Bitcoin is down by 14.88% fellow Aryan gentlemen, $199 1080ti's on Craigslist soon.
Bitcoin is down by 14.88% fellow Aryan gentlemen, $199 1080ti's on Craigslist soon
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>I-It's just a dip bro, it'll come back next week
>So what if it's under 10k now, mining btc is still profitable
Faggot bitcoiners btfo
People who made tons of money in 2017 are fucked if they didn't cash out already. They could owe 40% in short term capital gains on gains they no longer have.
>buying used GPUs that've been running overclocked at 110% power 24/7
I wonder how much money the big banks made off this pyramid scheme.
they never run at "110% overclocked" to mine you tard, that wouldnt even be economically viable considering the power cost.
>retards bought GPUs when they're awful at mining bitcoin
I bet you are jelly that I can afford a 1080ti with just my allowance.
>he thinks GPU prices will go back down
Who /bought5atATH/ here?
>he didn't cash out to buy back in at the bottom
Yeah, it was the same for HDs after the Southest Asia floods
good point. In that case I guess there's nothing to worry about *rolls eyes*
Reminder not to buy used cards from miners, not because they are used but because cryptocucks deserve to suffer
Also prepare for popcorns for upcoming suicide news
What the fuck Sup Forums. /biz/ told me this happens every January. I spent my entire life savings and took out a second mortgage to invest.
Vechain anons. Last chance.
Am I the only one who sees nocoiners as less than human?
Under 7K? More like I'm going to kill myself today.
ye but its february
are you dumb lol
except their gains would be unrealized capital gains for which they would not need to pay taxes
All shitcoins are babby's first pump and schemes, no exceptions
You idiots deserve to lose your money
It's at $6.916,51 now KEK
>tfw just put 10k into Nvidia shares
I'll see you in 5 months :) Just remember my warning.
are all miners fucking retarded?
>India banned crypto
>China making moves to ban and blocked all crypto trading sites
>US regulators investigating crypto
Your delusional if you think it can continue. Now that the government has caught on to it and is getting involved with trying to regulate it your fucked.
Nvidia will stay up, their massive rise was because of Deep Learning. They will continue to rise as does the popularity of self-driving cars or learning AI does.
Holy shit, go visit /biz/ if you want to see true luls
Good. Bitcoin was never mean't to go beyond 9000. Glad China and South Korea nipped that shit in the bud.
>6bux per day
Lmao. Get a job, you fucking cryptocucks.
Okay but just remember user.
Can't wait to buy burnt cards that will fail after a week
Hopefully /biz/ will go back to being about Business and Finance instead of /cry/ptocurrency
>buying some fried piece of shit that's been running full throttle for months
I’m happy to make just $30-$50 extra a month by mining while I'm not using the GPU. Electricity is free in my commie student housing. It's literally free money.
Youll be fine.. They sold every card they made for record prices. Nvidia will always pwn the market and they are expanding into everything.
I'm going all in on VECHAIN GANG VECHAIN GANG once it hits the bottom
You are pretty stupid, why do you believe that?
My brother. In a year's time we'll be sitting on a beach earning 20%
Bitconnect is making a comeback!
Get on the train boys, we're in for a wild ride!
>buy 1 litecoin for a laugh
>down nearly £40 already
It's not a laugh, lads
if you buy a used miner gpu you're retarded. enjoy your void warranty and low life expectancy.
I wouldn't be so sure about that, yesterday my uncle said he saw sunny lu shuffling little kids into a white van. Vechain is pretty shady.
Every week its down by 10%+ over the previous week. And yet hardware is still ridiculously overpriced.
When will it end?
>go and check
Jesus Christ, and people have the audacity to claim Sup Forums to be a terrible board.
Now is the time to buy bitcoin retard
It's all coming down like house of cards
>please god buy bitcoin or ill have to go back to my mcjob all my memecoin accounts are in the red horribly oh my god please
All lies I assure you. Who do you trust more me? or your uncle?
>buy our crypto coin now!!
Nobody with a brain is going to invest to prop up your crash.
Jesus. I can't help but fucking laugh at anyone still doing their HODL memes at this point. Good job on losing 2/3rds of your holdings because you are a fucking retard that lets /biz/ memes decide your future.
holy fuck I could have sold my 0.02 bitcoins for 500 bucks in december but now it's only worth 300 this is fucking bogus man
>Every week
Nonono user, that's just today, it's 15% down in a day
wtf I just lost 10 million dollars, thanks buddy!
Its been doing this for weeks. Its crashing hard. Its been in sell off mode for the last month.
>not cashing out 2 years ago and have enough savings to live off bank interest
I feel sorry for all you latefags
My uncle is vitalik buterin so I trust my uncle more.
I sold all my etherium 2 months ago, thank fucking god!
Nvidia's fine, HPC and AI are big fucking money and the gaymer market is still a lucrative one even without assloads of miners propping retail prices through the roof.
They already did once. Also after crypto, no less.
Man if I can get a 1080 ti for 200 bucks I'll do it. Even if it only lasts a year thats fucking fine for 200 bucks, I'll just replace it when the next gen comes out.
>Implying /biz/ is not the best board
You mean going back to literally the exact same shit except with gold and a little silver instead of meme coins?
Is this for real? People spent literally tens of thousands of dollars on hardware where they can't even make back the cost of the GPU in a fucking year worth of mining that the card won't survive?
>student housing
This is the ONLY time you should be mining
first time viewing shit crash hard. is it always this exciting? who do i laugh at?
It's just a bear trap, you idiots.
Yes, because at least during those times there was the rare thread of people actually asking for business advice. When the memecoins blew up, all of those threads vanished.
Yes its always exciting. The classic target are people who bought in at the high due to the hype.
/biz/ is absolutely terrible now you underaged retard
miner gpus don't even last 6 months and nobody is going to sell a 1080ti for $200, it's going to be half off market price currently so $500+
Nobody yet. Coins are taking a hit, but are still worth more than 3 months ago. When BTC drops below 3k, you can go to /biz and observe suicides.
>135 threads about the bitcoin crash
Yes, I counted.
Do you have a similar chart for Sup Forums?
>alex jones talks about bitcoin at its peak
>prices skydive
>market price for 1080 ti is 500+ bucks
No one is going to pay that price except people still high on memecoins. You could get a brand new one for 600 bucks before this whole bullshit happened. Good luck pawning off all of these at those prices. Who wants to pay 500 bucks for a card that won't last even half a year?
Based Mung poster, as per usual.
It's just a dip. It's a test to weed out the unfaithful. Soon our lords and saviors the Bogdanoff bros will bring back our gains.
To all of you bashing used GPUs
How is it not a good idea for a build until the frenzy really does down ? You all say that it us a bad time for pc building.
>Crypto in free fall
>Stocks in free fall
We're now pretty much exactly where "capitulation" is written.
Cultists refuse to give up however.
buying used but barely used gpus are fine, but buying mining gpus used 24/7 is stupid because manufacturers don't honor their warranty and they will die on you in no time because of the capacitors weren't designed for 24/7 100% load use
There is nothing wrong with buying one of these used if you can get one super cheap. But if they try to sell them anywhere near their actual prices, like 250 for a 1060 6gb or 600 for 1080 or something, then fuck no.
Only buy these miner cards if they severely under price them because they aren't going to last you a year of casual use.
nice video games retards
I think the fall is also slowed down by the fact that transactions take like 30 minutes each. In real markets they take less than a second
I just hope those retards won't crash the economy. I just hope we're not about to find out that major banks low key invested in crypto. Because then we're all fucked
Building as the frenzy buys down is smart. Buying a used GPU when many of them would have been beat to shit by mining would be a stupid fucking idea, though.
Pay MSRP and ensure you get a good one. The only reason why it's a tough market right now is that it's basically impossible to get one at MSRP.
The sole exception would be if you had a retarded miner friend who wanted to offload a 1070 or something.
Good, no one deserves wealth except me.
The banks are super leery of crypto because as we are now seeing, a lack of regulation is worrying.
The reason many banks have recently started blocking bitcoin purchases is that they're concerned that retards will take out loans and lose them on bitcoin, becoming unable to repay them.
The weirdest thing is these HODL faggots. Their holding has cost them 66% of their assets and will no doubt cost them more. Yeah, they might be up some money overall still, but so what? The entire point is to make money off this, not sit around and wait until you are up 1% off your original investment then finally decide to sell.
Bit cucks fucked. What country will join the band wagon now for the Lulz. Just like when they shit in loot crates.
> Unironically believing (((them))) would allow anyone but the top to accumulate wealth over doing nothing
oy vey
better hold on until it shoots back up, i promise it will and you will finally get your lambo
Thank fuck it's crashing now and now 3 years later when everyone bought into the hype and has a crypto mortgage. Just imagine how this could fuck the entire world