I played this and it's actually pretty decent, am I missing something? Why do people hate it so much?

I played this and it's actually pretty decent, am I missing something? Why do people hate it so much?

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it's a decent little action game with obnoxious writing and characters

if you skipped every cutscene then yes. interesting story concept with poor execution and garbage characters

Having "decent and easy" gameplay in a series famous for it's gameplay and difficulty isn't really something to boast about

Gameplay was a step back from 3 and 4 in almost every regard, the writing and character design were terrible, style system was fucked, faux-Ikaruga weapon system was terrible.

The definitive edition fixes about half the problems and makes it a good game, but still not as good as 1, 3, and 4.

3/3SE > 1 = 4SE > 4 > DmCDE > DmC = 2

the combat overall wasn't as good as in dmc4 (still pretty decent though, and it's probably the best combat in a western action game), and the character designs were a big step down from previous dmc games

the hate is mostly bandwagon riding, fueled by the easy to spam memes. It's a shame because DmC has some really nice values to it like the fantastic music or world design and is overall a solid 8/10 game.

don't exaggerate
It's just that if you compare it to dmc3's epic finale, it looks bad, but otherwise it's a completely decent story
>b-but muh video games can't have edgyness and Dante said the F word

Nah u just got past the meme. The gameplay was pretty damn fun. Not the best DMC game, 3 was still better but I had a fun time. Definitely dont regret beating it on all difficulty. Everyone was just asshurt they changed Dantes look, mainly. Even though it changes back in the end. That being said I enjoyed the game and recommend it to anyone who likes the action genre.

For old DMC fans, looking for that challenge you might be a little disappointed to find Dante Must Die mode is basically most of the same enemies, however they dont stun lock and get buffs and stuff which is...pretty lame but still. Play the game on Son of Sparda mode, most optimum difficulty IMO.

Bigger dick Tameem worked DMC fans into a shoot.

>am I missing something?


people hated it for everything except what it was.
shitty dmc game in absolutely every aspect, shitty game, terrible advertising, social medias publicly shitting on anybody not liking it, terrible development (with sale expectations halved like 3 times even before it's release), shitty gameplay (terribly easy), "shakesperean dialogue" FUCK YOU UGLY SACK OF SHIT SQUIRREL SEMEN IM DONTE THE DEMON KILLA, story is a mess copied from other movies, pic related, tameem thinks so high of himself that he literally had artists model donte after himself, and much more.
the gameplay (and artstyle) are relatively ok but when you know it's a DMC game, it's inexcusable.

>this whole post

No. DmC does have the best action the west has produced so far and some decent art direction when it comes to levels but the plot was complete full edge nonsense, even when compared to DMC titles (so bad was the writing that after the game came out NT said the writing wasn't serious despite spending months before release claiming otherwise) the characters are mostly unlikeable save for a few blips, boss designs uninspired, difficulty a joke (until DE game out) they claimed the previous games were too anime then made a DLC which was straight from Bleach.

I don't hate DmC like others as I like the combat in DmC:DE, but any hate for the game is WELL justified and it deserved to bomb not once, but twice like it did.

Literally weebs.

It's decent sure but it can't compare to ANY of the other DMC games. Not even 2 with it's retarded gun focused combat.

It was 30fps when it originally came out.

It’s a meme to hate DmC, but the issue was that prior to it the last good game came out a decade to DmC’s release and people didn’t want a reboot with simpler combat.

hey tameem

Because of the character design and the overall storytelling (which isn't as bad as the character design).
Else it's an solid title. I liked it.

The combat is brainlet tier when compared to even Nero in DMC4, much less Dante and Vergil.
Proof: look at the best most popular style video for DmC then look at literally any style vid for DMC4

Reminder that Tameem and Ninja Theory are award winners while DMCV is never coming out

Reminder that DMC4se outsold DmC.
Reminder that NT had to put out a DmC "We're sorry" Edition that fixed that mess of a game

Being slightly better than DMC 2 isn't something to be proud of.

Quit fucking lying OP. You played this version. The original release was complete casul garbage that forced you to use certain weapons on certain enemies.

Because of the aesthetic. It's associated with tumblr goths and that really triggers some people. Really, that's the only reason. Complaints about the gameplay are largely BS and simple attempts at rationalizing irrational dislike for the game.

really wrong storyline, i think they missed the point of the original series.

muh tivation


to say the truth i would honestly like a game was more like the 2010 trailer.

If you are seriously one of those "le cringe xd" kids you need to kill yourself.

there is nothing wrong with making edgy stories in video games, but it's not like there was anything extremely edgy about DmC either. Dante was a pretty realistic unlikable punk douche who actually went through a decent character development. It wasn't anything special, but it was completely passable unless you have this cancerous cringe culture where seeing anything edgy and tryhard is physically painful to you.

>b-but muh video games can't have edgyness
they can if they want but if you're going to base your pre release marketing on the idea you want to tell a serious mature story for mature gamers like you then it's probably not the best idea to litter your plot with dude dead baby lmao tier scenes

also the hamfisted consumerism is bad message is still the most retarded thing you could put in a fucking big budget video game

Agreed. That was far more interesting that the watered down product we actually got. They shouldn't have tried to meet DMC fans half-way as they'll never settle for anything other than pure anime all the time.

Dante and every other character is genuinely unlikeable, disrespectful to everyone (even their friends) and written as edgy as they can possibly be.

They actually had to bring.in itsuno who was currently working on dragons dogma overseas to teach the ninja theory guys how to make decent combat. The only reason the game is half playable is because he had a hand in it. There are even interviews about it and him teaching them how to make bossfights.


>reduce the edgyness
>but keep the shit gameplay
>originally only DMCfags hated it
>now even the DmCfags are disappointed

>As they'll never settle for anything other than pure anime all the time.

Nice revisionst history, tons of DMC fans didn't like the removed horror elements and more generic shounenshit in DMC4 either.

>I played this and it's actually pretty decent, am I missing something? Why do people hate it so much?
Too many fucking cutscenes.


He never said anything about cringing tho, he said the story was ridiculous with unlikeable characters and uninspiring boss designs, which is true.