Age of Empires 4

Who is as hyped as I am? Finally RTS is back boys.

Also Windows/Microsoft is trolling

Other urls found in this thread:

Also they do some good history shit.

Wonder if this is all going to be in the game?


Somebody greentext all the reasons this is going to be shit so I don't get too hyped about it

I like this.

if you need more, god help you.

>not on steam

it's going to be shit and is doomed to failure

>official windows channel

Just curious OP, how much do you make for astroturfing here?


All I need to hear.

Protip: it's trash

Just look at it:

Here is a free and open source game in comparison:

Nothing. OP is a bot

This game is a boring buggy piece of shit. Stop shilling it faggot.

why would you want a hd remake of aoe1 to be any different apart from graphics?
0ad doesn't look right either

aoe 2
aoe 2 on some other platform
aoe 2 hd
now this

no-one's ever going to find an online game again

>Win10 Exlusive
No, I won't downgrade to Win10 Botnet, fuck off Micro$hit.

whats the point of splitting up AOE2 playerbase? honestly its at a pretty good spot right now and definitely feels alive.

microsoft are stupid

I guarantee you barely anyone will jump over to this because AoE1 is a lot more primitive than AoE2. Sure they're adding some convenience features from AoE2 into it such as option to queue techs, set unit waypoints, auto-remake farms and so on, but even with those things AoE1 is still more primitive with less expansive tech trees and so on.
Also Win10 exclusive bound to Microsoft's awful UWP App system rather than Win32 executable.
This will bomb, it will do better than most Win10 exclusives by nature of being really popular brand, but it will still bomb severely compared to what it would do on Steam or GOG.

>They do this for Age 2 once they begin shilling its DE.

but why?
do they not like money?

why even make 4 when it wont be as good as 2?

Microsoft wants to kill Steam AND Windows 7 and privacy in general, which is why they're making a lot of their new games Win10 exclusive in an effort to entice more people to switch to Win10 botnet and their Windows Store instead of using Steam.

what's this nigger trailer song?

>Soyboy historian
Hard for me to take seriously, but otherwise a decent video.

they're not doing a good job of it though are they?
anything worth getting on here is already on steam, and your average gamer will know about steam and use it

microsoft aren't going to win

Do windows store games not function as executable's?

Nah, there are some good exclusives on Win10, namely all the first party Microsoft games.
And yes they're doing a very bad job. DX12 straight up flopped and publishers refuse to switch to it since it gives Microsoft too much control for their liking which is why all new games stick with DX11 and Vulkan instead. Only Microshit uses DX12.
Notable Win10 exclusives:
Gears of War Remake
Forza Horizon 3
Gears of War 4
Halo Wars 2
Forza 7
Zoo Tycoon 2017
AoE1 Remake
Sea of Thieves
Upcoming Age of Empires 4

Nope, they use a new extremely closed system that's entirely Microsoft controlled and mandated called UWP. It's so awful it doesn't even support Exclusive Fullscreen and V-Sync. UWP is what was originally used only for Microsoft's smartphone apps, but since Win10 they want to turn PCs into app spamfests too. UWP also can't be modded in any way, it's completely locked down by Microsoft.

>Gears of War Remake
>Forza Horizon 3
>Gears of War 4
>Halo Wars 2
>Forza 7
>Zoo Tycoon 2017
>Sea of Thieves

Halo Wars is literally a SciFi Age of Empires, you'd know this if you played it. It was even made by Ensemble Studios before they kicked the bucket. Just pirate the Steam version of the first one and see for yourself, you may hate Gaylo but it's a legit SciFi Age of Empires game.
Forza Horizon and Forza are both good series sans the jewish DLC practices in more recent titles.

>hating on Zoo Tycoon
What a fucking pleb, I bet you never played SimCity, Tropico and Rollercoaster Tycoon either.

yes I know halo wars is a decent sci fi aoe game, I played it on the 360 years ago
but gears of war and racing games aren't really platform pushers

I don't like city building/tycoon games

Age of empires is shit.
Rise of nations 2 when

I never said any of them were platform pushers, I said Microsoft sees them as such because they're stupid. I'll never downgrade to Win10 just to play those few games that interest me. The downsides greatly overshadow the positives.
I can only hope that this shit will crash and burn eventually and Microsoft will reconsider and release their shit on Steam.

>I never said any of them were platform pushers, I said Microsoft sees them as such because they're stupid.
oh right, okay

your face is shit

OP, you're either a shill or a complete retard to think these retards who made Dawn of War 3 will actually do Age of Empires justice
I don't even care if they do some wewuz kangz shit, they'll just make Age of Empires a fucking MOBA
Age of Empires MOBA
think about that and not try to puke

At least AoE1 remake is safe because it's being made by the AoE2 HD team instead and sticking close to original AoE1 design, only updating the graphics and backporting convenience features from AoE2.

seriously, fuck shitskins

>W10 exclusive
>Relic post DoW3
Can't wait for it to be dead on arrival.


>Relic Entertainment

It's AoE, it's already dead on arrival regardless.

lol no thx

>AoE Definitive Edition will be Win10 only
All I need to know.

Anyone speak russian here? Seems like Relic is in trouble:


>still using the gook OS

wtf i hate windows 7 now

It just means the average gooks are less stupid than the average amerimutts, nothing new here.

WTF, I love chinks now?!

>relic is given aoe4 because they "know rts"
>literally just ran dow into the ground with an incredibly bad sequel
not a good sign

>Not on Steam
dead on arrival

>not on steam
deader than lawbreakers

What does my desire to not buy a shitty rts have to do with my windows use?

>the West will never make a good game again
>glorious Nippon will never bother with RTS since it doesn't work on consoles
there is no hope

Man North Americans are truly horrific to look at.

whiter than you ahmed

I thought burgers did not defend canadians.

Kill yourself you subhuman

Yes, of course I am!

>Kill yourself you subhuman
Truth hurts I suppose, no need to get upset though.