So ive always been curious about the God of War games and seeing as the new one it out soon enough i thought i would...

So ive always been curious about the God of War games and seeing as the new one it out soon enough i thought i would finally play them.

I already owned 1 HD on ps3 so ive played that. Should i just go to 2-3 and be done with it or are the psp games and ascension worth playing?

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Both the PSP games are good

everything except ascension is worth playing and fun. You can play them all on ps3. But dont even try the ascension. It will taint your love for the series.

The new one is best.

I rate them
Is that autistic?

1st PSP game (Chains of Olympus) is pretty boring.
Ascension is actually not that bad. It's just more of the same but if you liked 3 odds are you'll enjoy it.

Ghost of Sparta is really good too. Completes the story if you so will.

Also play the games on Hard. The Normal difficulty makes the games too easy.


2>1>Ghost of Sparta>3>Chains of Olympus>Ascension
Ascension is the only entry I haven't played more than once. It's not a complex series, but it's cathartic and very well made with a fantastic soundtrack. God of War 3 is, in my opinion, still one of the best looking games ever made.

My only apprehension about the psp games is that these fucking games still go for £12 a piece on psn and not any cheaper on amazon. buying 2-3 for £10 a piece and then the Vol 2 collection as well doubles the cost.

>never played any GoW
>try the first one a few days ago
>combat is ok, cool moves
>those fucking qtes at every fucking moment
I thought people were exaggerating but hell, shit is Dragon's Lair tier

Only executions are QTE's which you don't even have to do. except for boss fights.

Play all of them in release order, but play Ascension and Ghost of Sparta before 3.

Anyone that says you shouldn't play Ascension is a shitter that can't deal with the increased difficulty and more punishing gameplay (you get punished for not keeping the combo going and for taking dumb damage). It's essentially filler, but it has some of the best bosses in all the franchise (Furies fights, Oracle fight, trial of Archimedes etc).

GoW 2 > GoW 3 > Ascension > Ghost of Sparta > GoW 1 >>>>>> Chains of Olympus

As a huge GoW fan, why is Sup Forums so pissed about the new one? Let's be completely honest, Kratos has 0 character. I fail to see the problem with actually giving him some.

The QTEs were a product of its time, it was cool as fuck to "be part of" the cutscenes at the time, which is why many games copied the concept. I'm not sure that was invented by God of War, but it was certainly made popular because of it.

I'm kinda sad they won't have QTEs in the upcoming game, just for nostalgia's sake.

It's just Nintenbros complaining about the next Sony exclusive, like they did with Bloodborne, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last Guardian etc.

You can bet they'd complain the same way if the new God of War was simply God of War 4, with everything staying as it was.

Don't trust anything NintendoGaf says. This board even hated Bloodborne for months in pure jealousy.

I've always felt it was Nintenchildren, but I was never really sure.
Yeah, I remember at launch, Sup Forums did fake IGN reviews, were they'd score Bloodborne at like 5/10s, or 3/10s. I honestly think Nintenchildren may be the worst fanbase on this site. Not even just this board. In general.

I agree with this. GoW1-2 are really truly magnificient games. GoW2 leads into something massive that 3 unfortunately fails to capitalize on but instead changes direction. There are ton of hints in GoW2 that the story wasn't going in the direction we got.

I remember a week before launch they tried to claim the game was 10 hours long or something.

I have a friend who's never played the previous God of War games, but he's excited for the new one. You guys think I should let him borrow my copies of HD, Origins, and Ascension? I think he has III, but never played it.

you should play in release order but if you just want the meat of the series you can only do 1-2-3

Why they released Ghost of Sparta after 3 makes no sense to me. GoW3 makes little sense without GoS.

2 and 3 had different directors, writers, etc. It was basicly a different team so I'm not surprised it changed direction a lot from 2.

I like the opening of GoW 3, but the ending was disappointing in terms of spectacle, though I really liked Hades, Cronos and Hercules.

GoW 2 is so good... I'm glad Cory is back, I trust the new GoW will deliver.

I played 1, 2 and 3 only and feel satisfied. So i'll recomend the same for you. It's worth it.

The only thing I don't like about the new God of War is Kratos' voice actor. Why did they change his VA? I've always liked Kratos' voice actor.

They felt like the previous guy didn't have a wide range. He could do shouting Kratos, but he was often also ridiculed by the press and gamers for it. Of course, a lot of that was due to the script, but they felt they needed to change.

I thought he did a less angry Kratos really well in some parts of Ascension.

Exactly. Cory had the better vision but wasn't around to realize that in GoW3. It is hinted throughout GoW2 that Kratos is actually doing something very bad that he will end up regretting.

TC Carson was so underutilized I swear. I loved watching him in Living Single

And I could never bear Ascension due to the infamous Trial of Archimedes load glitch. I beat every single God Of War in the hardest mode and done upgradeless runs in every single one of the games. But when this shit happened, I quit.