I still haven't bought Fallout 4.
Is it remotely worth it?
I still haven't bought Fallout 4.
Is it remotely worth it?
The answer is no matter how many slutwear mods you install on F4 nothing removes the super retarded hud, the poor plot of WACKY AND SILLY LIKE THE 50'S the horrible gun mechanics and shooting, the small amount of guns mostly made of pipe boms and giant barrels and the settlement building that takes 80% of the game.
>but buth look at this webm of my fat ass character walking!
Absolutely not.
>paying money for such shit
It's better than new vegas that's for sure
I pirated it and I feel like it was a waste of my time.
Also, why should I use laser weapons if the ammo is more scarce and the laser rifle does only slightly more damage than the regular combat rifle?
Can you even pirate it? i think it have denuvo and is over 50 GB.
Because the laser rifle does more damage
Now this is shit posting.
with horizon mod it's amazing
I'd say $10 or less for a decent shooter with good exploration but it's not an RPG or if it was it's a shit RPG
I asked myself the exact same thing around May of last year, bought the game on sale for a few bux (physical was 1/4th the price of digital here lmao), played for 60 hours, it fucking sucked and I've been trying to sell it ever since
[Intelligence] If you need a million mods to make it decent, which you do, you may as well mod NV and FO3 instead, which you probably already own.
It's pretty fun if you like Bethesda's open world games and the fallout world but it's pretty shallow and barely an rpg
Just play New Vegas, I have 300 hours in Fallout 4 and the only part of the game that wasn't a disappointment was Far Harbour.
>Feel an urge to play an open wasteland game
>Think about trying FO4
>Remember that it's a nusandbox so it's full of immortal quest npcs
>Reinstall New Vegas
user, checks like those don't exist anymore now you get:
>"I'll buy the game"
>"I'll buy the game"
>"[sarcastic] I'll buy the game"
>"Wow Todd! Can you tell me about these great games you have here?"
No, because since you clearly like nu-vegas, you obviously lack the required IQ to understand the complexity and nuance of fallout 4.
>immortal quest npcs
this makes me angry to no extent
fallout 3 is unironically a massive shit
>Play fallout 4
>Do quest for institute with X6
>Fail to convince guy so have to pay him
>X6 suggests I kill him after to get my caps back
>Attempt to do just that
>He's essential
I was going to at least finish it but after that I was completely fucking done with the game.
>begrudgingly join the institute
>not happy with the options ive been given so far
>on my way to the first institute mission to meet some courser, i change my mind about joining
>decide to kill the courser im supposed to meet
If you really want it for the mods wait at least three more years.
Isn't the mod "scene" already shrinking though?
Youre a fucking idiot. If 3 is good but Vegas is bad do you even understand what makes 3 good in the first place?
It is worth pirating. It has the best combat of the 3d fallouts (not that hard to do, 3 and NV had AWFUL combat)
pirate it. If your a moral fag you can justify it by playing the game and asking yourself if bethesda deserves your money. (no)
Yeah, but sextech might be finished in 3 years time and then the scene might pick up speed again.
Pissed me off when i played skyrim too, i tried to kill everyone in a town and like 5 people just kept falling to their knees and getting back up to slaughter me
ne only rason I dont COMPLETELY regret it, is the FNV in FO4 mod that hopefully will happen
....so no.
That obv wont include quests etc right?
>he didn't install the no essential NPCs mod along with companions can die and killable children
it actually will!
the whole thing, but dlc is not planned yet
upgrades with the gun are different
I had fun with fallout 4 but newvegas will always be better
its a shame I can' actually have a discussion about FO4 here without shitposting
and i can't go to /vg/ because its just LOL LOOK AT MY BIG TITIED FUTA WITH A HORSE COCK
If you like decent quests, lots of buildings to explore but nothing to find but a bunch of scrap..then yes its for you.
Doesn't have a shit ending like 3 and gunplay isn't shit like NV. Also the factions are better done in 4 compared to the other two
>He only made the children killable
Its 100% worth a pirate with a bunch of mods installed, modded survival mode is honestly the best fallout experience I’ve ever had, even base building is decent with sim settlements
Fallout 4 is basically an open world shooter with no roleplaying elements.
So no.
>Decent quests
My mom says liars go to hell.
if you like creativity aka building bases, fixing up all the settlements, maybe get it on sale.
without the payed DLC this game is 50% completed. Mods with basic game fix it to 60%
if you are looking for a good story do not play fallout 4, the story is pure dogshit
looting system is cool though
don't buy this game unless it is >60% off
No essential NPCs makes everyone except kids killable
Holy fuck this has to happen
very much so, very fun, lot of replay value, not terribly dumbed down. Sup Forums hates everything that isnt retro trash or MMO so your asking the wrong peope.
Your mom calls me daddy, does your grandad know?
Yeah I know, it's one of the few glimmers of hope in my life... There is videos of the project, should be easy to find
My mom is dead and so is my grandpa.
yes they are just gonna import fnv voice lines so they don't have to redo them.
>>decide to kill the courser im supposed to meet
if you could kill these people you neets would bitch about how you can ruin quests by accident "wah i killed this guy 10 hours ago and now i cant do the quest this game sucks"
It's a fairly decent and very moddable first person shooter. Decide for yourself if that appeals to you.
Should've used her in the past tense then son
Are you going to be able to walk around when people talk? That was honestly one of my favorite features in 4
go to bed todd
She was alive when I wrote the post.
It's the best shooter out of any of the Fallouts and the worst RPG of any of the Fallouts. Great gunplay, no roleplay or choice.
It's fine if you want a borderlands style timewaster with base building elements set in the fallout universe. But as a fallout game it's not good.
Give me mods to make the game feel fresh this time through, ive fucked around with this game for so long modded/not modded.
>Decent quests
Which ones exactly? Only ones that I really remember was:
>The vault one where you get Curie
>Silver shroud which is tedious after the first time
>The one on the boat filled with robots that actually has skill checks
not if your so brain damaged that new Vegas is your favorite fallout.
But couldn't you kill pretty much everyone in NV except Yes man? And even then you could do that through a glitch.
3 is probably the best of the last 3 games.
If you skipped Fallout 3 and went to New Vegas, NV is your favorite.
4 to 3 lovers is disappointing because it's more of the same for the third time. 4 to NV lovers is disappointing because of brand loyalty.
You can't compare 1/2 and 3/4/NV, they're two genres of game (cRPG vs FPS-RPG) for two different subsets of players. New Vegas is by far the best of the 3d generation of Fallout games.
I played 3 before NV and currently have 500hrs in NV and 15Hrs in 3. 3 a shit.
Its usually about milking tits to be fair
Yeah half the point of Yes Man was to act as a failsafe in case you killed all the important nonessential faction questgivers so you could still complete the game.
If I could have refund it believe me I would have. It's the ultimate conclusion of the themepark strategy Bethesda has shifted to. Every single aspect of the game lacks depth.
You tried to play 3 right before NV came out in preparation.
Yeah, Preston shares the same role right? Only Preston is just a immortal nig, while Yes Man explains he can jump to different robots.
>made as SJWs gain more power the Fallout series will have less “problematic” material to fit in with the whiteknight reviewers
>skewered material means even less to work with for the next games
>open world advancements means the game maps will be larger and have more quests but decision making means the quests will suck and the storyline will be bad
Worst timeline with the Pats loss last night desu
It's one of those open world games where the first 5 or so hours are fun because you're not aware that you've already experienced everything in the game.
The most fun I had in hundreds of hours was downloading mods to let me delete piles of trash and dirt from my settlements.
I can make Sanctuary look better in a few hours.
Nope. I pirated 3 in 2009 and didnt play NV until 2013. I played Skyrim before I played NV
Do you like minecraft and grinding enemies for a specific weapon with a specific modifier? Than fallout 4 is just the game for you.
Complete edition is $20 now so yeah, you'll play and forget in a week or two.
You didn't learn from Fallout 3 or Shitrim ?
I'm glad I skipped then.
So... I should buy it then?
Heard you were shit talking Skyrim and Fallout 3 buddy
That doesn't make any sense then
>asking if a Bethesda fallout game is worth it
>on Sup Forums
>a shithole notorious for housing ravenous Obsidian shills
You were never going to get an honest answer and you knew it. Fuck off and have your circle jerk elsewhere.
If you appreciate simplicity.
the gunplay is probably the best part of Fallout 4. You can mod the HUD to look how you want. The plot is pretty shit though
If you do get it get F4VR it's better in vr. I use a HTC vive
I pirated Fallout 4 and all the DLC.
I got bored of it pretty quickly, it felt like I was doing the same thing over and over. I would have been upset if I had spent actual money on it.
>Very easy to mod, game shits out a lot less than NV or 3
>Fun to "cash in" loot at your local settlements
>With a few tweaks the graphics can actually look very nice
>Good for enter dungeon -> kill guys -> get loot, rinse, repeat
>Gameplay is objectively better than its predecessors
>Writing sucks
>Main game sucks
>No choice matters
>Your character's personality is pre-written
Fun game, bad role-playing game.
>the horrible gun mechanics and shooting
But it has literally the best gun and shooting mechanics in the 3D games in the series. Why do you think people are working so hard to recreate New Vegas in Fallout 4?
>Is it worth it?
>Fallout 4
No, honestly its not unless you are going to extensively mod the shit out of it because the story is somehow tremendously worse than 3's however they managed that.
I dropped the game right after finnishing the main questline for the institute. It doesnt have that Fallout feel of the early games and it's way more focused on building settlements with a terrible UI, also for some shit reason you can't craft weapons. I'd say this is more of a cash grab than a proper game.
Were the vaults always retarded experiments?
>game shits out a lot less than NV or 3
Stop using auto/quicksaves lol
It's good if you expect a Bethesda open-world exploration game. It's bad if you expect an RPG. I managed to enjoy it after setting my expectations accordingly and installing a couple of mods, like dialogue overhauls.
It's better than 3, and still not worth mentioning in the same sentence as NV. Except there.