r8, h8, masturb8
r8, h8, masturb8
Other urls found in this thread:
o yeah forgot the link (to the past)
>not labeling the games
1/1 TF2
>being this much of a 2000s+ year of birth pleb that can't tell what the games are by looking at them
The rule of thumb is that if you can't tell what a game is by the chosen image, you probably haven't played it.
Nice 3x3. You have good taste, user. Do you recommend any other game that is mechanically similar to homm3?
2/2 +P5, TF2
3/3 +S3&K, Comix Zone, Yume Nikki
1/1 RE2
2/2 MGS3, Journey
1/1 TF2. That pic is disturbing.
1/1 BB. Yakuza 0 is top of my to play list.
3/3 Pokemon Red/Blue, Portal, Journey
2/2 HoMM , Superstar Saga
2/2 God of War, Resi 4
3/3 System Shock 2, Arx Fatalis, Vampire Bloodlines
1/2 +HOMM3 -TF2
2/2 +Sonic 3, Resi2
3/4 +MGS3, Cave Story, Portal 2 -Pokemon
3/3 +Sims 2, Resi4, BG&E
2/2 +HL2, New Cegas
8/9 everything except Goat Simulator
5/8 +Gothic 1, 2, Fallout 2, Morrowind, SMW -BG2, Nox, Diablo 2
2/2 WarioWare and TF2
S3k/S3k but I had other humongous entertainment games
3.5/5 +Cave Story and KH2, beat Journey for the first time 2 days ago and my eyes watered up a bit at the ending, the .5 is FrLg because there is nothing technically wrong with them but I only ever found gen 1 fun for the glitches so without those and without substantial overhauls I found myself super bored but I feel like "no missingno" isn't a very legitimate complaint -Braid
Sims 2/Sims 2
3/4 HL2, Dark Souls, Rachet and Clank -New Vegas
>All those older PC classics and then Goat Simulator
I...really? Though I suppose with Postal 2 in your list it not entirely out of left field
2/2 Diablo 2 and Mario World
>Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds saga
My absolute fucking nigga holy shit I love that game and didn't think anyone but me and my friends growing up even knew about it
Also JSR and Mania which are two other games I absolutely adored.
+Opposing Force, System Shock 2, thief 3
2/2 since you dropped DMC3
I'd rate more if I had the time right now.
1/1 Dragon Age
now it depends on if bottom line middle is WoW or Warcraft 3
if Warcraft 3 then 2/2
if WoW then 1/2
More Warcraft 3 than WoW but I let people call it either because I like both enough for them to be in the slot.
nice afterburner climax
oh well. then a 2/2 I guess
which ones?
+Icewind Dale,Doom, Gothic
have you every tried the Enhanced Edition of Icewind Dale?
What are the Games on the right and left side of the middle row?
4/4 +P5 +PD2 +SotN +HoMM3
1/1 +Yume Nikki
4/5 +MGS3 +Portal +999 +Journey -KH
5/6 +BG&E +Sims 2 +Dark Souls(?) +SR4 +RE4 -GoW3
2/3 +RDR -R&C1 -Fallout NV
1/2 +Vampire TM -Deus Ex
2/2 +Morrowind +SMW
1/2 +JSR -Deus Ex
3/5 +Gravity Rush +WoW +Banjo-Kazooie -Smash -DA:O
1/2 +Shovel Knight -Arkham Asylum
3/4 +Doom +SotN +Nocturne -Vagrant Story
Label your damn games if the names aren't visible people, there are some that look familiar but I can't tell what they are
>which ones
all except bottom left and mid
>have you tried the enhanced edition
no, how is it?
>what games
embodiment of scarlet devil on left (shoot-em-up) shin megami tensei: nocturne (ps2 jrpg)
1/1 +Castlevania sotf
2/2 +Rayman, RE2
2/3 +Pokemon FRLG, Portal
1/4 +Sims
-The Last of Us, GoW3, Saints Row 4
3/3 +NewVegas, Sims, Dark Souls
2/2 +Vampire, Postal
2/2 +Mario, Diablo2
0/1 -DMC 3
1/2 +Castlevania sotf
2/2 +DR2, Digimon
I rated the same person twice, I'm retarded
jesus christ user.
>no r8
perhaps you should learn to read. i did rate the latest one, hence the 0/0
>only rated one
>no, how is it?
I havent tried it myself, so I was hoping you would have some info on it.
>shin megami tensei: nocturne
I think I will try that one out, thanks
If you like ARPGs, you should give NOX a shot. I played it more than a dozen times already since my childhood and it never got boring.
1/1 Morrowind
1/1 The Witcher
>jesus christ user
what's wrong?
Homm 3, Kotor, Morrowind, Fallout 2,,Arcanum, Planescape Torment, Baldurs Gate
Patrician list user. Very nice.
You like BG more then BG 2?
dont have time to make one since i got class soon
Dota 2 // Paper Mario // Rainbow Six Siege
Rimworld // Magicka // Spelunky
Witcher 3 // MGS2 // Metro: Last Light
shitposting this hard
wew lad
>Rate nobody but a single 0/0 jesus christ user
>accuse others of shitposting
genuinely hilarious
which ones? if you have the time
+Paper Mario,Metro: Last Light,Witcher 3
-Dota 2,Spelunky
not really sure, i love both of them for different reasons. bg1 gets a lot of hate for no real reason imo and bg2 seems to get too much love than it deserves to i decided to put bg1 in my 3x3. also bg1 was the first one so i think it should get some credit just for that reason as well
+FO2, D2, Baldurs Gate 2, SMW
-Morrowind, Gothic 2
hating on dota 2 i get
>hating on spelunky
>hating on spelunky
some people have different opinion. I just lost my interest pretty fast.
No reason to get pissy tough.
I never understood why people would hate on BG. I mean I liked BG2 more, but that doesnt make BG a bad game.
>no reason to get pissy tough.
what a nigger response
>what a nigger response
the anti-behavior will go away after you reach a certain age. just try to calm your hormones for now.
>some people have different opinion
>I never understood why people would hate on BG
The ironing of this post is something else
Characters I like edition
4/4 Wario, DDD, Heavy, and Coach
i'm 22 and i wont ever stop hating on you for your shit taste, kid
ok. lets put it this way. they never gave me any arguments.
the reason why I dislike Spelunky is because I got bored pretty quick.
better now?
calm your hormones. nobody is cornering you kevin
6/7 (Dangan, Cave Story, Persona 3, MGS, DS and Smash) good taste
4/5 (Digimon, Dangan 2, VLR, P3FEs) to be honest, i don't see why would you prefer the 2nd danganronpa game, but i respect your opinion
2/4 Thanks for reminding me to play Vagrant Story
>calling me a kid
>I got bored pretty quick
That's fundamentally not an argument. That's how you felt playing the game.
For it to be an actual argument you'd need to actually specifically point to mechanics or the format of the game or something tangible about it that caused you to be bored with it.
I forgot to reply yours, 7/9, just didn't played the police and this one at the bottom left, pretty good taste, pretty mosaic
are you actually saying that posting complete bullshit is less shitposting than a legit r8?
cool logic bro
>than a legit r8
That's certainly not what I'm calling your post.
>That's how you felt playing the game
thats reason enough for me
>thats reason enough for me
Ok, it's still not an argument.
sorry gramps, i would've paid my respect to you if you hadn't come across as somebody with shit taste
call it whatever you want
>sorry gramps
no problem kiddo
the most common "argument" is "mages are shit" or "combat in low lvl adnd is shit", no one bothers going deeper into that but that's what they usually say.
funny thing is, the only boring (imo) part of combat in bg 1 or 2 are the fighters which are essentially identical in both games (until the HLAs which is late in bg2 anyways).
so you're discounting my opinion of that one user's 3x3?
how should my opinion differ to make it a legit one?
>the only boring (imo) part of combat in bg 1 or 2 are the fighters which are essentially identical in both games
thats true.
the magic system isnt shite in any way if you ask me
3/4 tf2 went to shit, but I understand for memories
5 goats on 9
3/3 Kid Icarus is GOAT
4/5 but I hate fucking Fate and Kuvshinov-Ilya
1/1 or 1/2, not sure which gothic i played (im guessing 2 though) but homm3 is legit one of the greatest of all time
I have been playing Gothic since childhood, nothing new that I pick up can compare really.
I vastly prefer 1 to 2 for the setting, more coherent plot, combat system without RNG and build variety.
>Picking Barrens Chat as an entire slot for your 3x3
Bold choice but I approve 3/3
1/1 +P5
3/3 +pajama sam, rayman, RE2
4/4 +pokemon, MGS4, Portal, 999
6/6 +big ups to Beyond good and evil, last of us GoW3, Army of Two 40th day, RE4, hitman
5/5 +half life 2, R6 siege, ratchet and clank, F NV, RDR
1/1 Super mario world
3/3 +smash, kirby air ride, gravity rush
3/3 shovel knight, batman, U MVC 3
I have many fond memories from The Barrens, leveled there on every character since Vanilla, also I picked it to show I don't have any interest in the modern WoW. The Barrens is a staple of the old Warcraft world for me, for the better or worse.
I was thinking of not including WoW but that game ate so much of my time it is defining for me in a way, every time I play Wrath or TBC I have a good time.
Kalimdor horde leveling is fucking amazing desu, having the barrens as the central hub with forays into shorter zones like Horde Ashenvale, Stonetalon, and Thousand Needle while being continuously brought back to this vast hub filled with horde members shooting the shit was fucking awesome.
bampu desu
interesting, i should prolly try gothic 1 then. i can't remember what i didn't like about 2 but there was definately something.
Probably like half of my Gothic enjoyment is thanks to the voice acting, can't say anything about the English version though, it might suck.
What are the middle middle and middle bottom games?
Bloodborne and Key of Heaven. Action RPG is a garbage genre but these 2 games are actually good
even more interesting. which langauge did you play?
2/2 Gothic, HoMM 3
2/2 Resi 4, New Vegas
- Poke
1/1 Rance
3/3 M3, Cat, CS
Yum, Medusa
P3, Smash, Sunshine, MGS3, CS
0/0? So you don't know any of them?
+P5, SotN, Wario
- M&L
r8 u lazyposter
3/3 Kotor, jedi Outcast, Morrowind
2/2 Thief, Devil May Cry
>r8 u lazyposter
you havent rated even a quarter of all of he 3x3s
was gonna rate the others but you guys use something i dont recognize. i thoughts its based on 10/10 rate but now im confused
sorry for newfaggotry
games played/games liked
>mgs legacy collection
that's cheating
3/4 Dark Souls, MGS LC, Yakuza 2 - Serious Sam
games liked/games played.
Pic related.
But hey, thanks for the rate.
Cool dudes/10, can't hate Wario and DDD
Satisfactory waifus/10, especially Urbosa and Bayo.
Not often you see love for afterburner climax around here, or anywhere really. It's just a triumph of fun arcade gameplay in a modern age.
>But hey, thanks for the rate
you are welcome
+ for knuckles levels. my work has gotten really stressful so i just bought yakuza zero to have something to try to get me to relax at night, let me know if you have any tips for enjoying it
when i was a teenager i had operations on my two big toes that left me bedridden for weeks. i spent the entire time on an irc chat for a group that was translating firered/leafgreen before it's NA release. i didn't know shit about japanese but i was just hoping that if i was good company then the other people on the chat would like me enough to share the ROMs and patches with me as they were being worked on, so I could play as much as possible. it was probably the most fun Sup Forums related experience of my life
+ for nox, i have weird memories of playing it with my friends over their home LAN
although i will probably never play any of these games again, + P3FES VLR danganronpa and Nier, really enjoyed that period of my life
is desperate struggle any good? i don't have a wii but i do have a cfw ps3 so i was thinking about trying it. really love mother 3, cave story, and catherine
NMH2 is great, the ending sucks but the bosses are 100x better than the first game, the combat system is better, they removed that shitty open world system, the job minigames are more fun, i highly recommend you downloading Dolphin and playing it for yourself
>let me know if you have any tips for enjoying it
No tips, pure fun and enjoyment. Just don't play it on Hard if you feel like relaxing
What game is top left, bottom left, and bottom right?
top left is robopon 2, bottom left is quest for camelot gbc, and bottom right is the nameless game
what is bottom row middle?
>Tfw you are 0/0 for an user earnestly posting their niche favorites
It always feelings like I've failed that person not knowing most of the games and having played none.
Just play more games and work on that backlog user.
harvest moon friends of mineral town for the gba. aside from playing a few others for their unique characters or gimmicks, it's probably the best hm game.
>Tfw you are 0/0 for an user earnestly posting their popular favorites
honestly I have a very narrow scope
thanks man!
Feels good having a broad, varied taste, I can enjoy games from JRPGs and WRPGs to grand strategy and Nintendo games.
It's a good excuse to try one of them, monkey man.
If a particular game you haven't played is posted often, it's for a good reason. It's a literal hidden gem.
no problem
i'll post my retarded 3x3 from 5 years ago if it will make you feel better