>Almost 100$w/tax in leafland (Not including tip)
No wonder canadians are always so angry and bitter
>Almost 100$w/tax in leafland (Not including tip)
No wonder canadians are always so angry and bitter
Its closer to $86 after tax for a brand new game here if thats what yer gettin at
>paying money
heh.. almost got me there kiddo.... almost got me........
I work construction in the province with the worst job market and can still buy any game i want without worrying the fuck are you on about
Games start at $80 here, the switch controllers are $90 +
So retarded. I love when Murricans bitch about literally any prices. Homes, games, liquor, plane tickets..
>a leaf
92$ with the 15% tax here in quebec
Hey french boy
this is the worst and why I don't buy physical games anymore.
im angry and bitter because our flag has a maple leaf on it and over half the country doesn't have that many maple trees. fuck southern ontario/quebec
Same in Newfoundland.
I wasn't aware there were other provinces.
At least we have poutine.
To top it off, we have some of the worst healthcare of any "modern" country. If you're in for anything worse than a papercut, you go south and get American treatment.
>you broke your leg? xrays will be free in 18 months
>not pirating all your shit
Did your leader really correct someone from saying "Mankind" to "Peoplekind"?
You know I hear that a lot but it hasn't been my experience. So either you're unlucky or you're not actually Canadian.
>including tip
are US wages so bad that you have to tip gamestop employees now
Yes, on the other hand games drop in price so quickly now you can buy them for 50% off within a few months.
>all of canada is one province using the same hospital with the same experience
Are games in Canada more expensive because they have to produce bilingual edition w. French rather than the standard US region 1 version?
>Being a fishfucker
I highly doubt americans have trouble getting access to gravy-covered french fries.
89.99$+ Season pass 26.99$+ 13% tax = over 100 maple bux
>be amerifat
>have canadian uncle
>experience fancy restaurant poutine
>return to burgerland
>hear wendys has poutine
>know it wont be the same but try
>it's like someone shit on some fries and then sneezed booger cheese on top
>die inside
Why you living somewhere no doctor wants to live? If I was a doctor I wouldn't live in some shithole.
Broke my arms and they had it fixed within 2 days, also got my own room. Completely free.
From what I hear, it's the cheese curds that are a bitch to get.
>two days to fix broken arms
>thinks this is a good thing.
It's like Stockholm Syndrome. You're identifying with your shitty healthcare captors.
wtf are talkign about youre usually treated within 18 hours of wait time for shit like taht
Two fucking days? Is your time "free" user?
I want this country to die. I want to rally people for Western Independence and end this farce of a Nation.
No, because the Canadian dollar is worth literal shit. Also taxes.
No, it's because our dollar fucking sucks.
7 years ago a brand new console game was 60$flat and a DS/3DS game was 44$. The dollar turned to shit now a new release console game is between 82-90$ for the default version and a new release 3DS game is 55$.
Longest I've ever had to wait for an xray on a broken bone was 6 days. And in fairness, it was only my ankle, it wasn't like I broke my spine.
I don't believe you're actually canadian. Or you chug koolaid all day.
too true. Everything is fucked here.
My family has been in this country long before Canada existed and will be here long after.
Compared to the states, where it costs $2.5k with no health insurance, I'd say it's worth it. Unless you make more than $2.5k in two days, in which case you'd probably be getting better, more expensive treatment anyways.
>be canadian
>want new Ubigame
>Its $130 CAD on steam for the gold edition
>wait two years
>game is still ridiculous expensive for its age
Cant be bothered to pirate either since shit ISP caps.
Man, I can't even be mad about this shit anymore.
So your $60 game is now $80? That's small peanuts when you look at the big picture.
Cost of living and inflation in Canada has increased year on year. Shitty in itself, but it's worse when you consider that the majority of people in Canada have had stagnant wages for over 20 years.
That's what I'm fucking mad about.
The country is slowly sliding into the shit, whether you realize it or not. Canada will be lucky to make it another 100 years. I hope your kids enjoy living through balkanization.
Look on the bright side, at least none of you are living in Saskatchewan
>t.tree nigger
That's what: said. If it's not serious, might as well take the long wait times and inferior care because it's free. If it actually matters and you could die, go to America and pay their outrageous prices.
Reminder that 1 canadian dollar is worth less than 1 us dollar.
Oh, you're a native. I'm jealous of your free schooling.
Canada can't balkanize. America will eat any province that splits.
>America wanting Canada
Well thankfully vidya is shit so there's rarely ever a need to buy any AAA game on launch.
The real problem is the low as fuck wage compared to the huge cost of living. At least here in BC anyways.
No, no, I'm french and English, my family just came very early (although there is some native)
>To top it off, we have some of the worst healthcare of any "modern" country.
That's literally America though.
I literally have not bought a new game in over 4 years because of the $80 pricetag.
>although there is some native
Kys treenigger
>blow 500 mapledollars on a switch
>get MK8DX and Splatoon 2 on sale for how much games should cost
>pay 90 mapledollars for Mario Odyssey and get thoroughly underwhelmed, even being a soyboy nintenbro
>start building PC so i can download everything for free at least
>BUT WAIT, can't even get a lowend GPU at regular price now because of scalpers
being a leaf is suffering
Contact your isp and harrass them for unlimited bandwidth (threaten with cancellation because competitor offers unlimited). They'll give it to you.
>tfw saving for a home
I'm never gonna make it
not me. usually pretty chill about most things :D
incredibly high taxes are a pain in the ass though
>not wanting the golden land of BC
Good thing I rarely play videogames, they're all trash anyway. Will always still have the classics to enjoy bullshit free
>Living in Newfoundland
>Living anywhere in the Maritimes
How do you make a living out there? Why haven't you migrated to Alberta with the rest of the Newfies?
Oh. No idea why you hate this country then.
The 1060 I bought for 325cad is now 600. Jesus christ.
>Americans can't afford their own healthcare
>therefore it's the worst even if the quality is the highest and survival rates are highest
The point was about quality, not cost. If you're a poornigger newfie living in a shack, obviously you won't go south.
no i get unlimited gbs but download speeds are shit because of speed caps.
Thankfully pretty much every new game is shit so I only play ~$30 indie/AA titles now.
America literally invaded Canada to take it twice.
They were circling like vultures for Quebec and would move in the army in like a week if somewhere actually profitable like BC or Alberta split.
I think a more likely outcome is balkanization of the American continent.
all jokes aside, the last thing america needs is to share a border with an occupied territory. You think terrorism is an issue when you fuck up a country on the other side of the world, imagine doing it to a neighbor.
realistically, the USA balkanizing is way more likely
Purged of Canadians, maybe.
>tfw NEET on ODSP
>have over $300 of spending money always
Don't give a fuck. Like always I will buy games new if I want to support said game. If not I just wait for discounts.
The US has it's own impending shitshow to manage in the the next 30 years. Look at the demographics senpai, I hope the south enjoys being an extension of Mexico.
Buy land, build your own house. Land is almost always a good investment.
I know from living here that the real estate market in Ontario is fucked. Everything is way over valued. Sooner or later the bubble will burst, so if you don't want to buy land, just be patient.
>hundreds of years ago America was interested in the land that wasn't actually Canada yet
>ergo they must still desperately want us today!
There was a time we wanted Mexican soil too.
It should really have castros sons transgendered mutallated dick hole on it.
same in New Brunswick
why waste your $300 cad on shit though? You should be coining.
I'd see us running back to England or begging the EU for admittance before America tried to claim us.
I'm a brainlet who wants no stake in your bitcoin shenanigans. I don't want to be rich. If I did I would have actually did something with my life besides being a cripple shut in.
Why are your taxes so high?
Your taxpayers money pays for this pathetic ass. I know I'm a leech on society I don't care, it's all burning down anyways.
They live in a first world country with good jobs. They really shouldn’t complain about price for fucking video games
I know how you feel. I'm fast approaching 26 bucks an hour and even with my girlfriend our combined wage isn't even close for a decent 15% down payment on a place much less the absurd mortgage on a 2 bedroom condo.
They've been saying that for thousands of years.
Went to emerg with a broken ankle, left literally 15 minutes later with a cast on. You must have a shitty hospital
Various levels of mismanagement on all levels of government, with it being particularly worse in certain provinces over others.
tfw Ontario
Please for the sake of your own mental health, go outside and get off the computer.
>good jobs
Never. You'll have to destroy every electronic thing in my room to get me to leave it.
>he thinks you have to be native to get free schooling
Damn, if you were to buy off ebay would you still get hit with taxes? I order moat of my games from ebay because i live in a state with a high sales tax.
Ontario and Quebec steal all of our tax money to pay for entitlement programs while the West gets screwed.
>tfw going to the maritimes soon
What should I expect anons?
t. ontariofag who's lived in a big city my whole life
why? the western provinces would be well-off without the eastern provinces.
because going to the hospital doesn't cost 50 000$ and a semester of university doesn't cost 500 000$
Yeah you kids say that shit all the time. Show me some numbers. Everything important to the country happens in ontario.
more poor white people
71 CAD for new games on Steam
Do vidya prices actually fluctuate in other countries? I've been paying $60 for vidya for over 10 years now.
good thing there arent any games worth buying any more
Go suck a dick.
Fellow ontarian here. Expect to be the largest asshole even when you're trying to be nice. The people out east are so kind it will catch you 100% off guard I guarantee you.