I'll start with Halo Reach. So your fucking character dies and you can't do anything about it? What a fucking shit ending, why did they have to kill all of fucking Noble Team? Normally when you play a game you are trying to WIN - the ending is supposed to be something DESIRABLE, something you're FIGHTING FOR. But in Halo Reach you just fucking DIE and you can't fucking do anything about it? WHAT A FUCKING SHITTY ENDING
On the last mission I just killed myself with grenades because I'm not going to give Covenant scum the satisfaction of killing me
What a fucking shit game. I hope Bungie developers fucking burn in hell.
It's a good ending story wise, but a bad one considering gameplay. It's just jarring how you inevitably die while being such an unstoppable covenant ass-kicker.
Jayden Wood
u mad
Sebastian Bailey
>Bad considering gameplay No, it's the best way to kill the player considering gameplay. Because you literally just survive for as long as you can.
Justin Cooper
>He doesn't know it's a prequel to Halo
This level of retardation is forgivable I guess
Christian Morris
The only reason you were unstoppable before is because you could respawn when you die
Caleb Myers
somebody didnt read fall of reach
Ryder Gray
>its clear you cant go on to survive because chief is the last spartan in 1 2 and 3 >the last act of the game is to fight to save humanity and save people from the conquest of reach >noble team sacrifice themselves or die in battle for this cause >the rookie dies at the end watching the pillar of autumn to escape with master chief on board >rookies work and sacrifice allows the chief to go on and save humanity in the future
are you retarded or just 11 year olds? its literally the archetypal story of the hero sacrificing himself for a good cause.
Thomas Smith
Clear Sky, Strelok bugged out and just stood there whilst I shot him with the Gauss Rifle, bam cutscene, over.
How do we take the Chernoybl NPP ending from SoC and make it worse basically.
Samuel Hughes
>duuuhr its a tv show in the real world
Oliver Lopez
If you started Reach believing that they were going to survive, you're as brainlet as they come. Halo 1 and 2 flat out tell you that Masterchief is the last Spartan, which is why there being an army of them in Halo 4 makes it so fucking retarded.
Dylan Rivera
>all games must have a happy ending
Sebastian Miller
>halo 1 2 and 3 he is the last spartan >spartans are best of the best, trained through the hardest training possible and extreme circumstances and loads of other mega requirements >4 years after the largest war humanity has ever been through they suddenly have an army of them
good job
could have literally introduced a couple of new ones and make them rookies with chief teaching them through the game taking them from basic babbies to a competent squad that you have the ability to develop over the next trilogy
Juan Rivera
Chief was never the last spartan. He was the last known Spartan to everyone aboard the Pillar of autumn during the events of Halo 1.
The Spartans in Halo 4 are a new type of Spartan, and they are weaker, not the same type chief is.
Charles Baker
There's no such thing as a "rookie" spartan. That army of spartans are spartan 4s who are essentially watered down versiones of spartan 2 but with better suites.
Grayson Harris
You sound like a stupid teenager.
Leo Myers
while i havnt played any of the halo games in ages i swear that through 1 2 and 3 no other spartan is mentioned even when hes back on earth etc and its basically assumed chief is the last one
then halo 4 retcons that?
i just mean rookie in the sense of they are a new type of rookie that in a program that attempts to make new soldiers like chief, only a few are "ready" when the new conflict begins and they are able to fight but are no where as good as chief and chief helps take them from good soldiers to grade A warriors like himself.
Hudson Reyes
He is a stupid teenager. Also going through puberty I reckon.
Jack Miller
>OP being this mad about last nights ODST thread lol
Mason Mitchell
No other Spartans appeared during the trilogy because that Trilogy was all about chief. There's very few Spartans to begin with, and many of them died defending Reach. So the handful of other Spartans were kept very "safe" on their own missions while chief was the one who always did his own thing
Charles Myers
Sorry OP but not all stories play out like a Disney cartoon
Jacob Torres
Liam Hall
what im saying is, is what you just said, established in halo 1 2 3 reach and ODST, or is it established in halo 4 and 5?
Jeremiah Lewis
During the bungie era, after Halo CE but before Halo 2. 343 just brought it more into focus.
Brayden Long
John Hughes
>Shields hadn't recharged >What is SWAT gametype
Matthew Wright
Devil Survivor Overclcoked, Amane 8th, I was pretty excited to play it because I heard it was an actual good law ending but it barely had anything to do with the angels and was about some pissy deity wouldn't let us have Japan unless we got Naoya to stop being an asshole
Dominic Rogers
I thought the ending was great. being a prequel it was obvious they wernt meant to survive. They way the pulled off the players death was on point. The relentless attacks as your visor begins to crack. the exhaustion setting in. Knowing that death is inevitable but continuing to struggle. Just so you can get one more kill. Take out one more covenant scumbag. It was a warriors death.
I haven't been a fan of the series in years. but that moment was very memorable. Right up there with 1 and 2 imo.
Brandon Reyes
Henry Parker
So do any of you guys here play eldewrito?
Aiden Rogers
It's a fucking terrible ending
I didn't realise Chief was meant to be the "last spartan" though, especially since there are other spartans in Halo 5
Leo Bailey
This was cool and all but the game just kind of abruptly ended after this. I wasn't even expecting it. I thought we were going to go after Pendrew or something, but it gets relegated to a cutscene and Wei just gets off the hook for informing on the Triad.
Gavin Clark
Really? I loved it. It showed Law could actually function without humanity being emotionless robots like most other SMT games, and it set up important work for the MC after the end. Gotta go around punching local gods in the dick so they submit to LAW.
Easily the best law ending in the entire franchise.
Mason Bennett
Yeah bro! I watched the original Scar face on netflix the other night and tony montana just dies at the end! What a shit movie dude!
Ryder Diaz
>playing the worst stalker. >not playing COC. That's you fault.
Caleb Wright
>It showed Law could actually function without humanity being emotionless robots like most other SMT games The issue is that it barely focuses on this, after a quarter of the day has gone by it stops being about the conflicting viewpoints of the angels and Abel and begins to revolve around Okuninushi being a dick, like right after you meet him the angels show up and go "just leave the sinners to us and go deal with that guy" and you never see them again
Evan Hill
Tyler Fisher
>spend 20 hours taking down the bad guy >finally meet up and have the final battle >the moment you kill him (and I do mean the EXACT SECOND that you kill him) it cuts to credits. That's it. Nothing afterward, not even so much as a "THE END" screen.
Brandon Perry
>the original. Holy shit I know it's bait but come on now.
Charles Moore
Say hello to my little friend! *pulls out fishing rod*
Michael Ramirez
You get enough time to see how the world works under law and how it can actually work out well for humanity. And gave purpose. I mean, the only other things you could do is
1. fight angels, which goes against it being the law route in the first place.
2. Fight demons, which already pretty much did with the Bel thing, again pointless.
3. Fight something else. Local gods makes enough sense. And the fights were fun too.
Jayden Gray
>no one posted ME3 yet I'm still mad.
Brayden Adams
Noble 6 couldve fucking escape the destruction, hid until the UNSC returned or even find a ship himself to GTFO and fight another day. Reach is a whole fucking planet after all. But no, he confronted the covenant bastards shortly after the Autumn escaped for no reason and got rekt. Bravo Noble 6.
Matthew Flores
The whole point of reach is you already know the ending before you start. The first thing it shows you is your broken helmet surrounded by a hellscape. Then it immediately cuts to you holding your helmet and it's not broken yet.
Plus, if you played the trilogy beforehand, you would already know that reach was a planet that was destroyed immediately before Halo CE
Dominic Perez
Or option 4. Other demon tamers and try to make them repent for their sins, which is exactly what you had been doing up until Okuninushi showed up, like seriously, the Mark of Death was only relevant like, once
Kevin Butler
They literally glass the planet after.
Luis Thompson
"Remember Reach" was literally the slogan in the marketing for the game. Even if you had never played a Halo game before Reach that should have tipped you off.
Isaac Cox
How exactly would he escape when he is on foot, doesn't have a ship, the planet is surrounded by the largest covenant fleet ever known, and the entire thing is being GLASSED
Brayden Edwards
>"Say hellow to my little friend! >pulls out midget
Gavin Fisher
This was the first ending that made me physically angry
Henry Sanders
what the hell? I beat the big badasses, I"M SUPPOSED TO WIN IT EVEN SAYS IT
Matthew Scott
Fallout 3 was the most frustrating ending I've ever played through. Not just because it's an ending to a game that shouldn't really end, but because it goes out of its way to be illogical in how it does it. A room that shouldn't be radioactive at all is so radioactive that it kills people, but doesn't hurt anyone at all on the other side of a flimsy glass door and wall. You can't order the robot, unharmed by radiation, in to do it. You can't ask your super mutant best friend, unharmed by radiation, to go in and do it. You can't order your conditioned-to-obey ghoul slave, healed by radiation, to go in and do it. You have to go in yourself and die, for quite literally no reason other than it makes for a more dramatic ending, which is almost explicitly the reason your companions give for making you do it.
And the DLC doesn't fix it at all, since it actively calls you out for being a total pussy if you try to do the smart option. And the companion "humorously" lampshades it by going "huh yeah it really does make sense for me to do it yeah". It was just being spat in the face by the developers.
Fallout 3 was when I started thinking that Bethesda isn't just amusingly incompetent at making finished games, but actively contemptuous towards their customers. And I've never seen any reason to doubt that since,
Nolan Sanders
>Plus, if you played the trilogy beforehand, you would already know that reach was a planet that was destroyed immediately before Halo CE Yes I know Reach is destroyed - but that doesn't mean your character has to die. He could still have survived.
Cooper Cruz
Both endings to Radiata Stories.
Nathaniel Butler
This game was really fucking fun, honestly great, but giving us a shit ending, and then locking the final chapter behind obnoxious puzzles was an awful decision. I just fucking gave up once I hit the puzzle wall.
Aiden Watson
Reach is mentioned in Halo 2 and ODST, and in idle marine dialog across 1-3 and ODST, though
Zachary Stewart
He can run with his feet you moron. Thats how he initially gets away. As for the glassing he still couldve found protection underground. During Night Long of Solace (?) New Alexandria (?) was going to get glassed and Noble team hid in a bunker and they made it. You see, as long you dont expect N6 to get a ship and fly directly into a covenant cruiser when he is trying to escape, then you can reasonably expect that he couldve made it.
Nathan Ramirez
There 4s aren't even "watered down" 2s. They're literally just marines with implants, that's it. And anyone who actually cares about Halo lore knows that the implants and suits have almost nothing to do with what a Spartan actually is, which makes the 4s being called "spartan" laughable at best, and a bastardization of the entire Spartan name at worst. Yes I'm mad. Fuck 343i.
Chase Wright
The faction system is pretty comfy tough (when it fucking works)
Angel King
While I agree he probably should have just hopped on the Pillar of Autumn right as it was taking off after he defended it during it's warm up, the ending of reach takes place as the covenant are glassing the planet. He'd have to try and get on a covenant ship somehow.
Caleb Walker
>game starts with YOUR helmet, broken and cracked and buried in the sand >"dude wtf why did I die at the end this fucking sucks"
Charles Morgan
Yes we know that Reach gets destroyed, but your character could still have made it out alive.
It's mentioned right at the beginning of the first game: >As for tracking us all the way from Reach, at light speed my manoeuvring options were limited. @0:58 - youtube.com/watch?v=yTxmVZFWdw4
Joseph Collins
But they shouldn't have written the plot like that. Your team should have got out alive.
I fight through the whole game, and then I can't even live at the end? The covenant kill me? What a bunch of crap, what a fucking terrible ending. Fuck that.
Matthew Davis
chief is the last line of Spartans that were stolen as children and genetically engineered to have big cums, the Spartans in 5 are basically odsts with better armor
Alexander Edwards
>lol just outrun the interstellar deathships filled with probably 1,000,000s of enemy aliens Good plan desu senpai
Juan Morris
t. brainlette that needs a big call of duty QTE explosion ending
Owen Roberts
If Noble Team lived, that would've been the truly terrible ending. Not only would it retcon MC being the last Spartan, but it would rob the story of impact. The fact that your entire team, and eventually you yourself, dies in defence of the planet shows just how badly the humans are losing the war, shows the desperation and tragedy. A much better story than "hurr durr happy ending everyone lived and the BADDIES ARE DEAD!"
Jonathan Wood
Don't know if you played 4 yet but it's endings are much worse. "Duh let's just nuke the most advanced facility on the planet because synths are bad. Let's just keep living like savages 200 years after the war"
Jack Bailey
>i need everything roses and happy
Christian Ward
>Reach ending >Bad
Brandon Hughes
4 was a fucking mess. It kind of holds up with some intrigue until you get to the institute, after that it simply falls apart. Also, the quests in general suck. >Go to this warehouse kill bandits >Go to that hospital kill super mutants >Go to that school kill synths
Jacob Moore
It would be easy to evade considering that N6 is just one spartan. That presumably had the advantage of the covenant not knowing that he was still around. Or did the covenant have a N6 tracker or something?
Alexander Lee
I mean, he fired a stationary MAC into the belly of a Covenant cruiser and destroyed it to let the PoA escape. I'm pretty fucking sure the Covenant would know he was there after that. Plus we have tech right now, in current year, to track someone if we want to, shit like thermals mounted on helicopters. Aliens would definitely be able to track someone down.
>assholes that do nothing but murder towns and stomp down on the commwealth to keep them from building up and developing
Its not like they let super mutants loose into the commonwealth for shits and giggles Its not like they send deathsquads out to murder ever last person in budding towns Its not like they assassinate people that try to improve the commonwealth
dem instetut iz gud boys dey dindu nuffin
Logan Myers
That's assuming that there just so happened to be a bunker that could withstand glassing within running distance that Noble 6 somehow knew about
Charles Cox
This fucking game right here. They basically turn the ending for it into an obvious sequel hook for a sequel that never existed and completely screw everyone over except the mask at the end.
Owen Williams
I agree, what a piece of shit game, the day I blacklisted Bungie as my favorite video game studio.
Christopher Rogers
The covenant killed you plenty of times. You could just respawn in those missions.
Daniel Bailey
shadow of war >devs make it known the game is non canon so they can do whatever >game ends with and then lord of the rings happens
Angel Hall
MC was never truly the last Spartan. He was a legendary hero though
Kevin Davis
>If you started Reach believing that they were going to survive That's the problem with Reach, it tells you the ending right at the start of the game.
Easton Kelly
>unstoppable covenant ass-kicker. >playing on easy >ever Ending makes perfect sense even for heroic, arguably the cannon difficulty of Halo games in general.
Luke Gonzalez
The covenant could reasonably assume that someone was there but, by the time they send forces there, N6 couldve already been long gone and that is the opportunity I was talking about here. Thermals? Dude, go kys. You'd have to find N6 first for something like that to work. But, the N6 tracker thing was very much a joke at your expense because youre acting as if the covenant know where N6 is at all times.
Hudson Butler
They were literally sending forces as he was firing at the ship you moron. What did you think all those Phantoms were coming at you for? They always knew where he was.
Isaiah Reed
Every other Halo game ends with you accomplishing something. With you WINNING. CE: Blowing up Halo 2: Can't remember the ending of 2 3: Destroying the Ark and the replacement Halo 4: Killing the Didact and stopping Earth's population from being turned into Prometheans
And in the end of Reach, you die. Fuck that.
But anyway, as this guy said - - the Chief wasn't the last Spartan, so stop saying that he was.
Austin Cooper
In Reach you save the PoA and allow the MC to go on to complete all those tasks. In some ways, that's the most winnest you can be.
Anthony Brown
Bittersweet endings are patrician tier, the most glorious way to end a story as in life there is nothing more honorable than knowingly giving your life for a cause.
Gavin Rivera
>Have to be genetically a good fit >Have to have a lot of natural intelligence and athleticism >Must train in incredibly harsh conditions for over a decade, starting as a child >Have to prove yourself in combat to an absurd degree >Need to survive the process of being injected among other things
>lol just take these implants and power armor I'll never not be mad at 343i
Kayden Jackson
>In Reach you save the PoA and allow the MC to go on to complete all those tasks. In some ways, that's the most winnest you can be. Reach pisses me off with this.
Carter Allen
Christopher Russell
Yeah I will cede that it completely ruins the lore set up in Fall of Reach, but that's beside the point.
Sebastian Reed
Or assuming that the area around N6 wasnt immediately glassed after the PoA escaped. Which it probably wasnt as the last mission in question shows N6 made it to a different location afterwards. He destroyed all the phantoms you mongrel.
Jaxon Hughes
I'm still mad.
Michael Morris
Oh sorry, I didn't realize that N6, by himself, took out every single Phantom the Covenant bought to Reach. Clearly, since literally every single one was destroyed, the Covenant had no way to track N6 after he destroyed the Covenant ship.
Jackson Watson
>halo 2 you get on a ship and fly away >halo 4's ending is literally a fucking QTE
Aaron Mitchell
bro, anybody that knew anything about Halo knew that noble team was gonna die from the beginning. I was surprised they left Jun's fate ambiguous. the ending is great because it's just survive as long as you can. it's kind of a test of the skills you developed while playing the game. noble 6 had to die, and killing him any other way would be unfair.
James Wood
Eli Watson
My god, Reach had the worst transitions to the next levels in the series.