Futaba appreciation & feel good thread. Commence!

Futaba appreciation & feel good thread. Commence!


Criny Reddit Tier Waifu.
Literally Rick and Morty humor and writing with her "humor".

What’s wrong fellow user?



You Futabafags are getting pretty fucking obnoxious.

>he romanced Futaba

no one in thread. :c

Kys faggots

rip last thread

At least people are making more threads on this angel.

>not treating Futaba as your little sister

Why don’t you have a seat?

Futaba is one year younger than the MC.


>not wanting to show Futaba that she deserves love and a happy relationship with a significant other who will never leave her

So your screen name is phantomdiddler17 right?

I see you brought Mikes Hard Lemonade. Is that how you “strengthen a relationship” with her?

Her abilities in game were A+

It's too late already.
Futaba's curiosity made her experience a lot of stuff she really liked.

>puts the sexiest outfits in the game on the worst girl
What was Atlus thinking?


>wears a jacket like the retard she is

user, not everything is Reddit and Rick and Morty.

>when his precious princess goes with Derek

I love Futaba and Ann!

Does any Ann Futaba yuri exist?


>not liking yuri

People like you should be beaten.

Futaba is for Makoto.


>Makoto X Futaba

I can get with that.



Futaba love is dead. Post better girls.

Woah there user, no one said anything about Haru not being a great girl. She is the holy floof of love and burgers, and she deserves nothing but care.

She is beauty. She is grace.

I just beat this today, everyone made a big deal about the multiple relationship thing but everyone was happy with me in the end. Didn't get to cheat on Futaba as I ran out of time and only got her to rank 9 before the 24th.

That end stretch was brutal, way too fucking long.

>wanting to cheat on Futaba
If you cheat on her, she breaks down and cries. You monster

It's not that I wanted to cheat on her per se, I loved all the girls and it would have been inevitable had I used my time better. If I could spend Valentine's day with all of them, I would. I got her to 9 and told her I loved her and she freaked out. Never got to hang out with her again so she didn't appear as an option on Christmas Eve or Valentine's Day.

Kawakami was my favorite

Kawakami is great. I want all the girls to feel loved and cared for too user. I get what you are saying. Futabas reaction just hurts a lot if she does get cheated on.

>I want all the girls to feel loved and cared for too user. I get what you are saying.
>Futabas reaction just hurts a lot if she does get cheated on.
That's why in a way I was kind of glad I only got her to 9, didn't have to break her heart.

I respect your approach user. Still love Futaba and I only want her in the end, but I get you.

Is it okay for me to post my Ann here?

I don't know but I'll join you and post my Ann as well.

>dark tights

You guys are buying this figure right?

Of course it is user! All wiafus are welcome!

I know right?

Of course I will! This right along the Tae one as well.


Nah, that's a lot of money to spend on a figure for a character that I'm not all that invested in. Bought Ann's figure though and it's supposed to release on Friday, I believe.

An excellent thread on an otherwise boring day, thanks OP!

Naturally user! Enjoy the thread!

it'll get worse eventually

yeah just wait until the degenerate fatfags get here

Please... Don’t jinx us user.