things that you like instead. Sup Forums does get good threads from time to time, believe it or not

>Consoles are defined by their exclusive titles
God fuck off with this.

Nujak will never ve somwthing here.
Give up.

it's too creative for its own good
people 2 years from now will be sorry for the way they treated nujack

If you can look at all three of those platforms and find NOTHING to do with them apart from what you just said you don’t hate “this gen” you hate yourself. Stop being miserable or stick to your platform (im guessing PC as you don’t seem to like all of the above and must be playing on something) and be happy. Don’t worry about those other platforms.

You falled for too many memes

Vidya was doomed when PS3, Wii and 360 came. The signs of only bad games to come were noticeable.

What are they defined by then? The xbone and Ps4 are practically the same thing if you remove the exclusives.

le waste of time generic shitpost thread to force image so it catches on more

Ellen (1994) comfy show

Okay, have a (You) and in exchange you give me a waifu.

That's the big joke isn't it? Marketing is a hell of a drug.

>OP is a cock machine

This gen has been fucking fantastic for Horizon 3, Halo 5 and the Switch's portability alone.

Im sure the PS4 has something too? Sounds like you're just jaded OP, step outside.

Aight okay, hold the phone
>and the Switch's portability alone.
Why does this keep coming up? Is it just marketing or are you bunch finally coming to terms with portables?

They are defined by which one you prefer.

There's more that goes into a consoe than just the games you play on it. Anybody who bought an Xbox One after the e3 it was unveiled is an actual sap regardless of how technically identical it is to the PS3. And the exclusives argument is even less relevant for the Switch because people are buying none exclusives for it to play them in hand held mode.

PS4 Christ.

>finally coming to terms with portables?

He probably meant it has pretty good games for a portable, you mongoloid.

>maybe if I post the same thread enough times, people will like me

>pc is full of indie shovelware and bad ports
yet some of those 'indie shovelware' has given me some of best fun in years
perhaps video games aren't for you lad


Where is that pepe that blocks my path?

nujak is a defilement of the sacred wojak meme

Things aren't too different from the previous gen. Middle-tier games are gone entirely, though, and I think that's where I'm noticing the largest gap in entertainment. There may be no "Nier" of this generation. And I do not speak of Nier as a franchise but, as a concep designed to be unique, targeting a niche market.

If you're in your early 20s, I could see this coming as a pretty big disappointment. I'm going on 30 and it just feels like a re-tread of our previous generation. Same shit, new gen.

I'm pretty tired of the "new games are too easy" meme, though. 99% of the people who say shit like that (and yeah, I made that figure up but how far from the truth is it, really?) look-up youtube videos for boss guides and just copy strategies and actions that other players used. It's not like they were actually challenged for long. That's my baggage, though.

Honestly I didn't think it would get worse from last gen. I really thought things would improve. I bought into cerny's "gaming Renaissance" marketing that ps4 would be super Dev friendly and games would be coming like the new PS2. I thought the dlc shit was bad last gen, now here we are with this gambling rng supply drop shit. How awful.

Gotta say though, fps genre is generally much better this gen than it was last, where everything turned into a military cod clone.

What I hate about this gen is no good online games.

Overwatch is too corporate and wow is lame now. You can’t mod anything. Pubg is a mess.

There’s been great single player though, and I hope the companies realize all the greats from this gen aren’t cinematic experiences.



Can't ever post wujacks without triggering someone.

les go

Rollin for loli

for the boys

True, FPS is mixed up in the setting but it was that way before the last gen. They just went back.
I was really addicted to UK2k4, Arctic Combat and S4L back then. Today the formula is paying a base price with heavy P2P elements.


Rerolling, no good porn of Ashley

fuck off

nujak just isn't very aesthetically pleasing. Most likely created by a nigger or a spic

Give me Umaru

Fuck, I meant UT2k4 not UK.


Forced meme, fuck off.

wojak was forced at one point too
let him die



i take the josho

>stob bosting noo yak

>Playing new games


I hear it was created by a newag on /biz/.

I normally don't do these, but fuck SoyJack.

I meant tripfag.


I got a warning for replying to one of these once.

That's... just fucking mental. Thread was deleted and everything for porn and racism, and I was flagged for a spin post I replied to.

>Sup Forums getting demolished by a single meme

you know you were replying for the roll, don't hide it.

>worrying about that stuff
What's your problem? No need to be so afraid.


nujak is my only true waifu, rolling for a side chick

Nujak is not funny. But people sperging out over Nujak is hilarious.

Gaming on a desktop PC in 2018 is for fucking nerds. Normies play all their multiplats on consoles.



Way too much persona shit in this list.
Also chickenhat is listed twice for some reason.
4/10, apply yourself.

that semen demon seems familiar

Because that's a weird fucking thing to get a warning for? It even said specifically 'you have been warned for replying to a roulette post'.

That's not even in the rules. So it was weird.

Nu-pepe doesn't have that same cringe factor.

Nujack has these total fuckboy cosmetic changes that only a numale would make to his eyes and jawline to make him 'better looking'

I need more pictures of wojack beating up nujack

read the rules again newfig

You got this wojak.
Kill that usurper of the throne!

Requesting oldfaced gold sony man anal voring nu jack. Please.

Just reset your router and you're good.
If it's weird whatever. Mods give you warnings and ban you for free.


Also requesting this

I'll roll, this thread sucks anyhow

I see you got a new form since we last met.
Still that isnt enough for you to block my path this time.

Only millennial nintendo fans like nujack.

kat is my stinky gf

Stop posting Soyjak, you stupid faggot.




This was way too obvious.

roll la roll

It looks like shit?

It looks a fuckboy tried to make him handsome.

Rollin for vidya

ya gotta find those niche titles for each. Like Bloodboure? Try Nioh

Switch has some genuine good indies buried in the market.

Xbone i may not have an answer for, but fuck just pop in Halo 2 deal with it.

And as for PC, just play overwatch or an MMO

>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again

fuck off



why do mods feel the need to control what becomes a meme? Sup Forums is supposed to be hands-off. is nujack is the nuhottnes then thats that.




They are doing their jobs by deleting threads.

AHAHAHA, can't wait to BTFO some nintentoddlers with these!
