Casual Filter Thread
Casual Filter Thread
All of low rank is the casual filter.
>tfw farming this guy for the armor
just give me your fucking gem faggot
>kite to stairs
>get leashed
wow so hard
more like anything filter
fuck that guy
First try no effort
I fucking hated bloodborne until I beat gascoigne and got out of central yharnham
Tell me again why I can't change this shit without changing the controls on the controller itself again?
Noo why are there 2 bosses this isn't fair!!!!!!!!
the cannon jaggras isnt that hard
3rd boss in all the Touhou games
That's not a casual filter because he's toward the end of the game and casuals won't get anywhere near him.
same, but most of the game has been no effort. Tempered monsters offer a better challenge?
that wasn't a casual filter, that was the final boss of the game.
>but all the shit after Anor Londo-
yeah no you could have ended the game right after those two and I would have been satisfied. those two were sincerely the most enjoyable challenge in the entire game and had the perfect leadup and atmosphere as well
>not negro dante
*teleport into chamber*
pssht too slow kid
To be honest they are both casual filters.
Also include Anjanath for those of us who weren't in the beta.
They all exibit the same aspects of 'having to tire them out' and not just dodging an attack and going for the kill.
You mostly have to wait a while and dodge a bunch vs these. Nergigante is slightly different in that you have to learn what he can do first.
I can only find this shitty meme of the dude
Who he?
He's so much fun to bully.
Bloody Crow of Cainhurst. Optional for story but required for Eileen's convnant.
>opinion opinion opinion opinion opinion
oh THAT son of a bitch
You are all a bunch of casuals.