Why FFXIV is the only MMO that was released in the last 10 years, that still going strong?

Why FFXIV is the only MMO that was released in the last 10 years, that still going strong?

Oh good a new thread. Now user can tell me why I'm wrong on my last post here


Why would it be on the autosage?

Final Fantasy in the title, I doubt it will live for another 5 years though.

not him, but if you are pretty sure that you're doing well then why are you scared that you're going to get kicked from your static? post some parses or something

>Final Fantasy in the title
I wonder why people kept saying it.
Both XI and original XIV were failures without any redeeming qualities, and people will always remember them as the worst mmos of their time.

I have a better question for you.
Why is raid gear gated weekly? it feels like a fucking chore, specially on week 1. If anything only the last boss from the raid tier should be gated so people dont get their maximum ilevel weapon day 1

>most profitable final fantasy title ever according to the president of SE

This is your tank for tonight's raid.

>Why is raid gear gated weekly?
so PF item level requirements don't skyrocket early from NEETs

XI was incredibly popular, and 1.0 XIV being a garbage game doesn't really prove anything. I mean, people DID come back for ARR isntead of being skeptical and ignoring it, right? THat wouldnt have worked if it was some generic MMO and not Final Fantasy.

What the fuck are you smoking in your contrarian pipe? FFXI was one of the most popular and loved games of its time, literally saved SE from flunking several times over and is the most profitable FF title of all of their lineup, including shit like FF7 and all of its spinoffs bundled together.

1.0 had the same name yet it failed in both sales and reviews

you mean 8 years? FFXIV originally came out in 2010

The fuck is wrong with her legs? Got fused with an obese nigger?

because the combat is shit and autists like that

No, you just don't understand english.

>crafted accessories are better than raid drops

what did they mean by this?

1.0 was actually a garbage game though. XIV can keep itself stable, but I dont think it has real staying power, eventually it will get to the point where boosts are feasible because who wants to play 3-4 expansions worth of story content plus stons of filler story between expansions just to catch up to your friends.

My post came off as sarcasm but that wasn't my intention. What I posted is my understanding of the job and while I do think it is correct, I'm interested if I am wrong on it.

gil sink

I just want new servers

>eventually it will get to the point where boosts are feasible because who wants to play 3-4 expansions worth of story content plus stons of filler story between expansions just to catch up to your friends.
or they just copy WoW and redo the whole leveling route and start you off at heavensward or something and explain ARR through a video

Every mmo that went f2p is "profitable", doesn't mean people won't remember them as failure and garbage.
So people wouldn't fucking kill boss 100 times in first hour and lose interest in the game. Of course trolls like to scream about "artificial extended play time" and other bullshit, but even in the single player sandbox rpg and dungeon crawlers there respawn time for some enemies(dragon's dogma great example), and even fucking in the everquest raid bosses took days to reset.
So how can people unironically complain about XIV allowing you to get at least 1 item from boss per week, is beyond me.
>FFXI was one of the most popular and loved games of its time
XI was biggest joke in community back then. It was more generic and uninspired everquest, but without actually dangereous shit like high level mobs in starting locations you didn't knew about. Also community was so bad and cancerous, that wow staff of jordan and thunderfury spam looks like nothing compared to it. And let's not forget that XI is the main reason why japs don't want to play with western players all and demand ip blocks.

To add to the why am I afraid of being kicked part: because I'm raiding with complete strangers for the first time instead of friends.


Skeletons often hate the lively

People pay for this

Please don't bully her, elephantiasis is a terrible disease.

>I'm interested if I am wrong on it.
post some of your FFLOGs, it will tell you your damage and what you did throughout the entire fight so others can critique.

As long as you're doing high dps and not acting like a toxic faggot then I see no reason why random people would kick you

You only kick a true problem member (like someone who can’t get along with the group or be bothered to show up for raid) during progression, unless you’re a retard. Someone whose performance is less than stellar but otherwise gets along with everyone can be jettisoned later if they don’t improve. Kicking someone when you’re still working through fights is an enormous pain in the ass and will set the group’s progress back tremendously, potentially by weeks. Speaking from experience.

terrible at making faces but I love thicc booty

This. Made a static and started raiding last tier and it took us way too long to clear O3S purely because we kept losing our off-healer and one mDPS. As long as you can learn and improve and don't cause problems for the group, people will keep you on unless you're running with world prog groups. Getting along with them helps too.


What's wrong with being sam?

job relies solely on player skill because it has 0 utility but players suck so it may as well be dead weight

nothing, ken-sama

The same thing that's wrong with being a blm

>spouts uninformed shit
>entirely derails into talking about unrelated factors that have absolutely nothing to do with the uninformed shit he spouted

Just kill yourself.

Guild Wars 2? Just because Sup Forums doesnt like a game doesn't mean it isnt going strong, especially if we are comparing it to FFXIV lol

so... Nothing?

Got it, first-time raid babby

only reason guild wars 2 is still alive is because they went F2P with benefits to save the servers from shutting down

I wonder what gw2 players look like because i imagine they all have downs syndrome.

gw2 is so dead it doesn't even have a /vg/ general lmao

its as simplistic and pandering to entitled "gib me dat" 0-effort retards as absolutely possible.

>/vg/ doesnt like it so it must be dead

>just want Byakko's axe and sword before I can fuck off from these """farm""" parties
>get to 10 totems before seeing either weapon drop
>go buy the axe because it looks nice
>axe drops on next run
I deserve this.

if you have 0 discussion on Sup Forums and /vg/ then your game is dead or has no english speaking players (because F2P let the floodgates go)

>fflogs fixed
>blue/green shitter

GW2 is the most profitable arena.net game.
It was big success, not as big as final fantasy xi, but for the mmo standards it's doing great.

So call of duty is dead or has no english speaking players?

you do realize that not everyone who plays games posts on 4chin right

this is a otaku based website, it makes sense that CoD players won't be here. But still no MMO discussion usually means your MMO is dead or dying.

>Every mmo that went f2p is "profitable",

FFXI isn't F2P though...

And also the rock bottom worst sponsored game by NCSoft compared to shit like Lineage 2 and Blade and Soul in that mix.


>most profitable arena.net game
back at gw2 launch, their earnings have been dropping with each year.

/gw2g/ is dead because it was killed by an autistic booty tickled spammer.

And? Doesn't change the fact that every f2p game can be considered "profitable".

Because it's a Final Fantasy game.

so make a new general with a different name or ignore the autistic guy

>Someone camping out on a medium house with me
>They PM me telling me they're getting a weird error buying the house
>I try to buy it, and succeed
>mfw it turns out their FC was full of their alts and the new housing rules check to see if your FC has 4 unique accounts tied to it
>Laugh at them trying to cheat the system

why are people so autistic when it comes to player housing? you spend millions of gil and god knows how many months subscribing to the game to keep the house just to AFK in a different spot other than limsa?

>new housing rules check to see if your FC has 4 unique accounts tied to it
That's actually pretty smart.

ARK survival evolved and Football manager are both dead games too I suppose

I was lied to.

>this is a otaku based website
those aren't games otakus wont play

>all games without a /vg/ or Sup Forums thread are dead
>b-b-but those games are different this is an otaku site !!!!!!!

>concept art is not the same as final
besides the extra inventory, placeholder icons,a nd 1500+ tp, it looks just like a in-game S rank hunt

>open up partyfinder
>see these
Cancer. I hope SE does something about these RMT scum.

report them to GMs, say that they're selling carries for paypal cash through discord.

>WoW still getting millions of sales for xpac launchs

The may be a complete pile of shit but it probably still has more players than FFXIV

Except even now the graphics aren't anywhere as good.

So tell me, can I play with a gamepad on PC and not get screwed over in performance? I mean for leveling content and dungeons, not end-game seeing as I want to try the trial first.

I've tried that. They can't investigate it unless it's explicitly said in-game, which is why these faggots are saying "here's my Discord"

Too bad I can't play the game with that nice angle and gotta be zoomed the fuck out so I can avoid the constant red circles. This is why 99% of fights in this game aren't fun. You're not even paying attention the monster, it's mostly just looking at the fucking floor and looking at a fucking auto-target bar.

>within the last 10 years

I have an actual FC and friends to play with so it's not just an AFk spot user.

Can you really do o7s and o8s with just 3 dps? Or they unironically expect players to do their job after they paid money?
No one said wow is dead, it was released 12 years ago after all.

>join our discord user :) don't you want to make friends?

yeah, there's a lot of pad support and plenty of people have cleared everything on pad

But there no red circles in the extreme trials and savage raids...
Even some 50lvl dungeons don't have them

No, they pilot your account.

depends on the GM and what you say, they can check chatlogs and trade logs. if they really were selling carries for gil then it would appear in their logs. if it doesn't then it's obviously a paypal transaction.

Discord legitimately ruined any sort of socializing in an MMO.

Is there a class that utilizes throwing spears? Is it viable? Is it, dare i say, fun?

won't the account get logged once it detects someone is logging in from a foreign IP across the world in a matter of seconds?

Absolutely. You just gotta become adapt at shuffling your shortcuts way more than having easy to use hotkeys on the keyboard. But it's doable.


Yes, but the person that is allowing the buyer login to it receives a notification and can dismiss that.

if you report them to a GM they should be able to read these logs

lancers/dragoons can use spears and has a skill to throw them, but it's not very effective.

Some people really love housing and decorating. It's a fun little pass time making a nice looking house.
I know this because I am one of them, I've spent millions upon millions of gil decorating a small personal house, an apartment, and an FC room.

DRG can throw spears but it's only one ability that you'll almost never use. I'm really curious, why throwing spears specifically user? What a strangely specific thing.

GMs wouldn't do shit anyways. They're loathe to ban anyone but RMT bots because they just buy another account and keep farming. You can get away with damn near anything because they really want your 15 bucks a month.

Why doesn't the lighting look this good on retail? It almost looks 1.0'ish in a snese of how the armor is lit up.

Probably because that is 1.0

then nobody would find the general

That's 2.0 alpha running on the Luminous engine fork, and already using ARR-specific assets (the environment).

the lighting can look good but it depends on the area and time of day in-game. like neverreap looks good when its sunset and you see the lighting and shadows change dynamically