
Thoughts on Battlefield 4? Is it the best modern BF game?

Yes it is, i bought an ssd just to play it.
Its too damn good.

BF2 is still superior, and mods make it even better

I genuinely believe BF4 is one of the best shooters of all time.
After about 500~ hours though it's a little hard to play the same stuff over and over again. When I do sit down and play it again it's always a blast, though.

BF1 is actually getting decent now so I've moved on to that just because it's more fresh. 4 is still the better game though.

Bf4 is fun and a great game but I also prefer BF2 immensely especially with all the mods.

The campaign is still fucked but yes the multiplayer is best in the series

>giving a shit about a campaign in battlefield games

I liked 3 better.


Fun but really shitty without friends. No teamwork to be found among the randos. I just play Squad these days to get my mass combat fix. I do miss BF4 but I just cant go back to all the mongs scattering to all corners of the map instead of goddamn playing. And unfortunately the ability to become SL and kick from squads dIdnt really help. Oh well.

Slightly better than BF3.

As for Battlefield as a whole, I REALLY wish they would drop 3D spotting. Wallhacks is fucking dumb, spotting people on the minimap is dumb, and a million flares/motion sensors is annoying.

I think minimap spotting is ok because there is always a lack of awarness and squad communication in these games. You can't simply point to the bad guys. It could be less accurate and doesn't have to show which way they're pointing though.

I hate 4's maps. They don't feel like they were designed around the amount of spawning options you get ingame. Maps lost a clear sense of progression or any semblance of a front line and some points are near impossible to clear of enemies if they're determined to harasses that point. DICE also made LMGs boring as shit, especially after how fun they were in 3, probably to cope with the maps issues I mentioned.

3 was more fun overall and had better expansion maps.

It's the least worse recent Battlefield game compared to BF3 and BF1.

Maybe, I don't know, increase squad size to 8 people and allow voice chat? Or proximity chat for allies only?

The problem is no one takes these games seriously enough to communicate properly anyway. If they did they would probably be called tryhards and go back to playing ARMA instead.

there isnt really any map in BF4 vanilla that i really wanted to play.alot of DLC maps were gud though

shame most servers only play vanilla

bf4 has voice chat from what i remember no one uses it tho

It's just Battlefield 3.1 with LEVOLUTION. Hardline is 3.2 and 1 is 3.3. The games play the same yet bffanboys still think they're better than codfags.

its true but even bf3 is more advanced than any call of duty
i loved call of duty when i was younger but its just same recycled thing over and over with new skins and even more dlc with each new release game

>tfw no BF2 HD remaster on BF4's fully "optimized" engine

Had a really shitty launch and didn't reach it's peak until after the DLC was out and they started patching the game, not just more content. Still, I enjoyed it enough to dump near 600 hours into it.

I played both games and it's true that bf is more advanced. I just fucking hate how every one shits on cod for being the same game with a new paintcoat but bf gets a pass.

the L85 use to be suck a beast shame it got nerfed

The problem with BF4 is that all its weapons are functionally identical. You don't use a carbine any different from an LMG. Say what you will about BF1, it had actual (if unbalanced) weapon variety.

3 had much better maps, but rush sucked in both games

if only BC2 rush got a patch that made it like BF3/4 where the enemies could have zero tickets but as long as the mcom had a charge planted the game would continue

Yeah there was barely any difference between walking around with an MG4 or an m416 other than less frequent reloads.

who /bfg/? is that guild even still a thing?

>playing BF4 in 144hz

It looks and plays so goddamn crisp.

>playing anything in 120hz +


Are you saying that simply because your rig can't go above 120 fps?

Pretty much unplayable until a year into it's life. Still fun though, I spent a couple hundred hours in Vanilla then I got premium and I got another +100 hours out of it so I say it was worth it. One of my most played games even though I had no one to play with. Sometimes I get a craving to play but I don't like the servers that are still going.

also why does everyone play the shitty conquest(i think that was the name) only instead the dlc better ones

maps are braindead bad, never play ea game

anyone play BF3 on PC? is it still active? (64man conquest), i'd hate to re-install it if it's dead

still active

Anyone else only play Dawnbreaker and Siege of Shanghai? I mean, I play other maps when the server changes to another map but I always look for a server that has one of those 2 playing.

Also the AA tank can suck a fat fucking cock. Holy shit how many times I just get fucking destroyed by some level 20 faggot camping in his base on golmud. Horrible. Ruins fun.

BF4 is a good game, just a very good Battlefield game
There is very little incentive for teamwork and everyone just runs around like headless chickens a lot of times.

BF3 could have been the perfect BF, except they had to plaster the game with lens flares and bloom to appease the basement dwellers who have not seen the sun in years.

you can say the same thing about every online shooter. CoD has completely ruined an entire generation of FPS's

Who OKed anything past step 15?

>just a very good Battlefield game
I meant just NOT a very good Battlefield game. Fuck.

BF1 is my favorite shooter of all time. on a massive tv with good sound it's almost unfairly entertaining compared to other games

Still playing it daily mainly Rush Hardcore
Pretty fun and community isnt that toxic
and lets not forget how fun shotguns are in hardcore