Where did everyone go on xbox? All my favorite games are dead

Where did everyone go on xbox? All my favorite games are dead
>Halo MCC dead
>Gears Dead
>Halo 5 Dying
>Classic CoD Dead

Is Fortnite all anyone plays? Maybe I'm just used to PC but the online for xbox feels dead

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>Is Fortnite all anyone plays?
From talking to normalfags I'd guess the most played xbox game is pubg, before it got ported it was definitely fortnite.

Fortnite is unironically the most played ps4 game by an absolute mile though, again going by what normies talk about.

I still play a lot of Gears 4 online but I only do KOTH and I never have a problem finding games

Fucking unreal

It makes me wish I could go back in time when MOBAs were killing all the other genres.
No idea how this shit got so popular

You have this pic saved to your computer let that wash over you.

What's wrong with that? If you haven't played pubg it is extremely fun.

Not gonna lie about the gameplay (although it's far better than fortnite or the other rip offs so far), optimisation being crap etc, but the battle royale concept is extremely fun. Duos especially is a wonderful experience, either the most fun I've had since halo 3 or the most fun I've had ever.

CoD is still very popular if you like that.

>It makes me wish I could go back in time when MOBAs were killing all the other genres.
MOBAs will never be popular on console due to being too hard to play with a controller.

>No idea how this shit got so popular
It's because it has zero competitors. That's it. The second a good company like dice clones it the pubgtrain will stop.

Blame streamers and youtubers

literally bit the hand that fed them and they took the fucking arm

completely deserved and warrented due to bad ideas, bad investment, bad marketing and a misunderstanding of their consumer and how far they could push them

I rememeber the xbone E3 it was fucking crucifying interview after interview and EA tier corporate distopia headlines for months and months after

shit was amazing and I will (unless they do something worse ) remember that as Xbox New Coke years from now

im pretty sure this is still the biggest played and sold game ever

Blame this man. Crippled two companies in under 5 years

I buy all multiplayer cross-platform games on the PS4 now for this very reason.

I've only played Fortnite and H1Z1 but both were incredibly boring and stale.

I could get PUBG for steam but it doesnt seem worth it.
I googled it and saved it, took me 10 seconds

literally a yesman

There is always a small autistic community that will never stop playing gears games. Makes it hard for noobs to get into the game, but at least it means there is a community that isn't going to die off.

I'm not sure sales wise. PUBG is very likely to overtake it after ps4, ps5, xbone2 ports considering how well its done on pc and xbox.

Actual player numbers just pay attention to what normalfags talk about irl. Number 1 is definitely pubg. Fortnite, gta v, cod and fifa are then all very similarlyu matched

but most of them are Mexican or South American I didn't think they got the autism

I was talking console really only

You're a pleb.

>I've only played Fortnite and H1Z1 but both were incredibly boring and stale.
Tryit on a friends pc, or buy it and refund if you don't like it. I played fortnite and thought it was crap, played pubg on a friends pc and really enjoyed it.

Pubg is a fad though. Or other companies will make a better version of it. The chink studio behind pubg works way to goddamn fast and the game still feels like an alpha because of it. Fortnite is already a smother experience but too arcady. Wait until Dice and the CoD studio put battleroyal into action in a game that is actually fun to play and has great gun mechanics.

works too slow*

>Pubg is a fad though.
give it a year.

Xbox One's reveal really killed any brand loyalists they had. Absolutely no one can be a fanboy for a company that made it so abundantly clear they didn't give a shit about their consumers.

this is still great


is that all your casual, normal ass can play? fucking first person shooters?

>I was talking console really only

It's going to easily overtake gta v on xbox, it sold 4 million with in the first 3 weeks despite optimisation issues.

>Actual player numbers just pay attention to what normalfags talk about irl. Number 1 is definitely pubg. Fortnite, gta v, cod and fifa are then all very similarlyu matched

This only applies to console. On PC the list is more like league, pubg, dota 2, CS, overwatch

I did already say this, and personally think it will be dice which btfos pubg. Although if pubg has another year with no decent competitors its going to be very hard to catch up

shit i forgot about the tv thing!

they totally cancelled the app didnt they after a year? it doesnt even do tv now does it?


ps4 getting cod was even bigge than i thought

the same dude that leaked BF1 before it was even announced already claims that battlefield 2018 is going to be a vietnam era battle royal game. who knows though

gta sold 15m in the first 2 days

it does tv apps no better than a firestick or chromecast

it has no tv based subscription package, like ps vue offers

you can plug your cable/directv box into it so you dont have to switch back and forth, thats about the best use it has as a "tv" experience

battle royal exclusive? that piss of the battlefield community worse than the star wars debacle

That was both combined for a very marketed game.

PUBG is a "slow and steady" game with zero marketing but word of mouth. It's already completely and utterly btfo gta v on pc, and it will on console.

no no the split screen tthing remember thats what they were talking about at e3 the two programs running at once

it got canned

>PUBG is a "slow and steady
its a fad
gta is slow and steady and actually makes more money last quarter than any point in its lifespan yet 5 years after

pubg wont be her ein 5 years

lol the xbox would shit itself if it tried that

gta online is just as cancer, the broken economy takes a lot of the air out of playing it.

It is the best selling game EVER on pc and I said it would do this when it was at 3 million.

It will be the best selling game on every platform it is released on within the next 3 years.

Screenshot this

>Screenshot this


>It is the best selling game EVER on pc

well gtav is the best selling game EVER. period!

DA Xcooler

Yes, and it's been released on 5 platforms and has been out 5 years As long as it gets a ps4 port it's very easily going to overtake it. Even if it doesn't it most likely will.

Yeah "Snap-an-app" is what it was called. It was okay for playing my vidya and jacking off to anime on the sidescreen, but they removed it because the xbox always crashed if you used it for even a little bit.

pubg doesnt have as much mainstream appeal as gtav plus gtav is jack of all trades

>We have a product for people who are not able to get some sort of [internet] connectivity, it's called Xbox 360

>So stick with 360, that's your message?

Has anyone else exploded so spectacularly as Don Mattrick?


didnt mention that at e3 did they?
because as we know they were running powerful PC cabinets for the e3 takes
god that year was a shitstorm of bad PR!

imagine if xbox did win.. urgh wed be so fucked right now

boogie himself destroyed xbox
i remember his character francis rant god seems like yesterday



Xbone unveil was something special.

Are you a bot?

>The Xbone has been designed from the ground up with constant connectivity in mind!
>The power of "The Cloud"™ really enhances the experience
>There's no chance we can go back and do away with the always online stuff!

Some time later


The early days of Xbone were fucking hilarious

i think turnning it off was actually the nail in the coffin because the SWORE to everyone just like bill clinton that they didnt do it that they couldnt turn it off it was hardware ingrained

fucking LYING KIKE CUNT FUCKERS and it was all so transparent too thats what happens when you fucking disrespect the intelligence of your own consumer

>i think turnning it off was actually the nail in the coffin

Nah, as bad as things were, if they didn't turn off the always online stuff it would have been way worse.

At least this way the worst outcome was some serious egg on their face, and a loss of consumer good will.

If they insisted on selling it as it was insisted (always online), it would have been a huge disaster. Like the kind of disaster that would kill the whole brand of Xbox stone cold dead.

>another Xbox is dead thread

>all of Xbox's most popular games are the ones that get annual or bi annual releases and are multiplayer focused to say the least
You answered your own question

>When you fuck up so badly you cant even convince your retarded amerimongrel core audience to buy your anti-comsumer NSA spy device

Jesus christ
the one time i actually felt a little bit of pride in the american people but just like always they fucking forgave and forgot and ate up the xbox one anyway because they "fixed" it

fucking hell america just get cratered already and leave us alone jesus christ is there anything you wont ruin?


you REALLY fucking think people wouldn't want to play a FREE version of pubg?

fucking dumbasses

that said, xbox is fucking dead after this gen. i couldn't see it continuing. and no, this isn't being stupid, it killed all its franchises, it has no other 3rd party shit that is exclusive that makes me proud to OWN an XB1.

this is easily the fucking worst era for MS, hands fucking down. sorry, it won't be like XB or 360 eras ever again. this ship is sinking and FAST unless they pull out some magic at E3 (which they won't). they will focus on Win10/XB1 shit that isn't NEW FUCKING IP'S

sea of theives was a NICE idea on paper, but they FUCKED IT UP as per usual, fucking crackdown 3 should have been out a fucking year ago, even now kids don't even remember fucking CD1!

>If they insisted on selling it as it was insisted (always online), it would have been a huge disaster. Like the kind of disaster that would kill the whole brand of Xbox stone cold dead.

and youre saying this isnt the case because....? fuck off shill

>you REALLY fucking think people wouldn't want to play a FREE version of pubg?
no one said that you low iq faggot. fuck your entire post is autistic

>sorry, it won't be like XB or 360 eras ever again
>apologizing for it being like ps2 era instead

yeah, nah

>Shit on Xbox for crappy practices

Sure. Thanks for the cash Bill.

Unless they get some actually good and meaty exclusives, yeah, it's over.
Crackdown 3 is another Sunset Overdrive: an action game with no challenge, just explosions.

Sea of Thieves is similar in that it's a pirate shenanigans game with no depth, at least from the surface of what we've seen.

That only really leaves Forza for the fans of that series.

None of their exclusives have any single player or split screen meat to them, and they've lost their edge in online infrastructure

xbox brand IS stone cold dead tho user
unless youre hoping MS plan to just try and float it till everyone forgets the xbox one launch happened.. which is actually kinda gonna happen for kids who are like 15 now wont remmber that e3

who cares if they do announce exclusives?
its not like anyone can actually trust MS anymore that the game will even come out or exist in a year anyway

they drop more IPs than a drone drops children

does it still run at 23 fps at x1

downhill with the wind behind it maybe

it's been more than 4 years and there has still never been an Xbox One game with visuals or physics that are enhanced by the cloud.

>xbox brand IS stone cold dead tho user

35 million lifetime sales is not bad. Is it where they want to be? Certainly not, especially with PS4 currently at double that figure.

But it's not "dead". All the shit they are doing now is proof of that. If they were dying, or planning to exit the market, why bother releasing the Xbone 1 X?

Why bother with Gamepass, or whatever that thing is called?

What they are doing is laying a groundwork to win that consumer goodwill back, and guess what? People are retarded, and they will forget, they will let bygones be bygones.

Anytime anyone says on here that "[company} IS DEAD" it's an over reaction, and you should know better than to parrot that baseless crap.

Did a Xbox rape someone’s sister cause there are a lot of xbone shit posting threads today.

That was my point. It was all bullshit.

>35 million lifetime sales is not bad.
thats sales to stores not sale sto the consumer.
after ps3 overtook xbox sales they started never releasing actual sales data MS are massive faggots

>PS4 currently at double that figure.
76m this year sold to actual people in peoples hands

No new exclusives worth playing. Multiplats better on PS4 and PC. The most powerful console ever made means nothing without games. What the fuck were they thinking?

I know, I'm just reiterating in case any of the Xbros here wanna defend it. The whole thing was a load of shit because the Xbox One was weaker than the PS4. 4 years later they were excited by the prospect of paying $500 for new hardware to finally pass the PS4.

>why bother releasing the Xbone 1 X?
you should look up HD DVD and all the shit tey did with that

its a business trick, look up the behind the scenes shit they did with HS DVD spending billions JUST to muddy the water and confuse the market for the Bluray

MS do some dark shit man they are not abbove corporate sabotage or forcing an inferior product out and holding back the market to gain $$$

>76m this year sold to actual people in peoples hands
That's damn impressive

The PS4 is a beast in sales

>4 years later they were excited by the prospect of paying $500 for new hardware to finally pass the PS4.

The funniest part is that even the PS4 Pro is easily outselling the XB1X in the 4K variants of the console, despite being the weaker console

fastest selling console of all time bro

>The funniest part is that even the PS4 Pro is easily outselling the XB1X in the 4K variants of the console, despite being the weaker console
Not sure that's true but my point was more that Microsoft promised something that was absolutely ridiculous and never delivered it. They never even mention the cloud now because they know it was all a scam to get people to overlook the inferior value of the Xbox One.

Post source


not MY source from actually being there years ago but here is a reputable source but i literally just googled it

its common knowledge newfag
were you not around during 360?

Xbox used to BE the ones touting sales every day untill they started fucking losing

buch of fat fucking mongrel spics

Xbox Ones are basically just Microsoft brand steam boxes now that most shit is available on Windows 10.
I ended up selling my Xbox One to buy a PS4 Pro after I found out I could play Forza and Gears on my PC now.

>As for the Xbox One, shifting 1.2 million consoles this quarter and five million to-date is reasonably good, but there’s a lot of questions about what “sold in” means versus “sold through.” The term “sell in” is used when a manufacturer sells parts into the channel. “Sell through” is used when a company sells products directly to the end customer.

this is for the retards out there to know the difference between sony and MS sales

If someone wants a consoley console, they'll go with Nintendo. If someone wants good games but is too much of a brainlet to use a PC, they'll get PS4. Why the fuck would anyone get an Xbox?

So you have a article from 2015 that says we don't know and they aren’t telling and you are making assumptions from that at least get something current like vgchartz numbers

Forza horizon 3 and ngb all day bro


i mean i fucking spelled it out for you because clearly you aere around 5 years ago ish newfag i did a google search and picked the one from a decent website but fuck if im gonna convince you you abulatory fetus

fucking do your own research. everyone else was around at the time and or knows better im not your fucking mother , cunt

You need help dude its just video games.

You don't get to call someone a brainlet while typing like a retard. I bet you're not even Finnish.

PUBG only got an Xbox port to sell Xbox One Xs because the game runs like piss otherwise

XDF in full force

No, just a mustard who can't read brainlet.