Speedruns once

>Speedruns once

I unironically want that bed sheet

I really wish anime didn't attract so many mentally ill degenerates

What's wrong with Sakura?

Don't talk shit about Cardcaptor Sakura faggot.

I would love to sleep with Sakura

No speedrunner is cool enough to like CCS

Nigga that's kawaii.

>Implying there's anything wrong with liking CCS

I actually derived my alias off her first name and I would love to have that bed. I still use that same alias almost everywhere and it's stuck and worked great for a good couple years

If I complete a second speedrun will I get a second sock?

>so many
Anybody who watches anime, cartoons, capeshit, or plays video games is mentally ill.

what is even the appeal to card captor sakura

it just looks like cutesy garbage

>what is even the appeal

You answered your own question.

What is it about speedrunning making men want to become traps?

It invokes some of the warmest and most precious feelings. It's also very comfy and the production values are amazing even today.


I want to fuck a lady friend in that bed

The appeal is when a turbonerdgirl in middle school has her locker plastered in CCS and you think you have a shot if you can memorize the series to manage a conversation.

It´s a shojo, aka anime or manga aimed at a teenage female target-demographic
But then there are these ''people''

Cute girls in cute outfits, cocksucker.

>LITERALLY a little girl's room

Fucking hell you people are as bad as that lardlord who made fun of a child playing an xbox demo in Best Buy.

If you're trying to get me into speedrunning it's working.

makes sense

this asian chick I wanted to bang said it was the best anime ever so I considered watching it

Do you know where you are?

What the fuck is in that glass on the side table?

A candle

Oh, duh. I thought it was like a cabbage smoothie or something

It’s honestly one of the best anime of its genre. Very well directed series with tons of lovable characters.

>he thinks little girls care about Card Captor Sakura

They used to at least.

god I wish this were me

They do, and it is exactly what it is: a little girl's room.

It can be with a little hard work

Read this faggot

I'm all boots, beard and leather, and I would still unironically love sleeping in that room assuming no one finds out

it's god tier magical girl show go watch it you assnigger

I care about it.


so the vast majority of the world is mentally ill?

>this thread

little girl manga made by Clamp, which means lots of cutesy stuff with really weird, and occasionally disturbing, story

>the production values are amazing


>Can never discuss anime with another human being because mentioning it attracts the literal shit of society.

Guess its in the same tier as videogames.

i love pink, it warms my heart

>cherrypicking QUALITY from a 70 episodes long series

most of the long running series wish it would look like cardcaptor sakura

>shitting on CCS

You only like pink because it's the color of your butthole you retarded degenerate


That seems to be a predominantly western thing, there's not nearly as much weaponized autism in the Japanese fanbse.

thousands of japanese doujinshi and fanart mean nothing to you?

>Speedruns twice

Anime doesn't attract mentally ill people, anime is -made- for mentally ill people, by mentally ill people.

Weebshit is literally the worst trash ever created by man.

you kiddin'

they are the most autistic people of them all. how else would you get them spend 1000 dollars on 2 episodes of anime and have 100k people draw loli porn and have their own cons fo that


at least they have a creative output and a hobby that gets them out of the house

weebs just go through their sloppy seconds or leftover scraps while REEEing about feminazis and SJWs for some reason

The real mentally ill people are the fags that whine about anime while posting on Sup Forums everyday.

>I'm all boots, beard and leather

sounds gay

mecha, as far as I know isn't as bad.

you're not wrong
it's even funnier when people obsessed with it scapegoat other things as "the end of western civilization." They have no self-awareness

He's probably some Mr. Slave looking motherfucker

>hurrdurr my 30 minutes long toy advertisement is better than your 30 minutes long toy advertisement

>dude insults weeb culture
>gets responses from asspained weebs
Every time.

First time i cringed at projection

>only knows gundam



Mecha is autism incarnate.

Unironically the type of people who attend gdq also play as females in games.

All of them are heavily commercialized. Even stuff like betterman has waifushit "toys." Not that there's anything wrong with that.

now that you mention it. 70s and 80s gay fashion was all about looking hot and manly. Makes sense, because gays are attracted to men, so looking manly as fuck is the way. So why modern gay culture expects them to look either flamboyant, or all trim and proper which is something women like? Makes no sense!

Gay men no longer desire big muscles

>Liked watching Powerpuff Girls and Cardcaptor Sakura as a kid
>One day Dad says to me "Those are girl's shows but it's fine if you like to watch them" as he walked away laughing
>Stop watching them after that because of him
>Avoid watching anything my dad might think is a girl's show
>Miss out on tons of awesome shows growing up

Yeah, only closet gay men desire big muscles. Just look at /fit/.

>Can never discuss anime
You cannot discuss anime without sounding like a massive faggot. It is literally impossible.

>girl who has favourite series, instead of sticking to what is popular and talked ATM
worth giving as shot really.

and now you're a gay faggot crossdressing weeb on Sup Forums

>dad tries to save his son from becoming a fruit
>becomes a fruit anyway
Poor dad.

Its pretty to look at. The aesthetic are nice. The story is also good too

I'm a big manly dude now
It's just a reaction image, PPG and CCS are great shows.

>no u

>It's just a reaction image, PPG and CCS are great shows.
Yeah, don't worry, friend. It was just banter. I love you. No homo.

you think where bara comes from? Men want men, looking and acting like men, not men looking and behaving like women. Yaoi is for women.

>you think where bara comes from?
It comes from female fantasies.

rewatching CCS lately I thought that some of stuff showed there would be considered "disturbing" nowadays, not because there's something really wrong with it, but because our society became paranoid to any sight or mere possibility of exploitation or abuse.

we sure lost something over these 2 decades

we reached point where we don't want what we like, but we want what TV and social media tell us we're supposed to like

To be fair, most girls are raised like mentally ill degenerates.
Boys at least get to choose a favourite colour. Girls get their favourite colour always coupled with pink.

I chuckled

That's because most girls tend to like pastel colors like pink, you niglet.

There are plenty of "mature" anime movies and series if you want to look for them, but let's face it, you don't.

I hate all anime and anyone that likes it. No joke, i fucking hate anime.


That's kinda just CLAMP though. This is the same (all-female) group that did a version of Alice in Wonderland where everyone except Alice is genderbent and all want to rape her.

Have you ever walked into the boys' section at a toy store? Boys are always blue, girls are always pink.



The questionable stuff was censored/altered in the western releases.

Yet you’re here, posting on a chinese cartoon imageboard.

This is literally a normie site now.

Showing blood on top of the tits isn't mature, it's just edgy. If anything edgy weebs are even scarier creatures than normal weebs. Weebs are just dangerous to children, edgy weebs think it's normal to sperge out about killing and violence in every day conversations and wonder why people don't want to associate themselves with a psychopath.

Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums are infested with normalfags.