>mocked by everyone before the game came out
>"Siwa... home... at least it was before I fucked everything up"
>turns out to be one of the best characters in the series
What went right?
>mocked by everyone before the game came out
>"Siwa... home... at least it was before I fucked everything up"
>turns out to be one of the best characters in the series
What went right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>this is literally the only marketing I’ve seen for this game
Nothing I guess
>>turns out to be one of the best characters in the series
He's not the worst but the writing in the game is bad in general. Not as bad as Mass Effect Andromeda, but still. It's like they got a high school student to write for the game. Bayek is OK, they lay on the loving father and husband too thick for him to be actually interesting though.
Ezio remains the best AC character in my opinion.
He was a historically accurate ethnic Nubian, not Egyptian.
I liked Edward the most
>turns out to be one of the best characters in the series
That's because most asscreed protags are bottom of the barrel tier
what game?
>muh son
>muh wife
>muh egypt
>>turns out to be one of the best characters in the series
He was barely better than Connor. The game was boring as fuck. One of the most vapid grindy open world games I've played in a while. Slightly worst than Watch Dogs.
>still playing Assassin's Creed games
Among his competition were Altair, Connor, and the male half of that duo from Syndicate. Being the best character out of that lot wasn't a high bar to clear.
The thing I don't understand is how he looks meditarrean on bith artwork and merchandise, but is skin is black as fuck ingame even when doesn't have negroid face features.
It's like Black Flag but even better.
Are we ever going to get an AssCreed set in Asia? I don't even care if they give them British accents. I just want something new.
I'd argue he was the most "normal" AC protag. Like, Altair was a cold blooded assassin, Ezio was pretty obviously fucked up by his family dying, Connor was similar, Edward was a randy dandy pirate, Arno was basically a kid who kept fucking up, and the Frye twins were walking memes.
Bayek just feels like a normal dude by comparison, banters with his buddies, isn't overly angsty or mysterious, has a stable marriage. It's almost refreshing.
>stable marriage
>mfw they "take a break"
I still want to know why they decided to relegate Assassin's Creed China to 2.5D, like cmon, people have been asking for a chinese/japanese setting since like the first game.
Did we play the same game? Bayek is a revengefag and his marriage died with his son.
>I liked Edward the most
Which game?
I don't know, he's Egyptian, I thought they were all pseudo-nigs
watch dogs
How is that assassins creed
I don't think Bayek would be a revengefag if not for the whole weird "Khemu won't get to the afterlife if he doesn't kill anyone involved with his murder" bit. And he actually was trying to get somewhat save his marriage, he was talking to Aya about how they'll go back to Siwa and live a peaceful life again and all that. Aya's the one who wants to start a super illuminati cult.
Living your whole life in the desert does that to you. Also, I don't think he's as much mediterranean as he is middle eastern, and for them, once they skinned has tanned to a point, it doesn't really go back.
Are you aware every black person doesn't have the same facial features?
What should the next setting be?
Here'd what ubisoft is considering, apparently.
>Not picking Invasion of the Americas, Russian Revolution, or Feudal Japan
Why am I so shy?
They are considering some of the 2d spinoff settings for a main game, see
All 3 fucking sucks. Next game is in Judea or Rome and is sequel to Origins.
Low exposure to social situations
Like 5 to 10 years down the line
Though anything middle/dark ages would be cool. Vikings too.
>What went right?
There wasn't 50000 hours of him bumbling around like a fucking retard learning how to punch someone in the face and going WHAT DO I DOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
No, he picks up on it pretty quickly after accidentally chopping his finger off
They're confirmed to be in the same universe. Your boss in the Modern sections of Black Flag goes missing after going on a business trip, and it turns out you kill him as Aiden Pierce in WD.
It's even confirmed as canon in Origins via Layla's email.
Only Brotherhood and Black Flag / Origins team should be allowed to make AC games.
>Sup Forums its tsundere as fuck for Ubisoft its embarassing
>The few R6S threads are pretty comfy around here
>they keep screaming ´´For honor is dead`` but when people make a for honor threads it stays for quite a while
>says they hates Asscreed...except the Ezio trilogy...and black flag...and rogue...
Honestly, I like that despite being a huge company, they're starting to take more risks and learn from their mistakes. Rainbow Six Siege is easily one of the most intense games I've ever played in my life, and there's really nothing else like For Honor on the market. Hell, even though I've sworn off Ass Creed since III, I'm still pretty impressed by what I've seen of Origins.
Still, everytime I think Ubisoft, there's gonna be a voice in the back of my head reminding me of Watch Dogs so I'm still wary.
>best character in the series
>his wife basically steals all his glory and the best kills, his wife is the one who gets a statue and is cemented in assassin history, etc.
Nah, Bayek got cucked hard in his own game. Shit was depressing.
Like him even better than Ezio but he honestly doesn't look super black to me desu.
>All 3 fucking sucks
how does it feel having shit taste?
I honestly think there's nothing interesting at all about ancient egypt.
>Frye twins were walking memes.
Said the Trump supporter.
How does it feel that I don't care about spic's opinions? When you grow up to receive your own foodstamps you'll realise that no one fucking cares about each other's taste unless you are insecure idiot.
It's not even "ancient" Egypt. It's 50 BC. I'm actually surprised at the level of technology that's even in the game.
I would like genghis and russian revolution. Gotta meet the romanov girls.
I'm not a spic, the only insecure idiot here is you if you can't comprehend that people can actually appreciate shit if their culture is the one that did it
>Invasion of the Americas
>Initially fucking other jungle hues with obsidian blades, have leather and fur gear, etc.
>2nd part of the game reveals Spanish gear, including guns
DLC2 is gonna be a massive mindfuck with all that mythological shit in Upper Egypt
I just hope it's longer than DLC1 but it should be, given that DLC1 is quite cheap and I finished it in one evening.
>Arno was basically a kid who kept fucking up
He had no development whatsoever, it's really bizarre. He's the same and does the same things at the beginning and at the end, he's just sadder, but his life boils down to disobeying people and then drink his ass off as a tantrum.
>stable marriage
Your wife appearing once in a blue moon to fuck you so you continue to listen to her is not what a stable marriage is, user.
Do you think Aya got some Roman bulls to fuck her in Rome while Bayek maintained Brotherhood in Memphis?
I don't like their past downgrades but I like that they don't just abandon their IP. They admitted they fucked up and asked for help from players for the division. They actually wasted money to fly them around so I can at least respect that.
Only the Maya (who were a shadow of their former self) and actual tribal groups I say '"actual" here because tribal cultures were actually rare: The majority of the region, not just the Aztec and Maya was urban and were actual political states, with an average city size of 30k people: Only the jungles to south and the northern deserts had tribes lived in the jungles: Most of Mesoamerica was dry, but still temperate valleys/plains and actual arid deserts.
First DLC is worth it for Bayek's official Assassin robes
i wanna climb that
I agree except for the marriage. That was doomed when Khemu died, no one was holding them together.
Bayek looks a little like a really dark skinned Desmond with his hair cropped short like that.
Yeah... is a fun but really short DLC
At least the weapons in there are awesome
I've always thought that Bayek kinda has Ezio's nose.
What if Ubi's using a B team to develop AC: Rise of the Templars instead of having it as a fleshed out game?
He also has the lip cut
Go to Guatamala, Belize, or Mexico, you can still climb a lot of the pyramids there.
The pyramid in you can still climb, it's one of the big pyramids at Teotihaucan, pic related
Also if you look up more images of teotihaucan it's worth noting only the main roadway, a few pyramids, and a few buildings (mostly temple and apartment complexes) remain from the original city If you look at aerial photos, it'll just look like the two pyramids and a road surrounded by fields and some modern buildings; but at it's height in around 200-400 AD, the city extended out to like 20+ square kilometers and had 100,000-150,000 people living in it, pic and video related
Pic related: Ezio
>yeah we totally built all of that, it wasn't the AYYs at all
again, not a spic user. And there's a pretty clear line of architectural lineage with how pyramids were made in mesoamerica that you can trace back all the way tto early, less impressive small maya and olmec pyramids; so not aliens, user.
If you wanna see *really* crazy shit, go look up inca and pre-inca andean masonry, pic related
>describes all the AC games