Last month, I stumbled across a random thread for Killer7...

Last month, I stumbled across a random thread for Killer7. I never played this game before and alot of anons recommended it.

So I picked up, played it and I just finished it. To those anons who recommended this game to me, I just want to say:

God bless you

This game is weird.

Ah Garcian...

I'm playing Killer Is Dead and trying to see if the stories connect.

They dont.

The most quotable game ever


They only really connect thematically, and even then only on the shallowest level. No More Heroes has more links to Killer 7 than Killer is Dead.

He's going to show up in this thread I can feel it

Too easy...

In this thread, we're all Handsome Men.

My all-time favorite game

>alot of anons recommended it.
I wonder who could have been behind those recommendations...


I knew it

play flower sun rain next, it has a similar feel to k7

nmh1 and 2 are good too

kid has the best style of all of grasshopper's games, but it wasnt as memorable


I never finished it. It's too weird and the gameplay is too shitty and slow for me to persevere.

You're a bad player.

Tricks are for kids, I'm an old man

>gamecube version
Not anybody I'd associate with

I've never played the game myself but I appreciate the ideas and music from it, and I've spoilered myself about the story. I guess that doesn't make me a true fan but I have finished No More Heroes and enjoy Suda51's work overall.

Don't make me say it again. I'm a cleaner.

>trying to revive mask

I can't play it. I can't stand the art style and the gameplay is crap. It also seems to be edgy for the sake of being edgy.