This is a PC game in 2018...
This is a PC game in 2018
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No Crysis screen follow up?
When it comes you consoles, you're going to be sucking its dick
Way to go to ruin the entire premise of a WW2 shooter.
Looks like reskinned Counter Strike.
Would be cool if you had an equiptable map as item you had to take out like in Far Cry 2.
What do you want in this screenshot, to look "better"?
>ww2 CSGO
Trying to be a sport has ruined so many video games.
is this new CoD? lmao
You do know that this is essentially a remake of CoD2 right?
>way to go to ruin the entire premise of a WW2 shooter
>would be cool if you had a equiptable watch as item you had to take out
You'd have to be pretty retarded to hate on a mini map
It's not ww2 csgo, it's much closer to CoD. In fact it's pretty much a CoD clone made by butthurt promod fans who were sick of nu-CoD.
It has been solved elegantly in other shooters without turning them into babby garbage.
It's way too fast of a game for that sort of map to work.
So this is just a mod for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, right?
>You'd have to be pretty retarded to hate on a mini map
people shit hard on radar in Destiny 2 and say it's what's ruined pvp in part
I wonder why they not make this a f2p game since they have microtransactions and lootbox cancer it's not like they need to put a price tag. Although it's not expensive at all I guess
meanwhile on the ps4
Don't forget the trailer
Maybe the time period shouldn't be used then.
It makes sense in a modern shooter to have a radar, it doesn't belong into a period with no computers and GPS.
That's why I call it a shitty counter strike reskin.
Honestly such a joke, only good thing was the parasite music in the trailer
>this is a console game in 2018
Can anyone explain how this got onto the PS Store? Anyone at all? I really just don't understand.
>counter strike is the only fps out there with a mini map
Does it show the enemies? If yes then I understand why they'd shit on it. But it's a shit game anyway so who cares?
I don't think theme should be an automatic block from having a minimap, the type of game and whether it makes sense for gameplay should decide that, but I do agree on first impression this looks like a CS reskin.
What the fuck, I refuse to belive this is real.
me on the right
Trailer is literally the first reply senpai
>Does it show the enemies?
only as blips when they move and there's abilities that remove your radar visibility
>The female tiger finally gave birth to a baby. It's good to find the baby is not a black one like me.
Niqqershaming the Game
I can't count
why do you use an early access beta game developed with simply graphics for cod2 fags in mind as argument? are you that desperate for (You)'s
This is a PC exclusive
another generic shooter, nice. where are all the PC games?
>consoles have no eroge
You don't even know what you are missing.
Is that Day of Defeat? That game was the bomb.
DoD had a minimap, and CoD2 had a compass that showed both allies and enemies user...
P l e a s e
Bang My Wife
Battalion 1944, apparently it's CoD2 Promod with UE4 bells and whistles
>implying he isn't just a shitposting weebshitter
holy shit
ryona fags are disgusting faggots
Why do games still get guns with internal magazines wrong? There's no shortage of games that do it right to use as reference.
I love you too, user.
This game is so fucking ugly it is revolting.
Every map looks like a cheap movie set with one big construction light shining down on it.
The game is also full of jump shooting & diving aka professional cod gameplay garbage.
Pretty sure they are aware of it. It's just not that kind of game user. Gameplay and balance over realism.
>47 posts
>16 IPs
The game looks and plays like fucking shit and you know it you faggot white knight shills, DOD:S will continue to reign supreme.
pretty hilarious considering PUBG does it right.
Fuck cod reskins, post scriptum is the real deal
>I haven't even read the thread
can you burn her with cigarettes?
except CoD2 had
Eastern Front maps
Africa maps
British in Normandy
Wasn't that a femdom game?
>Not having a qt gf to bap
Woah get a load of this beta cuck
what's a good online shooter with players that works on a toasters toaster? RO1 is dead, TF2 is getting old.
No but you can drip hot candle wax over her.
except it isn't
hold on to your pants, user
The way the character pushes the clip in the magazine is WAY to exaggerated, it looks ridiculous. No one pushes or slams a clip into a rifle like that.
Battlefield 1 did it right and SJW shit aside the game plays great, much better than this piece of shit.
I just hope they don't forget to make it fun.
animations look nice but the sound is really meh
>source engine
is battlefield 1942 alive?
is day of defeat?
how shit a computer will insurgency work on?
20fps eurojank?
The game has workshop support and there are some plenty of sound replacers to choose from.
>source engine
is this game alive? it could maybe run on a toasters toaster
since when does TSF has ntr? everyone fucks takumi as they want
It doesn't run on toasters at all.
It doesn't count the live round it ejected though.
>is battlefield 1942 alive?
it's on life support
>is day of defeat?
>how shit a computer will insurgency work on?
it can be a little demanding if you have an exceptionally shit toaster but it shouldn't be too hard to run considering how well optimized the source engine is. i used to play insurgency on my shitty $200 laptop just fine
having shit rig in 2018?
It's CoD2 gunplay with CoD4 movement. Basically Promod 2018, and I love it.
>muh realism
this is sounding very promising all things considered. thank you user, have a nice day.
Someone at their studio gives great blowjobs.
>Fuck cod reskins
>posts squad reskin
>Looks like reskinned Counter Strike.
You are not far from truth.
Just play RO2 lmao who needs stupid americans and british wars?
still only 3 guns in the game that are viable like in cod4 promod?
>use engine designed to create breathtaking visuals
>all the games look like fucking garbage
Why can no one use this engine?
Every day I pray this game will be as good as it pretends to be.
Not only they look like puke through water but they also run like complete and utter ass for the most part.
Can I use this card without mods?
I think Battlefield 1 is one of the few that does.
Game is literally just people jumpshooting and quickscoping eachother with the fucking laser acurate 1-hit kill snipers both sides can equip at the start of the match.
Its like CS if the awp had no moving accuracy penalty and you could start every match with it.
>jumpshooting and quickscoping eachother with the fucking laser acurate 1-hit kill snipers both sides can equip at the start of the match.
sounds retarded.
Damn the new Monster Hunter is looking good
Red Orchestra 2 does it too.
Because literally no one outside of burguers and /k/ dweebs care.
That overall criticism is correct though, even with the basics of the series (and another setting). What's trending is skillfulness, and that's defined by attention to audible cues and overall awareness. Developing maps with this is helpful.
I don't know about you but when I play a game about shooting shit I expect the guns to be done correctly. It's so easy to just look up how guns work, there's no excuse for an enormous franchise like CoD to get it wrong.
It's still possible having fun with this, but the general gameplay depth supporting it is beneficial.
E.g., 007: Nightfire and Gotham City Impostors
>Aiming a 1911 with a fucking weaver stance
Why can't they just spend 3 seconds googling this shit?