If you play adult gohan you're a massive spamming faggot with no skill
Other urls found in this thread:
get good
if i'm spamming then counter it you cuck
t. assblasted Black player
They hated Jesus because he told them the truth
alternatively, if you use Teen Gohan, you're probably a low tier hero
And if you play Goku Black and Kid Buu go die in a fucking fire
Kid Buu is literally the only character that needs a nerf. Blackfags and Gohanpedros are easily dealt with.
What's the best 3 man team?
I've been running Yamcha, Tien, and Krillin, feel free to call me a faggot
What a bitch lmao
I've never had a problem with kid buu, he's extremely predictable
If you make threads like these you're a massive whining faggot with no skill
Literally the worst team I've ever seen, tien and yamcha are the worst characters in the game and krillin is below average
I've got nothing but for someone who runs full [TEAM EARTH].
Damn this dude has no idea what he's talking about
t.mains cell/black/vegeta
Yamcha's great, what are you talking about?
90% of yamcha's moveset are extremely easy to predict and block wolf dang fists and tiens telekinesis move is literally useless and he puts out more damage to himself than he can to the enemy
None of those actually
>tiens telekinesis move is literally useless and he puts out more damage to himself than he can to the enemy
Telekinesis is + on block, tracks the enemy, blows up SD and leads to an easy combo on hit. It's a perfect meaty that covers all tech options. And he does easy 5k meterless damage with a single assist midscreen, and a hard knockdown, to boot. You have no fucking clue what you are talking about.
>Now if you excuse me imma about to play as Hit and Black because i'm so good at this game!
You know it's true
Who's your team, sweetie
Android 16/gotenks/android 18
not him, but:
1.18 isn't an anchor
2. Gotenks is considerably worse than both Yamcha and Tien
>women in charge of playing fighters
>female gamer
>implying her tech matters
What sounds does he make?
Any Krillin tips?
I feel like he's so limited in the air, I try my best to knock the opponent right back down after a launch
>measly 2k damage into reset
You want Tien tech, don't you?
Just follow this guy.
It's a trap nigga. You should've known
>Bought this
>Barely touched it past 5 minutes practicing because i'm too wrapped up in Elder Scrolls Online
honestly, how much am I missing here? Is this the fightan goty or is it overhyped? Also, when's Broly?
So is Teen Gohan secretly top tier because everyone's playing the intro-level characters or something?
No. All he has is gorilla damage. Adult Gohan is better in every conceivable way.
>tfw goin to play Trunks and Vegeta SSGSS against these fags
Though i dont know who to pick as a third
How did that thing not murder him in his sleep?
Vegeta for ultimate dad combo also broken lockdown assist for them
nice meme Sup Forums
ok but can Tien do 50% meterless?
Someone here use Tien? i need some tips so i won´t waste my supers and end dying for that
No more (You)s, ruseman.
ha ha, time for freeform jazz
Then how should i position them?
I don't play DBFZ but it seems like you fighting game newcomers ITT could use a primer on the "scrub mentality" and how to avoid it. Behold, the one good thing Sirlin ever did aside from his ST tutorials:
Not stop saying dumb shit and using dumb terms like cheap, dishonest, spam, etc.
I read somewhere that when Goku SSGSS or Vegeta SSGSS faints and you have their SSJ version in the team they just switch transformation, is that true?
Ayy, Krillin/Tien/Yamcha here too. I think the team has surprisingly good synergy and has a lot of potential overall.
Yes? I already told you he could do it with an assist (most assists, even).
Tien barely needs meter. He does good damage and knockdowns meterless, which lead into mixups.
that's pretty cool
So, can you convert hard knockdowns into an extended combo with assists? I figure some assists are better than others, for that.
No, hard knockdowns can only lead into supers. And conveniently, you can't Z Change into supers that lead into combos (like Hellzone Grenade or Niagara Pummel).
>doing some casuals
>at some point in a match, opponent does a raw tag
>currently have Piccolo out, punish with 2H
>don't have any meter, so can't really do anything except a regular air combo, end with j.H to knock him away
>he immediately super dashes after waking up
>punish with 2H again
>repeat 5x until dead
fighting scrubs is fun
>All these black people on Twitter roasting the shit out of Kid Buu players
Holy fuck my sides.
I need examples.
Post screencaps
>Play with friend for a while
>Try to be patient, play defensively, bait out his shit, etc
>Get my ass handed to me like 8 times in a row
>He says last match
>I say fuck it and just go balls in, never let up the pressure
>Stomp him and win with 3 characters alive
Well then
1. it's fake
2. if he really treated it like a housecat the thing would think he's so alpha he's just tolerate it. Africans do the same shit and just walk up casually to steal meat from lions, the lions don't call the bluff and fuck off.
Adult Gohan has the best cqc abilities
Would Piccolo fit into my team as mid if my other characters are 21 (point) and Frieza (anchor)?
this niggas shit is stupid
I'm going to beat some fashion sense into you
The ones that stood out to me were
>Kid Buu players never touched a tiddy
>Kid Buu players stick their dicks between couch cushions and huff paint
Is Tien a point? I see many put him as anchor, but his meterless damage with assists is pretty good.
Everyone needs to read this at least once, damn
DLC when?
on a scale from 1 to 10
i use two teams
goku black/cell/beerus
>Get oppoent down to last character
>it's adult gohan
>"he's gonna raw level 3 right after the clash animation ends"
>he does the raw level 3 after the clash animation ends
>knock him down
Every time
While that wasn't even the point, I hadn't realized that Tien can do spike after j.2H. I had just ended his air stuff with ether jLMH or LM qcfL.
Who /dunkin/ here?
>Get hit by a super
Fuck this shit
He goes
Best super in the game.
Red Rooster main reporting for duty!
Why is fighting black and frieza as 16 so painful?
Blue trash here, how do I stop getting my shit kicked in
>inb4 play the tutorial lmao
Every round plays out like this
>start match
>play neutral, might get in a few hits
>eventually get combod
>get out of it
>try and do something
>go straight back into combo
>repeat until loss
>A network error occurred. Could not connect to the lobby
Never touching ranked because of this. Barely 100 casual matches.
play the tutorial lmao
Arc Sys are not used to more than 500 people playing their games online at once.
>18 wins
>82 games played
I'm embarassed :(
>winning a match
>oh you've been disconnected from the lobby, so we'll disconnect you from the game too
fucking niggers
>2 wins
>2 games played
don't sweat it too much, just keep practicing, learning punishes, and keep playing. What matters is that you start to improve, not your W/L record for the first month or two
>daily reminder that he will eventually be added as DLC
I have a 58% WR with Piccolo anchor and I'm just starting to fight people who really know what they're doing. Am I going to get my boy hole pounded or is the meta still kinda malleable at this point and time?
The last time I really was focused on fighting games was SF4 w/ vanilla DJ.
>19 games
>11 wins
I'm ding dong diddly liking where this is going.
>Worried about getting your boyhole pounded
Shouldn't have picked Doc.
You son of a gun
>disconnected when on last character
I swear I'm not ragequitting, please understand
Seriously this, the hub world music is trash too
>21 has the dose colors as her number 6
They know
Nothing is worse than Xenoverse 2's fucking nightmare circus music.
>Want to play some singles with a friend
>You can't invite him to a room and play matches as if it were local
>You have to align yourselves onto the correct server, in the correct room, create a ring match, and have your friend type in the password, and then hope there's enough ring room slots left on the server to let you have room to play
>Also you have to go back to the lobby every time you want to change characters or stage/BGM
>Also if one of you happens to disconnect it doesn't even put you back in the same server, instead it closes the ring match and puts both of you in different, random servers and rooms
This always-online lobby system is the worst thing I've ever seen.
>the sound Vegetable makes when KURIRIIN is manhandling him
Which is weird because some of the music is god tier.