What's the difference between a vidya character who just happens to be written as gay and a vidya character who is...

What's the difference between a vidya character who just happens to be written as gay and a vidya character who is written as gay for virtue signalling purposes?

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Homosexuals are abominations and should not be represented in the media unless their lifestyle is portrayed is a degenerate one
For example, a villain who is a homosexual and spreads aids to his rape victims, the straight hero fights him and finally stops the spread of aids



One is canon and the other isn’t

Half of the time it’s neither and people blow it out of proportion

Or better yet when it’s meant to be a subtle nod but people are too retarded to get it and see it as an insult

There is no such thing as a natural homosexual, portraying them as suck is deceitful. No scientist has ever discovered a homosexual gene, there is nothing in our body that turns us homosexual, homosexualism is a learned behaviour the most common way to spread homosexuality is through homosexual molestation, an older homosexual will abuse a young boy and teach him to be a homosexual, this is how the vast majority of homosexual cases start. The second way is through sexual degeneracy and developing homosexual behaviours as a fetish, normal pornography no longer satisfies you, you need to find kinkier things, lots of men turn to transsexual porn, this is a gateway to homosexuality you begin to associate the penis with feminist and desire it, one day this will turn into full blown homosexuality and you'll find yourself pumped full of aids in a hole in the wall in your cities gay district.
The media needs to stop portraying the homosexual lifestyle as a glamorous one, we see it all the time the straight couple struggles in life with their rowdy children the homosexual next door neighbour is wealthy and enjoys a life of leisure. We need to stop that, we need to portray those homosexuals as sexual deviants, who will prey on the neighbourhood boys, who are so full of diseases their sickly bodies can barely keep them alive

Is the character only DEFINED as gay?
It's a shit character.

not canon

>This long of a post just to scare guys who jerk it to feminine penis.
I like it

> user wants to fuck them
Good character.
> user doesn't want to fuck them
reeee virtue signalling.

Did they ever actually confirm in-universe that she's gay? All I remember is one comic writer saying she is, with Valve entirely silent on the matter.

Your meme paranoia

>Arcade Gannon in FNV
>Only find out he's gay due to a few lines of dialogue, it's not treated as a big reveal because that's not the focus of his character and obsidian never felt the need to broadcast it

>Dorian in Dragon Age
>Bioware flaunting the fact one of your companions is gay before the game even came out, he's the stereotypical "le sassy gay man", and his whole side quest is centered around the fact he's gay.

Even Sera from the same game is a better example of a gay character, because there's more to her then just "is a homo", even if she's a fucking awful character. There's no big "WAIT, YOUR ______!?" moment like say Krem, where even if you don't make a big deal out of them being trans, Bull still starts going on about how the Qun seed trans people, and practically looks at the camera as he says "They are real men, just like you."

Yes, and vore fetishists are eaten alive as children.

I would unironically fund this
I always wanted to play as a white straight male hero

>There is no such thing as a natural homosexual, portraying them as suck

Freudian slip eh??

Can't tell if you're serious or not, but you're not in good company.

The former has being gay as part of their personality, something which is a component of their being. They are a normal person (for the setting), and they'll usually have depth and flaws as any other character.

The latter has being gay as their central character trait - sometimes their only character trait. It's pushed hard, and frequently commented about. Sometimes there'll be swooning supporters, sometimes there'll be strawman detractors.

Fetishes develop for a reason, natural human instinct is just to procreate that's it, everything is technically a fetish from sexual preferences we develop, like how I prefer brunettes to blondes, but these aren't damaging to our health, a homosexual fetish is it will kill you

>vidya character who just happens to be written as gay and a vidya character who is written as gay for virtue signalling purposes?

No video game character ever just "happens to be written gay" you fucking dumbass. It's ALWAYS done for virtue signalling purposes unless the writer is a faggot which just makes it worse.

>implying what the artist says matters
Ms. Pauling is probably bi anyway since her personal ad doesn’t specify gender
Also she’s a shit character

is it gay if you only jack off to furry guys
i mean they are not human and they are also idealized 2D drawings

We need to get rid of those deer hunter cabinets from bars and put in Homo Hunter instead
No, autocorrect
100% serious, homosexuality is a mental disease and the only cure is the whip or the noose in serious cases

Is Miss Pauling gay for the Administrator? Is she female Smithers? That's funny if true.

You're one to talk, homo.

When someone asks you to describe the character, when does his mental illness come up? If being gay is one of the main character traits, he can fuck right off
See for reference: No one describes Alpha Protocol's Albatross as "that gay guy"

Then it's their responsibility to rubber up if they plan on perusing it.

>I'm not gay even though i like animal dick because you can only be gay with humans

First off, no. You're a faggot.

Secondly: If you like animals in a sexual manner you need to off yourself ASAP, because you are literally even worse than a faggot.

>man who cant have biological children and dates men instead of dependant women shown as rich as fuck with no family commitments
>stop potraying reality immediatly

In the UK we have a city called Brighton where all the rich gays go to live and buy expensive houses because what you described is literally how it works. They call them the “pink £” because they are all well off. No family commitment, their own houses and 7 foreign holidays a year. Not even a fag but look it up. They live good.


You wouldn't say oh you'd like Quentin, he has a foot fetish. Why is homosexuality the centre point of someone's personality?
Because of propaganda, the media is pushing for drugs, fornciation, alcohol abuse, homosexuality and all sorts of perverted degenerate activities.

One is defined by being gay and the other is gay. If you can't tell the difference, you are a moron.

i'm glad i never played dragon age 2 and 3

You do realize that her not actually wanting to fuck Scout was always the point, right? And that making her gay is part of that, not just for the sake of "virtue signaling" or a shocking swerve?

Wait, Albatross was gay?
>If being gay is one of the main character traits, he can fuck right off

How much the story shoves it in your face. If you find out hes gay from the first 5 minutes of seeing him, its probably virtue signalling. I can make minor exceptions for characters that act a bit gay (like lispy and stuff) but otherwise don't emphasize they're being gay.

A good gay character is one where you typically dont even find out they are gay unless they are in a situation where finding out they are gay makes perfect sense, like trying to sex them as an opposite gender character, or something.

If their entire character is based around them being gay, its really bad sign.

If you require man made protection to prevent dangerous diseases from killing you then maybe that's a sign you shouldn't be taking part in that activity, I could survive ramming my head into a brick wall if I wear a helmet but why would I do that in the first place? Why would you stick it in a mans asshole and get aids and die? Because sick perverts looking for a thrill don't think that far ahead, they just think about the here and now bs the thrill they get from it like a drug addict

there is no such thing as a ''character that happens to be gay'' if we know the sexuality then it means devs went out of their way to describe it

Someone post that pic of \vee/ discussing how many pieces you can make

The difference is that virtue-signalling ones are paraded around as being gay, while those written normally just make off-hand comments about it at the least or get into a relationship with a man at most. Hell, it's even written if the person is supposed to be a closet gay and you don't even know he's gay

There is nothing wrong with being gay.

This but unironically. You can tell when it's a SJW because they think taking a character you're supposed to like and making them unattractive on purpose is progressive and shows the true beauty on the inside. If you don't want to fuck the character but their sexuality is still supposed to be an important and serious part of their identity then it's an obvious case of virtue signalling.

>Quentin, he has a foot fetish
why did I know exactly who you were talking about

Oh yeah they live so good, I wish I could catch aids too and die at the age of 40 or hang myself because I'm depressed my asshole is so loose I can't stop shitting my pants

Idk, I remember the farcry 4 villian being game made sense though.

All the dudes from Morenatsu are gay and none of them ever bring it up.

Nothing indicates she was gay. She stared at Soldiers naked honey covered wife but that's natural. Pauling was undressing the already naked and covered in honey Soldier with her eyes so there's obviously some lust going on there. She even stared at Sniper. Pauling is a sexual deviant.

Plus the writer who said she was gay quit ages ago. His word literally means nothing.

What is virtue signalling, and how is it different from being virtuous?

What decade do you live in? The fucking 50's?

Sorry phone fag, i meant gay not game

>undressing someone with your eyes when he is already naked

>If you require man made protection to prevent dangerous diseases from killing you then maybe that's a sign you shouldn't be taking part in that activity.
So you don't walk because you might cut yourself and die from tetanus?

So this is why my bf wants us to move there

Only that is not happening in the place i just mentioned, meanwhile straight dudes are also getting aids and commiting sucide

Virtue signalling has two forms. The first one is the character's entire personality is being gay. They were written entirely to show how inclusive and diverse the game is and serve no purpose other than to be super gay all the time and make sure the player knows how gay they are. See: that gay elf from Dragon Age. Type 2 is being gay having zero impact on the character's personality. They act exactly as if they were straight and them being gay is mentioned exactly once(either through showing that they have a spouse of the same sex or them just offhandedly going "im gay btw"). These characters were written as straight but their sexuality had no plot impact so they were later edited to be gay to increase the game's diversity. See: Tracer. If it isn't either of these and being gay impacts but does not consume the character, then they're probably just written that way for legitimate reasons.

I’m willing to bet my life he’s just another falseflagging homo. They do it because it makes them feel like normal people, if only for a little while

Man for someone who's not gay you've sure put a lot of thought into the gay lifestyle.

The destruction of our culture was in full swing by the 1920's, no way would I want to live in the degenerate 50's when women were wearing pants and the orientals got voting rights.

Bull was the fucking worst because he was made purely so Gaider could jerk off to him.

Basically. Network of rich gays all buying homes.

> too gay is bad
> too little gay is also bad
This is why no one takes complains seriously.

Didn't he fuck your mom though?

Virtue signalling is the practice of bringing attention to certain issues regardless of whether or not the whistle blower actually has any of those virtues. It's an empty act that only serves to give positive attention to the person that brought it up (and negative attention to anyone they may have called out).

>No family commitment, their own houses and 7 foreign holidays a year. Not even a fag but look it up. They live good.

Why are you under the impression that you can only live this lifestyle by smoking cock? You can literally have this exact lifestyle but without the aids if you just use women as objects instead of letting one latch onto you to suck you dry like a fucking cuckhold feminist.

If you walk somewhere you might risk getting hurt, but that normally wouldn't happen, if I bash my head into a wall I WILL suffer from brain damage and probably die, I'd I stick my dick into a mans ass I WILL get aids and probably die. See the difference?
You should ask me why I don't walk in the middle of the road, A homosexual lifestyle is like someone who walks in the middle of the road, one day he's gonna get hit and a homo will one day get aids it's an inevitability
Because in Britain if you're not part of the muhammedans cult society hates you, Canadian preachers get arrested for spreading hate speech when they speak out against homosexuality but a muhammedans is allowed to decapitate your soldiers on the street in broad day light

I hope one day a character is written to seem gay, but isn't. That awkward moment when you would try, get ultimately rejected.

Or the opposite, something like:

He says something like
>Your mom was the only women i ever loved

And then hints at being gay

Pauling is shit but I fap to Oliva Munn on a daily basis.

Trying way too hard now user.

>Happens to be written as Gay
Character has several amazing traits there that take the helm, if they have a relationship it's an offhand mention or one of the Main cast and goes above innuendos and sex jokes, if it's a good enough pair you won't even know they were lovers until your read up on it.

>Virtue Signalling
Introduces themselves as gay or shoehorns it in where they can, their mind isn't on the job but on how to get ass as quick as possible or hint to the group they are feeling frisky. Nothing bad will ever happen to them in the game unless it can be fixed as quick as possible and their love interest is glued to them like a magnet to keep you reminded of how gay they are.

Don't remember much of him desu, except the whole twist where him and your mom fell for each other and had a kid together.

I dont think its possible to make a good gay character. Not even Arcade Ganon. A character's sexuality shouldn't even come up unless it's relevant to the plot somehow
As soon as the gayness becomes apparent, all other aspects go out the window. You can call Ganon a good character all day but all that seems to stick with people is that he's a good GAY character. The sexuality is still the important thing in people's minds

One day society will look back on the acceptance of homosexuality in our lifestyle the same way we look back at incest or pedophilia in ancient times.
It's a sickening practice that needs to be done away with

*stares at you transgenderly*

Yeah, i'm pretty sure it happened over one of his radio messages to you. I didnt really pay attention too those but that part stood out.

It was a fun bit in the comic where Pauling pointed out how can she undress Soldier if he's already naked. Soldiers purity will never be the same.

If Sup Forums likes the game or not.

*gets mad at you for misgendering his friend*

Yes this literally happens.

>Hello I am Manly McHonor, I am a stalwart warrior of the Halcyon order. I must seek out the orcs and put them to the sword wherever I find them. Oh, also, I have no reason to bring this up and it's not really important but I'm pretty gay. Anyway, let's go.
>me: both of these feel out of place and like they were only included for diversity points
>you: no one has to be good either you like super gay or you like barely gay
I like my characters well written regardless of their exact level of gayness, user.

No, it's a fact the 1920's is when everything went downhill. Women used to do stage shows wearing men's tuxedos, mini skirts came into fashion with hem lines rising up to the knee! The first homosexual clubs opened up in major cities across the world, there was even doctors in Berlin who were doing "sex change" surgeries, widespread drug abuse, women were cutting their hair short, there was racial mixing, look at Jack Johnson he was only with white women

is the answer.

To be honest, the same thing can be applied to pretty much any other character trait and make them poorly written.

what’s wrong with wanting some cock in your life?

How do I succ effectively, Sup Forums?

It's hard to even say anymore because people bitch about fag representation so much it's hard to tell which are genuine and which are pandering.

Oh come off it. We all know the actual problem here is that you're apparently supposed to think Krem is a man instead of a very obvious woman straining her voice trying to make it sound deep
I'm still mad about how that was supposed to be a reveal

>Sup Forums discovers the difference between good and bad writing

People who use virtue signalling unironically need to go back to Sup Forums

I don't really care about gay representation in games (as in not the "progressive" aspect of it), but I would like there to be more games with fanservice for gay guys like myself, or higher budget games that lets you date the dudes (as a man preferably). I do realize there's not enough of an audience to justify making games like that, though.

This would be more accurate but unlikely to happen.

nope, virtue signalling is a very real phenomenon that deserves to be pointed out

well, you heard him boys, time to stop fucking women!


>virtue signaling is bad
>let's spread my own kind of virtue signaling

I never said that, the bible says it's necessary to be fruitful and multiply, and to avoid temptation you should marry as soon as possible so you don't fornicate

>Why are you under the impression that you can only live this lifestyle by smoking cock?

Statistically and biologically it’s more likely. You dispute this?

One is subtle psy op, and the other is explicit one. The latter outrages you, so the former doesn't seem that bad anymore. After being bombarded by both your entire life, instead of wanting neither you agree that the former isn't that bad. Once the majority does, the narrative is pushed further both ways, and it's up to the next generation to agree that one is too much, while the other is acceptable.

oh boy a phoneposter
even worse than a faggot

It's not virtue signaling, it's just creating an accurate setting sure I like fantasy games, but Fantasy like donkey Kong or Zelda not a good homo. Those don't exist every single homo is a rapist, every single homo is an abomination, and every single homo should have the homosexuality whipped out of him

Thank you, friend


>muhammedans is allowed to decapitate your soldiers on the street in broad day light
>is allowed

Nah nigga he went to PRISON for MURDER. They allowed to fly plains into US buildings too?? Retard.