When does this game get good? I'm 3 hours in and I literally don't have to do anything besides move. The game plays itself, enemies don't react to you, and I'm just staring at the screen waiting for monsters HP to go down.
When does this game get good? I'm 3 hours in and I literally don't have to do anything besides move...
It doesn’t get any better, just drop it and play Zelda instead.
20 hours. Not kidding.
Once you can art cancel, then you'll really have fun.
How about you complete the tutorial before judging the entire game, you dingus.
Would you believe me if I said people wanted this form of gameplay and call it deep, after complaining that the prior game was too hard.
It gets fun when you're free to fight stuff which is Chapter 2
>I'm 3 hours in
put that shit down and play an actual game
Prior game had a manual to go back to while maroons who play this game skip the tutorials and say they don't understanf any of the underlying systems.
XB2 has a pretty fun game loop of blade combos, driver combos, chain attacks and elemental orb bursts.
15-20 hours in. I know it sounds like one of those things we make fun of, but it takes on average 110 hours to beat the game and you'll probably appreciate the slow start in hindsight.
On a semi-related note, since it's going to turn into a regular thread anyway, which Rare Blades do you guys like the least?
they should just go back to that. let dumb dumbs have their fun, and put all the autistic shit inside a manual
>not liking mommy titty bunny
faggots not welcome
This game drip feeds you stuff over time, so it’s no joke when people say it gets better 20 hours in. That being said even though they do this people still don’t understand the combat system, so it didn’t even work.
This, and it honestly takes way too long to get. The combat only really starts to get fun when you get the affinity nodes for having arts available at the start of a fight and when you can cancel arts into other arts
The combat is great once it really gets going, it starts to feel like an elaborate puzzle game.
maybe is not a game for you OP
Never. Drop it and play Battlefront 2 (EA) instead.
>wow dude, killing everything in the game with a single overdrive is very deep, difficult and engaging combat!
On that note, been considering buying a switch recently
You reckon BOTW justifies the purchase? From what I’ve seen in streams it’s mostly running around solving those puzzle temple thingos.
Or should I wait until smt/fe titles drop for a potential bundle
>That being said even though they do this people still don’t understand the combat system, so it didn’t even work.
It's not really the dev's fault if they have brainlets playing their game. I fucking suck at games like this normally but even I got the hang of the combat by the time I got to Chapter 3.
About 200 hours in.
Im not a furry, so I too hate rabbit tits. no matter how big you make its tits, i dont want to fuck a rabbit
I just finished this and the ending made me extremely angry. I feel like i've been cucked.
>dude ether blossom lmao, I'm so smart look at me
*Eternally blocks your path*
Just wait for switch emulation.
Wii U version of BotW can already be played on an emulator.
No reason to get a soytendo console at this point.
Dahlia is just weird with her hair-ears and what-the-fuck-are-those-even-ment-to-be heels. I don't mind the tits.
Reminder that the most recent update added a bug.
>I don't want to fuck a rabbit
>play shit game
>combat, story, and characters eventually become actually engaging and it all starts to piece together
>game ends 5 minutes later
>absolutely fuck all to do in postgame
you should feel cucked
her aesthetic is all over the place. i dont like her face or her ears or her weird feet. i would love to have those tits gifted to someone else like pyra or nia
sounds an awful lot like another previous xeno game you all seem to shit on
>From what I’ve seen in streams it’s mostly running around solving those puzzle temple thingos.
Watching streams do replicate an experience. Do you watch porn videos and wonder what the fuss is about? Its just putting your dick in things.
Pay no attention to this jelly baby.
>literally no payoff for the romance baiting
>literal "OH NVM I CAN TRANSFORM/DO THIS MAGIC THING" deus ex machinas
How many times could Nia being a blade have saved someone important or Azurda magically pulling his "oh im big again" bullshit helped them escape.
And on my shlocky weeb love story drooling side, where was the god damn PAYOFF
someone said overclocking bangles are really useful but I haven't tried equipping any of them because the description is vague
what do they actually do
I understood it basically perfectly too, was upgrading party with chips, spending SP on increasing my skills, and also spending points on increasing the affinity chart thing that gives you perks.
It still took fucking ages to kill normal enemies my level.
you mean after outfitting your ground character with all the endgame shit? you shouldn't have been looking up broken builds until post game anyway.
Oh I'm the jelly one for playing the superior 60fps @ 4K version of BotW? Sure thing kid, whatever you say. Maybe in 20 years you can do the same with your childrens toy console.
Switch port when?
She couldnt have at all
>Fan la norne
haha teleports behind u nothin personnel kid
power was being restricted by obrona
arguable, but at the time she wasn't exactly friends with him anyways
After switch emulation
it doesn't
god I wasted so much fucking time fuck this trash
The problem is they never establish any rules and it made everything feel like bullshit
Maybe in 20 years you will be able to play any emulated Switch games.
Just say it's a good game OP, you don't want the xenoblade fanboys to become rabid.
in terms of story/writing its xc1>xc2>xcx but even xcx never got THAT cringey.
Heh, see you in 20 years, kiddo.
I kinda got sick of every plot twist being EVERYONE IS A BLADE
The emulator is already out kiddo. Wont be long now till we start playing modded XC2 in 4K
I liked Nia's one
>Citra devs
Yeah, don't hold your breath.
>can't even banter properly
>but can't play Switch games either
what the fuck was her problem?
When you purposely get the room next to Nia so she gotta hear you bang the guy she loves
>gets BTFO'd hard
>"bu...but muh banter"
Heh. You're still 20 years too early, kid.
You just keep digging deeper and deeper.
>greentext stuttering is the best he can muster
>when does this game get fun?
>let me just list the amount of hours I've played instead of what point of the story I am at
Every time. I'm starting to think it's on purpose.
>So mad he can't even come up with a decent comeback
Did I hit a nerve, I wonder?
Best scene in the game.
>2 children accusing each other of being BTFO for the exact same reason
>has a gall to criticise others
Having your brain filled to the brim with memes must be hard.
I can't believe Rex is fucking dead.
>Squall is dead theory
>Poppi actually smacked the fuck out of Rex
>Whole game is just his dream from being dead
>so fucking retarded you keep responding
After getting all of them to S Rank, I really can't hate any of them. Even Dahlia, who I initially disliked, turned out to be a major sweetheart that appreciates both the inner and outer beauty.
My least favorite design and quest, though, are easily Nim's.
>owns a fucking soyboy console
>thinks he's above The PC Master Race
I'm sorry kid but you can't recover from this.
You've lost.
>3 hours in
I fucking hate threads like this. If you're not gonna invest time into the game then don't fucking buy it. It's a JRPG, you've literally seen nothing that the battle system offers yet. Keep playing.
>implying I'm not amused by your squirming
And here comes a poorfag who cannot afford PC AND at least one console.
>superior 60fps @ 4K version of BotW?
Listen kid, I own the game on Switch and have been pretty excited about replaying in 4K.
Even the latest build of cemu is utter shit and I'm using an i7 with 16gb of ram.
The framerate is fucked, textures are fucked and I can't even get past the bird dungeon because the boss keeps glitching out of area and never comes back. Pretty fucking apparent how every youtube video of the game only ever shows a couple of minutes footage. Of course it does. Because it runs like shit compared to the Switch version. And then theres the reality that the lack of gyros make the game feel completely different. It's like playing a FPS using a mouse and then trying to use a control stick. Its shit and nowhere near as much fun.
I had hope for cemu but like all emulation is pretty fucking piss poor. I'm sure you'll tell me it all works great in your machine.
I'm sorry kid, this fight was over before it even started.
Some of us are just born superior and have no need for childrens toys because of out superior Master Race DNA.
I've had my fun, but there's a chance you're not ironic and I'd feel bad about arguing with an actual retard insted of someone who is merely pretending.
I'm going back to playing Xeno 2.
I'd like Vale better if she wasn't an Ether blade/Lances weren't entirely physical on everyone
>Zeke megalance arts animations
why are they so long
>still no NG+ patch
You're talking to the same idiots that are excited for a switch Emulator by the fucking CITRA emulator devs. Those faggots are guaranteed to be asking for money to desperate retards that don't know who the fuck they really are. If it was anyone else i wouldn't have a problem with this, but the citra niggers need to step the fuck back and let a real emulator programmer do the work.
Isn't he all about exaggerated motions and theatricals? That's part of his charm.
Weirdly enough supersonic spin's actual hit comes out pretty fast but the animation after that takes forever. I only relized recently that the reason why I could never cancel that one was because I always did it way too late.
Oh, damn, I should put that one in over the one where he spins the lance for an eternity before attacking.
You know if you just mash the keys it cancels at the right time regardless
It's got to be really difficult to localize chuuni shit.
Yeah but it's only with lances that he takes ages to actually do the arts.
I can't believe Nia betrays the party and rejoins Torna.
>pic not related
The scene where she calls Rex pathetic and walks away really hit me.
The real fun is in finding the puzzles
Which one? In Tantal?
The battle system is fun as hell when boss battles become all about doing chain attacks and elemental orb breaks. However, I didn't even figure out how to do those until like 20 hours in.
>that boss fight in the next chapter where Malos uses Nia as his Blade
Right in the fucking feels.
>Zeke starts spinning his spear around for his Smash
>Launch starts running out
>Still spinning his spear
>If it lands it always lands at the last half second
Stop making everything dramatic Zeke, not everything needs to be a fucking cliffhanger.
The end of chapter 1 is great. The end of chapter 2 is really cool as well. So I’d say ch. 3 is when it starts to get going.
Alright boys how badly do spoilers effect the game? I’m on chapter 3 and got spoiled on Nia being a blade and the appearance of Klaus.
putting one of those accessories that extends launch duration on him helps a lot.
Vandham is the best party member, grind him up for the boss of chapter 3 and give him your pouch expansion kit if you haven't used it yet.