OH NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!
OH NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
What's the big deal? Back in the NES days Kraft Dinner did an extensive Mario promotion. Now, suddenly everybody here is flipping their shit. Wow, a promotion! Amazing. Who cares?
I recall something similar to this a few years ago.
> buying spaghetti O's in the first place when chef boyardee exists or you could easily slop together a mouth-watering handmade pasta in a few minutes at home with no effort whatsoever
>Popular cartoon character used to sell stuff to kids
What a fucking revelation
>spaghetti O's
>it's not spaghetti at all
You guys ready for the movie?
probably healthier than the shit you eat.
>let's take a moment to remember Pearl Harbor
>but you should still buy our spaghettios!!!
>spagetti with meat balls
>kids healthy entrée
Is the can an amiibo? Are people gonna scalp this, too?
>meatballs made with pork chicken and beef
Lmao, probably made with shit you would never eat for the life of you if it was unprocessed
>Sony mascots will NEVER EVER be on cereal boxes or noodle cans
Nintendo carbo
>people think this is new
Kek best timeline, where Nintendo autists can literally spill their spaghetti
can somebody here please explain to me why this is worthy of getting a thread? I seem to be missing some context here
something something spaghettios something something kiddy something something soyboys something something shitty meme
It's a proxy to make fun of nintenbros
ITT: youngfags who never got to experience the Nintendo Cereal Systemâ„¢
>pork chicken
>S O Y
it begins
>flavorless cheerios
Sup Forums gets seems to get assblased anytime nintendo does literally fucking anything.
Today its about Nintendo putting their recognizable characters on a food product.
>Enzyme modified butter
What in the fuck is that
>Healthy Kids Entre
Look at all that healthy natural ingredients. "Ferrous Sulfate" MMMMmm
>haha dudes who cares, it's just to sell this healthy product to kids
>that 'ingredient' list
>he doesn't eat steamed ferrous sulfate
fucking soyboy
i thought we're having steamed spaghettios
isn't that basically just iron supplement? like in vitamins?
>expecting Sup Forums to know chemistry
>unironically using the words 'mouth watering'
i bet you say 'yummy' too
I don't think anyone thinks spaghetti-o's are healthy
>"Ferrous Sulfate" MMMMmm
>all that other shit
>iron is the one that gets user worried
These have neen around forever so i'm not sure what you are trying to say
Are they making them with soy now or something?
>expecting Sup Forums to know anything
the grand majority are NEETs for a reason
that means this thread is getting deleted
please list the things on that list that are not healthy
And which of those do Sony own?
>ps4 cereal
you mean sugarless
Wow, Iron
you fucking stupid 12 year old
Sony doesn't own any mascots at all. Everything they were ever known for is third party.
Does it come with dlc?
You know this isn't the first time they did a promotion like this, right?
Why do you people insist in talking about things you don't know. You end up looking retarded
No no i said steamed MARIOS
that's what i call pasta
>talking some sense
>in a shitposting thread
Every fucking preprepared food has had soy in it for like the past 30 years. This shit, with plastic bottles, is what is going to crumble western civilization.
we're not all americans like you
If you were intending to pull out a fancy sounding ingredient you've never heard of expecting it to be bad, you hit quite the reverse jackpot there
sony doesnt need to own them because third parties make games for sony consoles willingly
nintendo will only get third party games if they pay for them
the chad gets women for free and the virgin has to pay for them
I remember eating this as a kid. It was delicious.
This post just goes to show that Sup Forums doesn't have the
slightest clue of what they shitpost about
Haha you can finally try Mario's Meat Balls!
Why is everyone on Sup Forums such a fucking liar? i swear this entire website claims that they:
>Never eat fast food
>Never drink soda/juice, only drink water
>Never eat anything even slightly unhealthy
you're all liars
dihydrogen monoxide is poisonous!
Soybeans are demonstrably harmless, and provides one of the most complete protein chains from a plant-based food. You may be surprised to learn that there are whole fields of people employed to determine what is and isn't safe to eat.
Thankfully we don't need to listen to those losers, Sup Forums is the only nutritionist we'll ever need.
Maybe you can show us how wide you can open your mouth.
you never ate that cereal, you only know about it because of some e-celeb youtuber.
I wouldn't be surprised if people listened to her and bought her albums.
Pretty wide, I have a big head. Why?
>cartoon character
Serious question, has there been an animated or 3D-animated Mario cartoon show in over 25 years or whenever the original one aired? I don't keep up with TV but I know they're doing a movie of some sort.
Safe to eat =/ good for you
Sand is safe to eat and that's why it's used as an anticaking agent in powdered food stuff.
>canned spaghetti
Fucking burgers.
>soyboy unable to believe people aren't enslaved to a single food item like him
I quit drinking soda for good a year ago and don't miss it at all. Now its just water and occasionally milk.
The anti-soy crusade is an unscientific conspiracy theory. They contend that the phytoestrogens present in many plants, soybeans included, will feminize men. This is unlikely. If anything, phytoestrogens occupy estrogen receptors and prevent their uptake. Research has suggested that dietary phytoestrogens are anticancerous and help promote bone, heart and brain health. Other research has shown no link between soy consumption and changes in testosterone levels or sperm count in men.
Sup Forums is an antiscientific cult. I am sorry you got suckered in.
>implying pasta in sauce is some kind of sacred dish
Italian food is all sloppy shit anyways. Who cares if it goes in a can?