Which color did you have?
Which color did you have?
Lime green master race
>Yellow master race
Black user also.
1st game? LotZ Link to the Past.
fucking loved magazine ads, man, now game magazines are dead so they don't exist anymore.
LTTP on gameboy?
Wasn't born in time to have anything but a GB advance
Atomic Purple for the color, Glacier for the advance, Silver for the DS, Midnight Purple for the 3ds
OG grey for Game Boy
Atomic Purple for color
White advanced
Lime green SP
Red and black Lite
and thats the last one I got
Red my fellas
also why are advertisements from the 90s and early 2000s so good?
I played it green.
Gold Pikachu version for Color
Purple for Advanced
Metallic Red for SP
Metallic red and black Lite
OG Black 3DS
cause the internet wasn't nearly as huge back then so they had to focus their marketing on magazine ads and tv commercials, now everyone and their mom knows about every announced game just by looking at the twitter trends.
Atomic Purple
My negro
Fuck Twitter. it's tumblr but for normalfags
>using anything besides atomic purple
My brethren.
Yellow because I got Pokemon Yellow at the same time
Grey clear for pocket
Purple clear for color
Blue clear for advance
Green for color
Black for advanced sp, ds and 3ds
Brother had dope Silver Game Boy Pocket
Was stuck with the pleb-tier Purple GBC.
Atomic purps with pokemon yellow
I'm a boring bastard I always went for the default colors (white gb, white gba, white ds lite, teal 3ds).
My niggas. Good taste in this thread.
is that Belladonna on the right?
Old gaming mags used to be a proper lads club back in the day. I remember my ma buying them for me not knowing that the content was inappropriate, to a kid anyway. Fuck knows what they are like now but i can't see them being like how they were
This, still got it in my desk drawer with pokemon silver plugged in.
Anyone else realise that GBC exclusives were kind of... lacking?
>pokemon crystal
>oracle of seasons
>oracle of ages
>MGS:ghost babel
>wario land 3
Any other exclusives worth mentioning??
>Got the yellow one
>realize years later I got the nigger one
GBC was pretty much a 64DD or N3DS-tier, not an actual next gen successor to the Gameboy, games still looked 8-bit. I'm surprised it even had exclusives.
got green and purple clear
Hell it came out just 3 years before the GBA.
>Asked for blue gameboy and Pokémon Yellow as a kid.
>Got yellow gameboy and Pokémon Blue instead.
Well it’s listed as a seperate gen from GB and GBpocket and it DID have exclusives so id say it was pretty cheeky. It wasn’t really very memorable for its own games.
>Legend of the Zelda
I had the grey one without the battery light, the very first Game Boy Pocket. I played the shit out of Earthworm Jim and Super Mario Land 2.
Banana Jim for ever ever and ever ever!
Red. I just got mine backlit so now I can play Tennis and Dankey Kang country while I'm about to go to sleep
See through shit was for faggots back then and it still is now. I wouldn't have been caught dead with it.
I never owned a gameboy. I wasn't alive when it released
Based parents.
Pokemon Yellow was for Weeb who wanted to LARP instead of playing a real game
My man.
Atomic Purple, still works too, also have a yellow one with a broken speaker and a working green / aqua kind color one, have the original someone where a box too but that stopped working 15+ years ago
How did we go from this...
I had a fucking pink one because my parents are retarded and I'm an ungrateful little shit.
...to this?
Clear. The neighborhood nigger stole it, though.
Glacier for GBA. Mother threw it away though.
Did you also wear a skirt while playing it, you fucking sissy?
I have the classic GB, the transparent one and a purple GB color.
>tumblr isn't for normalfags
2018 Sup Forums
The big fat gray one.
Ice blue
Same. I got that shit back in 1990 and never really upgraded until the Advance came out.
Why did every fucking thing use that font in the late 90's?
lmao a tribal gameboy advance
Yeah it was really rad back then. My local store only had these btw, so there wasn't that much of a choice.
atomic purple and pikachu, though my brother had a teal one.
tumblr is for sjws and soyboys
twitter is normalfag country because even children have twitters
That's what's up, dog.
see through purple
I had a purple GBC
thats cool man, you have a really nice collection.
I wish mine was half as organized as yours
My 11 year old brain decided that allowing light to reach the electronics supercharged it to work better.
My brother and I had a special pokemon yellow version with pikachu that came with pokemon Yellow.
Kinda wanted an atomic purple tho. That shit was so fucking rad back in the day.
I miss atomic purple controllers.
Maybe because the advertisers and graphic designers back then had no fucking clue what the product was or how (or by whom) it was used
Gen X was a mistake
Patrician taste
Because the world was ending
I feel like this era was the peak of culture and now it's all down hill
This. Still got mine too
>too poor for handhelds or any consoles
>family was still one of the early adopters of personal computers + 26.8k modems
>emulate everything instead
Mid-late 90's internet was a strange and wonderful place.
Because it was the typewriter 'font' still used commonly before internet was a thing to replace typed mail delivery.
That's kinda what ever generation feels like about the most recent peak. Culture peaks like every 20-30 years. We're unironically on the up-curve right now.
Yellow GBC
Pink GBA
Brick DS
Blue DSlite
Black 3DS
My fuckin nigga, even got the Silver version.
first post best post
Dark green exactly like in this ad. But it was stolen from me years ago.
Downloaded the entire X-Men collection some years ago. Cool beans to see magazine ads from the sixties to the 2010's.
Green for sure. I Loved that thang.
I actually had a yellow one, not even joking.
got it on my 9th birthday.