Sequel removes features from the original

>sequel removes features from the original

>sequel is an entirely different genre that butchers a ton of it's content
>becomes more popular than the prequels


Diablo III is a good start

>sequel changes character personality's and ignores previous setup

>unnecessary sequel to a satisfyingly concluded storyline

And Fallout 3

>Third game of the trilogy is so bad the only good thing that came out of it are memes

Morrowind in a nutshell

Rainbow six siege

black and white 2
pets no longer learn and just do whatever you tell them on command

>Ken's Rage 2
>removes the ability to JUMP

F u c k o f f

>haha u don't need to jump in a musou


>Removing the ability to have Pokemon follow you

The pokemon series is pretty guilty of this. The transition to 3d really fucked it this way.

Halo 4 and up.

You're describir The Evil Within 2

Know what, Elder Scrolls in general is guilty of this shit.

>sequel adds run/dash mechanic

The Witcher

Banjo Kazooie nuts and bolts

The main reason I disliked Mass Effect 2. At least Andromeda brought everything back

Banjo Kazooie nuts and bolts

LA Noire’s sequel Whore of the Orient removed the feature of the game where you actually get to play the game, because it was never released

This thread is for sequels that removed features not removed them

Any of you have games where the sequel removed features from the game before it and made it better?

I'm here to cheer you up with good feels

DBZ Infinite World


This is literally worse
>remake removes features from the original

Oot isn't a sequel of anything. Maybe you mean Majora's mask, which is the sequel of Oot.


>sequel removes features from the original
>doubles down on the least popular features of the original

sequel to ALttP

>sequel removes features from the original

>adds them later as paid DLC

>OoT was the first Zelda

Are you old enough to be posting here?


>sequel only has gay romance options and ignores heterosexual relationships from past games.

Like how Splatoon 2 removed all original specials

GTA 3.

in GTA 2 you could pick a gang to join during each level/world. And depending on what gang you join is what vehicles and weapons you had access to.

Also, the ability to install guns in your car, and oil slicks.

there isn't a single game that does this

>sequel removes features from the original
>adds them back later as paid DLC

How does it feel to lie on the internet?

>game that literally incorporates a new dimension is a direct sequel from its 2D predecessors
I'm surprised you can even form complete thoughts.

>b-but bof called Zelda
I bet this surface level reasoning actually crossed your mind, faggot

prove me wrong


Destiny 2