Is Capcom, dare I say it, back? Monster Hunter World is a huge success...

Is Capcom, dare I say it, back? Monster Hunter World is a huge success, RE7 was well received even if the sales were a bit humble and REmake 2 is confirmed to still be in the works with a blessing from the original director. If the rumors about DMCV are true too this might be one of the biggest comeback stories this industry has had for a while. Their only real fluke lately was MvCI and that was due to disney meddling.

Dead Rising 4 was awful

They still did not make megaman legends 3, so fuck them in their asses. Not as bad as cucknami though

SFV is garbage tho

Street Fighter V is still shit.

>disney and crapcom both have stakes in mvci
>yeah, disney sabotaged the game
fuck off crapcom defense force

>Ultra SF2
>Blame MvCI on disney when the issues are far past Marvel's half of the roster
>Megaman Legacy Collection split
>Still hasn't localized 3 Ace Attorney games

>sf5 is an overall flop, completely killing 4's momentum and hurting the brand
>mvci is a complete disaster
>dead rising's sales have plummeted and the series is on life support
>breath of fire reduced to mobileshit and bombed anyway
nice comeback faggot

SFV, Dead Rising 4 and MvCI are all notable stains tho, still have a ways to go

>Their only real fluke lately was MvCI and that was due to disney meddling.

The state of Capcbros.

Bruh those games were shit. Pre-RE5 Capcom was fucking GOAT. If something like SFV and MHW makes you think that Capcom is back than you've really lowered your standards

>SFV is bad
what the fuck is with this meme?

AE fixed pretty much every issue. Not saying the game is perfect but no fighting game is, and now it's easily better than it's current competition.

>but they AE only added new v-triggers and fixed nothing else
hitboxes got much better, throwloops gone, anti airs heavily nerfed, poke normals got longer range, neutral game got better, overall balance of characters is much better, second v-triggers made a lot of characters viable and help them with bad matchups a lot, loading times got much faster, tons of quality of life changes added like frame data added to training mode with indicator (something almost no other fighting game does), fucking easy replays to matches, and overall an amount of content only rivaled by IJ2. Netcode isn't perfect but don't pretend that the competitors are, or that games like Tekken 7 or Kof14 even have slightly better netcode.

SFV AE also has 9/10 metacritic scores and 8/10 user scores, meaning that most people are pleased the game as it is now.

>AE fixed pretty much every issue. Not saying the game is perfect but no fighting game is, and now it's easily better than it's current competition.

The state of Capcbros.

>SFV is bad
>what the fuck is with this meme?

A meme started by long-time pro SF players.
At least you enjoy eating shit.

It was though. Imagine if they released a new Street Fighter without Ryu, Ken and Chun-li because some third party partner had a problem with them. The game would flop, regardless of how good it was.

The game is still 'your turn, my turn' mix-up exchanges with poke stuffing, little zoning capability and the most UNGA cast of characters ever compiled in a Street Fighter game.

Don't even act like you and everyone else won't drop the game the nanosecond SFVI launches and never look back.

SF and Dead Rising are still sort of weak
Megaman fans continue to pretend that they're treated badly too which I don't think Capcom will ever be able to change even if they give those guys another 100+ games to not play

Marvel (or Disney acting through Marvel) of course wanted the game to succeed. But to them the characters didn't matter. They saw the game as a chance for MCU promotion and took it, without realizing that giving people Captain Marvel and Black Panther isn't the same as giving them Cyclops and Wolverine.

Capcom outside of Fighting Games is doing well but Infinite is still a blunder and SFV is mediocre at best


Wooow you really cracked the code there faggot.

>they will have enough budget for Dragon dogma 2 now
Please Capcom

Marvel's side being MCU Pandering is bad yes
But Capcom went full lazy for their side reusing a majority of characters from the last game.

Nice strawman.
>+50 Fight Money has been deposited into your account

Capcom putting out ONE good game doesn't erase the fact that the rest of their games this gen have been either mediocre or flat out shit.

super turbo is still played 25 years later, no one will give a shit about sf5 the moment money stops being injected into the scene to keep it artificially alive

>RE5 Chris instead of Leon to push REmake2
>Monster Hunter is DLC, apparently having a character rep from your big upcoming game was not enough of a priority to put in Base Game
>Spencer, Nemesis, Firebrand
At least Marvel had an agenda to push, Capcom just reused shit

After Itsuno is done with his current project, maybe

I will never forgive them for what they've done to Breath of Fire

MvCI was made with the equivalent of the budget for SFV dlc, that's how little they cared about it.

MHW lack of content is embarrassing.

And to think, all it took was abandoning censortendo

May Ace Attorney Switch be written well...

And EA passed off Mass Effect Andromeda to the DLC Team so their other team could work on Anthem

Being lazy or incompetent about a game Today means people are going to immediately notice you're doing a halfass job.


>The game would flop, regardless of how good it was

At least we agree on how bad SFV is, Capcbro.

I will forgive Capcom if DMC5 is a thing and it's actually good.

>and that was due to disney meddling.
Capcom pls

Despite all the whining capcom still releases some really good games. Can't say that for too many other companies.

They always do this. They're not truly alive until they find a new franchise to milk.

The fuck are you talking about retard

Capcom will eventually crawl back to Nintendo

>no Dogma 2 yet
>no DMC5
Anytime now Itsuno.

>Spencer, Nemesis, Firebrand
I don't give a shit about MVCI but there's nothing wrong with these characters.


They're really hit or miss, it's just when they miss it's usually some catastrophically huge fuck-up that's pretty easy/funny to point out. A lot of other companies get away with consistently putting out worse games and having jewier practices than them though.

world is garbage westernized trash for babbys
sfv is garbage mugen babbys first smash game trash
re7 is garbage PT outlast clone trash

back my peanus weanus

Yeah I've noticed and I don't really get it. Yeah DmC and LP3 were abominations. But Dogma was great, World is fantastic and I can't really name another company that I think has released more games I enjoy in the last decade than capcom.

Cool story, but if they can't keep this up by the time Mega Man 11 drops I'll be livid

I really can't take you seriously. I doubt you're a fan of any of those series and your complaints scream parrot to me.

Literally nothing has changed with Capcom. Monster Hunter has always been highly rated and incredibly successful, the only thing that's changed for the series is the platforms it released on. They're still going to live off of the success of Monster Hunter and release mediocre games like they've always done for the past 10 years.

Fuck no. They just keep giving sequels instead of what the people actually want!

I was never a big fan of the original series. Let me know when a new X or MMZ comes out.

Their fighting games are done. Arcsys is king... they gave away the mantle despite having brainwashed fans

>no megaman zxa sequel
is the age of megaman ™ over?

kek sony wins even in nintendo land

>Only started playing Monster Hunter at Tri on Wii
>Have bought basically all of them since
>Jumped my save file back and forth between the Wii U and 3DS versions of 3U
>Bought 4U or whatever on 3DS
>Then Generations, I think that was the last one
>Put at least 300 hours in each one but never do anything really spectacular
>Tell my friends World is probably going to be the last one I buy because I only buy these games in the first place for the co-op, and I honestly can't fucking stand starting over from scratch every time fighting the same raptor six thousand times because he refuses to drop the testicle I need to finish my set of armor so I can take on the bigger BLUE raptor and die in two hits instead of one just so we can do it again, and again, and again just to get to the one or two cool new monsters they added
>This makes me a casual faggot bitch nigger fucking baby who sucks cocks and can't git gud because Jesus fucking Christ this is the fucking COD of Japan that makes minimal improvements every game

I really want to like Monster Hunter, but it's the fucking elitism that kills me. This shit gets old. I haven't played World yet because I'm waiting for the PC version, but I'm 28 years old and I can fucking unironically say I am literally getting too old for this shit. Between working full time and finishing school, this game desperately needs a "I KNOW WHAT I'M FUCKING DOING LET ME GO STRAIGHT TO THE GOOD SHIT" button.

Remember when SFV gave pc players a rootkit? You don't just give bullshit things like that a pass, even if they gave a tool to remove it

>b-but n-nintendo!!

There's no shame in being burned out on MH. Only maximum autists can play every installment and still experience fun. Monster Hunter is like that one fun game you played a long time ago that you suddenly get the urge to replay. Only instead of replaying the old game, you just pick up the latest MH and start there.

Infinite was better than DBFZ.

I'm not going to claim to be a master. I barely make it into G rank (or the G rank equivalent). I play long enough to make a full set of armor out of whatever the game's flagship monster is, as well as finish the "single player", and I'm set until the next one.

My friends throwing a bitch fit are exactly as you described. They play until they make a full suit + every weapon out of almost every single monster in the game, and my one friend who is absolutely SEETHING right now about me saying what I did about killing the same shit over and over is fucking proud of his ALMOST SIX THOUSAND HOURS in Generations.

Six. Thousand. Hours. HOURS.