Can anyone challenge Rockstar's presence in the industry?
Can anyone challenge Rockstar's presence in the industry?
I think the sound was 2K CEOs creaming their pants over the lootboxes they've already made for RDR2
Running With Scissors, except they don't fucking do anything.
They are probably making at least some changes to the microtransactions and inevitable PC version. Wouldn't be surprised if they announce one during E3 to boost the hype
>jason schreier
fuck outta here cuck
they are the only good AAA devs
Rockstar knew they couldn't compete with Odyssey so they delayed RDR2.
>boring horses and revolvers
When are they going to start showing off the lootbox content? I want to see the armor plated raptor mounts and laser cannons already.
Unironically this
Nintendo is probably the only company that has the chops to worry rockstar if they decided to go AAA
Total War
>not AAA
stay mad, shit dick.
no need to be salty just because YER UGLEH
I think he means becoming a third party multiplat shitter.
And if they did, everyone would be shitting themselves. Nintendo get barely any support as-is because publishers hate competing against Nintendo IP, just imagine if Nintendo brought the fight to them instead.
Why are people still excited after GTA online got all the focus in GTA V? RDR was a tight singleplayer experience, but singleplayer is obviously gonna get neglected in 2.
>Preorder the day one edition now for the exclusive hat and revolver skin !
>people can only buy ONE game
remember GTAV release? The shilling was off the charts. Of course you're going to get your daily dose EVERYWHERE for release. Rockstar is addicted to marketing.
After GTA V and GTAO its amazing to me that people are hype for RDR2. The world will be fucking empty again, and they are going to focus on the Online experience again, because they basically making millions now out of it, just by making some shitty skin and car every week or so with GTAO.
GTAV's singleplayer was still good. Also Benzies is gone.
What games are even released this year?
And then it got delayed, so much for that.
well goyimed
>Jason Schreier
What a faggot.
If people are interested in your game it doesn't matter what launches in the same month. People who don't buy your game because another big game launching the same month, were hesitant on buying it in the first place and probably wouldn't have bought anyway.
>GTAV's singleplayer was still good
>lying on the internet
This is evil
It was. faggot
rockstar make games for reddit. why are their games so hyped here?
Hi Rockstar.
marketing. Keep in mind GTA V marketing had a bigger budget than developpement.
>muh hood nigga, muh hood! cherokee muh hoooooood heritage muh gangbanging.
>naw nigga muh mo' money and higha class of crime ya herd
>actually guys muh moping about family woes and depression and stuff
>grrr actually muh loyalty i am so fucking angry about everything and KUHRAYZEE! grrrr psycho!
>oh now we all work for the FBI-analog and do tacticool missions this is fun!
Thanks for explaining
Rockstar. It's rare for such industry dominance to be legitimately beaten outright while maintaining perceived quality. Usually they fuck it up for themselves, leading to their own replacement and irrelevance.
Yet another cowboy GTA. Boy I just can't wait to not give a single fuck about it.
>muh story
>there was anything in the GTA single-player mode that was fun
Nah Rockstar removed it and repackaged it to stick into the Online mode, faggot.
Most AAA games do
You're just a bandwagoning retard. GTAO being shit didn't take away from the SP.
>stuff that they removed from SP to put into MP didn't make the SP shit
lmao you are one dumb cunt
What exactly did they "remove" from SP?
The single player campaign was literally the same length as Ballad of Gay Tony, padded out with fetch quests for the two or three heists in the game.
Have you ever played a GTA before V?
Yes. So your argument is that if previous games had features that GTAV SP didn't, that means they "removed" them. A real brainlet.
anyone releasing their shit on pc
To think APB did GTAO before and better without their budget.
>it's not about story I swear! SP is fine as it is even though theres jack shit to do outside of the story! stop talking about how Rockstar removed SP features to put into MP it's fine reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
>not simplified so Online could handle it
>the whole money and purchasing assets mechanics
Just go back to sucking cocks to buy your shark cards already.
>say GTAO sucks but SP is good
>hurrr go buy more shark cards
>Yet another cowboy GTA.
What the fuck you on about? We haven't had one in 8 years. Yet I'm sure you'll defend the yearly Monster Hunter or almost yearly Fromsoft shit.
what will it add over the first one though?
>Jason Schreier
It amazes me that he still gets work.
Guess we'll find out in a few weeks.
>gaming journalism
>A billion in 3 days with GTA5 PS3/360
No one in the gaming industry can do this. RDR doesn't have the same pull but it will do big numbers. Battlefield releasing in October might have to be delayed a month, when little kids need to make a 60 dollar choice between the two. Unless its a different demographic entirely, something like on the Switch or KH3 which will end up being fine
>does it most of the time, usually at specific times (known as a "shift")
>gets paid to do it
How is that not a job?
You're right that they don't deserve payment, unfortunately they get it anyway.
Nobody cares
well cardboard isnt racist, user.
its already brown
>Nobody cares
Then why has 85 million copies been sold?
World of Warcraft
What did Legion expansion sales do? Or Wrath first 3 day expansion sales? Hard to factor in subs, since it comes with a free month and alot of people just play that and leave like with recent expansions.
WoW's glory days are forever gone
Blizzard did billions with Wow for years.
and now, Rockstar is a glory hole.
why? we're not all poorfags that can only afford one game.
Don't compare selling copies of a brand new title in 3 days of launch, to massive subscriber numbers giving that money. Hell, even if you do 10 million subs who pay 15 dollars for a month, its not close to a billion in 3 days.
Even the top grossing mobile games do a few billion but over the course of a year.
>y. Hell, even if you do 10 million subs who pay 15 dollars for a month,
sound like your average gta player on GTAO.
why do people like gta anyways
It's not only about buying 1 game. It's just the simple that it's going to be a the most sought after game. It's going to be the one everyone will be playing despite other potential great games releasing around it.
This game got absolutely bodied when rdr released.
>microtransactions already confirmed
Pack it in boys, its over
could be salvegable if its only for multiplayer
Microtran$actions weren't part of GTAV's SP mode.
Fuck off pedophile.
Nintendo with Pokemon.
Star wars Battlefront would have been a contender before this year shitfest.
3/VC/SA nostalgia
>Nintendo with Pokemon
Will be interesting to see when they drop this and which sales the most between the 2.
>3 heists in single player
>like 8 online
What can they put in the SP thatll keep you coming back? V had the music and vehicles and none of that works in the RDR setting.
75% of current GTAV players weren't old enough to play even GTA4. You are full of shit.
I mean those are great games. But with each new release they've sold more copies and brung in more revenue.
Those old games help set the foundation but let's not act like new people aren't buying the newet games and only being accustomed to that said game.
meant for
>yfw it's the wilhelm scream
Good, it was okay at best. Gameplay was mediocre.
oh I just meant Sup Forums, as in why does Sup Forums like gta
normies are normies they'll buy whatever you advertise to them
In terms of popularity Red Dead is not GTA.
Call of Duty and Battlefield can challenge it without a doubt.
much of Sup Forums was barely out of diapers when GTAIV dropped. it's 2018, user.
They confirmed most of the online heists were supposed to be SP DLC announced way back in 2014 but didn't gave a fuck and went for the easy kiddie online sharkcard cash. Specially the latest heist with the fucking JETPACK IS THAT NOW FOREVER LOCKED IN ONLINE MODE ONLY
>good, good, keep defending me
I played GTA2 before GTA3 came out. Got GTA3 on release, and have played and beat every 3D GTA.
When you start making shit games I'll stop. Microtransactions of GTA V did suck but that did not take away from the overall quality the game presented. The same will be the case here.
But if the game itself does suck and the microtransactions just make things worse then yeah, I'll shit on you.
Nobody from the first game era still plays video game.
The hype is artificial.
yes but you asked a general question and I gave you a general answer.
The game has 300,000 pre-orders alone in the United States already based off 2 teaser trailers. Try again
>post GTAV rockstar
I know it'll sell crazy numbers, but I wuldnt touch it with a 10 foot pole
>anyone who's ever written something who say's they've not borrowed inspiration from [popular book] is lying
how retarded
nu Sup Forums kiddies don't understand Game Design. Colour me surprised.
Your loss. If we base every developer and future games coming from a developer based off one game that didn't live up to expectations we would hate every dev out there.